
Name: Rae(or Kitty or Rainy depending on who you are)
Age: 14 bishes^^
Likes: Dark things, horror, rain, storms, debates, reading, writing, drawing, Jack, WARIKSS, anime, manga, and such thing that will appear in my journel^^
Dislikes: Preps, idiots, assholes, hypocrytes, gay bashers, people who discriminate, dying phones, the Sun, light colors, people who think they know me, and things that I will write later.
Food: German food and Asian food
Drink: Diet Cola
Song: New Routine and Revolving Dora
Book: Wuthering Heights, Cell, Tithe, Valient, Ironside
Movie: Serenity, The Desent, Audition, Ju-on, Sixteen Candles, A Scanner Darkly
TV: Firefly, Buffy, Angel, Family Guy, Futurama
Anime: Elfen Lied, Dokuro-chan, Inuyasha, Naruto, Ranma 1/2
Manga: Ouran High, all above

K, I am Rae bitches. Don't make me mad. Um, I like to draw and write poetry. I like scary things and Halloween is my fave holiday. I am bi, I don't care what you guys think^^ I am also atheist, once again, I don't care what you think. I am Liberal and i believe firmly in equal rights for EVERYONE! So, if you are a person who discriminates against others, I warn you, I am dressed to kill. I will write in my journel about random s**t.....


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