I R 8EA5T, here me roar!

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Last Login: 07/16/2013 3:41 am

Registered: 08/28/2006

Gender: Male

Location: behind you


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"Let me tell YOU something about YOU that YOU don't know!" --Ron White

EVERYBODY'S CRAZY!!! You are, too, and don't try to deny it cause you're fooling yourself! So the question you should ask yourself isn't "Am I crazy?" but rather "To what extent am I crazy?" To answer that question, I've created a scale that determines the level and intensity of your psychosis. There are 10 levels, level 1 being the most sane and level 10 the most insane. The intensity of each level (plotted horizontally) increases exponentially from one level to the next. Here is the link to the scale:

The Crazy Scale

And now, the link to the main page, which has buttons representing the different levels:

Crazy Pics Main Page

You may copy the link to the buttons and place whatever one best describes your psychosis on your profile. You are in no way obligated to do this, but if you do at least be honest to yourself and to others.


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This is the first journal I've started other than those required for school. It's a public journal, so don't expect any private information. Constructive criticism is acceptable, but libel and spam will not be tolerated. Enjoy!


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Mongoose J. A Report | 06/02/2009 11:07 pm
Mongoose J. A

for fun

Mongoose J. A Report | 05/22/2009 2:53 pm
Mongoose J. A
8EA5T Report | 12/03/2008 1:11 pm
Hello Immer, long time no see. But just in case you forgot, I'm going by the name 8EA5T now. So how are you?
Immer Du Report | 12/03/2008 9:38 am
Immer Du
*runsandglomps* HAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWK! <3<3 *squees*
Cobalt Flash Report | 10/17/2008 10:13 am
Cobalt Flash
whoa, your profile is flashy biggrin
Mongoose J. A Report | 07/19/2008 7:18 pm
Mongoose J. A
8EA5T Report | 04/28/2008 4:09 am
Mongoose J. A Report | 04/22/2008 7:29 pm
Mongoose J. A
hey buddy.....hows it hangin!?
InfinitysDaughter Report | 04/10/2008 9:37 pm
>_____________________________> *poke*
Rain Skyward Report | 01/30/2008 5:22 am
Rain Skyward
thank you but i think you misunderstand. my Shooting Star is a trasportation technique; saves me a bundle on plane tickets and borring car rides
