pon and zi <3

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Live life to the fullest.iloveyou.♥

This is Me..

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What every girl wants.



__DFX-CelesteEBB__'s avatar

Last Login: 05/17/2016 12:14 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 05/11

Random things i have recently said:

"I tried putting this icon on yer profile but it was trying to lick its elbow. Yes, I know icons dont have elbows, but it's determined."

"Well arent you just a ray of effin' sunshine."

"I Hyrule, people don't care if I randomly come into their houses and take their belongings."

"I wanna be a sky pirate when I grow up!"


"Bobbin winder- this spindle holds the bobbin while the thread is wound from the thread spool to the bobbin."

"Look who has enough license points to wear a pimp hat to school!"

"Im still effin healing!...because Im damaged..! dangg; leave me the frick alone."

"hypnotic sharpies blind you and when your rolling on the floor crying because you cant see, then they steal your biscuits.."

"Im not lying! I did see the easter bunny humping my sister who was minding her own business eatin her carrots! DX"

mah moosic

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

mahhh :D

Celeste is meh :3

Things I like:

~Music {{Classic Rock, Techno, Metal, Emo}}
~Friends n rainbows
~Food {{high metabolisim babe}}
~Power Rangers
~Hot Topic and Journeys
~Rainy Days and Wednesdays
~World Of Warcraft and Gaia
~Pandas, Hippos, and Octupuses.

Things I dislike:

~People with the phobia of gay people
~My wrists and shins
~Ugly Haters
~the color gold
~Being in large groups of people i dont know
~Soft Rock
~Wannabe Whores
~Dumb people

Well first off, my future job is going to be serving in the military as a seal corpman. right now with my dad helping and a few classes I am a perfessional photographer! I take pictures of anything but mostly people. if you would like to see some of my work just ask. as I have many known sites with my pictures I am not an artist but everyone at school knows my work. Guys always seem to crush on me and i get asked out by about 2 guys every other day. Wednesdays and rainy days are my best most lucky days. this week I am doing SAT's till the end of the week. I could be in advanced classes if I choose to. I am not a liar i WILL be straight out with you and state my opinon. my bday is on mothers day. I have many friends so you could say I am popular or im basically someone everybody knows, people know me in a good way but i am not one of those preppy people I would do anything if i set my mind to it and i am not afraid of anything besides the dark (outside) and being alone. my favorite colors are purple (not the bright baby kind) and lime green I love rainbows to death. I fully support gay people they should have every right to be in love as straight people it should not matter what sex they are. its love and love can conquer anything. my favorite animals are hippos, octupuses, and pandas. I love to write and I have never had a good dream in my life I always dream of nothing or something horrible. my most hated saying is "i cant do it" or "I hate you" or "thats so gay" I love horror movies and comedy. Im in love with music. I want snakebites. I tease my hair . look up scene and thats who i am. i hate country and hip-hop with all my heart i love metal I also love classic rock like metallica, kiss, the carpenters, and the beatles!!! hopefully that is good enough for now..just pm me or comment me for more info!


Everytime I see a blade of grass coming through the cement, I just think it is so effin' heroic<3