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Well as you can see i am me
I love drawing/painting, hanging out with friends and cooking
I'm more into desserts and I'm gonna be a chef
so yer I'll add more in when i feel like it


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It just lik random thoughts or wat i did or how i feel lik wateves


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Etnad Consaime Traiche Report | 03/06/2008 3:13 pm
Etnad Consaime Traiche
[haha. cool! i hate being alone in this house. (it's because of stuff that prevously happened in this house and being alone in it makes me remember it.) haha. omb. i LOVE my ne vid. it's ******** fantastical. i can not stop watching it! and the begining i HAVE to watch. 'cause sometimes i just minimize it so i can listen to it, but the begining when he's like "mawaru mawaru sekai wa mawaru tatoe boku ga inaku nattemo." oh... i hate when girls do that... 'cause i have a guy who i'm SUPER close with and that happened to him... so ja... but it's not your fault who you like. so it's all good. CX gah. i've been so happy thanks to Miyavi! i swear i'm never going to love another guy like i love him. gah parents kinda suck. xoxo.]

[雅♥r withapassion.],
Etnad Consaime Traiche Report | 03/04/2008 10:33 pm
Etnad Consaime Traiche
[omb. i love this layout it's awesome Miyavi makes me feel... GAH! SOOO GOOD! i'm just cmnting really quick then i have to sleep 'fore i get in trouble. do you need any gold? i have like 8K haha. i'm gonna do the vid right after this cmnt. hot guys are AWESOME! XD haha. you're so lucky there's not alot of hott guys at our school... X( i'm srry. i dun bug with BF's. i just dun give a s**t to have 'em. the only guy i want is Miyavi. i'd have him over ANYONE. 'cause he makes me feel so good. XD get that guy! you should have any guy you want, though famous people are hard to get. XD haha. gah. i really have to go! i'll cmnt tomorrow/today. XD haha. xoxo]

Etnad Consaime Traiche Report | 03/03/2008 4:46 pm
Etnad Consaime Traiche
[haha. i like the way your hair is anyway. but the brown one is less brighter. XD haha. so i changed my layout and i totally love it and! i might go to acen! omb. i'm so stoked! i have to ask my hommie if she can drive me then i can go! and i'm getting a new iPod! maybe tomorrow or Wed! gah. i'm so stoked! so i came home today to find fried rice and apple pie for me. and today was spent talking about hott guys and almost creaming in class. haha. i COULD NOT get Miyavi and Sun Ki out of my head! gah. it was deadly. 'cause now i have a buncha plans to kidnap them. XD haha. gah. people who are half korean and half japanese are SOOO HOTT! we call them gods at our school 'cause they are always the hottest of the hotts. XD haha. gah. i need to listen to Miyavi! oh if you change your passy and whatnot, like wanting me to do the vid the pm the vid url and the new passy and it'll tell you when i've completed it. i'm happy about my layout. i made the banner but the bg pic dame from the imt and all the headers i made and gah. i love Miyavi!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha. i'm probly gonna end up creaming myself if i keep watching vids of him. XD haha. oh snizhap! you gots some loves from Brittany! haha. xoxo.]

Etnad Consaime Traiche Report | 03/02/2008 8:14 pm
Etnad Consaime Traiche
[hi! true. i just learned of an HOTT korean model. omb. he's so hott! i am currently obsess with him! XD haha. aw. i'm srry. i dun chat much only on weekends when my bestfriend is at her dads. but i'm writing a story right now and it's eleven pgs long. i think that's the longest i've ever written 'sepcial since it hasn't even been a day yet since i started and i've had a bunch of stops along the way, like food, br, and this. haha. ooo! sexy. hit on him! XD haha. flirting is fun! i love music! omb. Miyavi is so hot... i think i might change my vid to a Miyavi vid. 'cause he's... gah. orgasmic. haha. go to account and on the side there shoulc be a thingy that says 'multimedia' and you put the url in there and it you want it to autostart you put &autoplay=1 at the end of the link. i need to change my layout too. and i need to cmnt other peeps. btw, love the new hair. oh! and if you can't get the vid then tell me. oh wait. never mind. i dunno if you trust me enough to get onto your account and do it myself. 'cause all you'd have to do is give me the link and change your passy to 'brittany' and when i put it on you can change it back. i do it for my bestfriend alot. my one bestfriend doesn't change her passy anymore though. XD haha. she trusts me to make it fantastical and not ******** it up. btw, srry i haven't been able to cmnt i've been so busy and i have a bunch of s**t going on at home. but ja. i dun have alot of time. so i kinda have to go X( sadness. but i'll cmnt you tomorrow definately! <3 xoxo.]

Etnad Consaime Traiche Report | 02/27/2008 5:09 pm
Etnad Consaime Traiche
[haha. hott days suck. i have freezing balls days. haha. uh... the School Lies ep? haha. i know all the episodes. XD haha. eh ANTM is kinda... stupid to me. 'cause i just can't stand how skinny the models are. music is AMAZING. i LOVE music. i am a huge music freak. and a movie freak. omb. i watched 30 Days Of Night yesterday, it was prty good. and it had the first episode of Blood + on it. but i've already seen that ep a bajillion times. XD haha. i have four things of hw almost everyday. so you're lucky. haha. oh yeah i hate speechs but my bestfriend wrote my 'hero' speech it was amazing. XD haha. i wish i could just skip to college, 'cause i know i'll be amazing there. 'cause it's all notes and tests. and i'm basically amazing at tests. and notes i'm prty good at it. XD haha. haha cool i think i'ma change how my avi looks right now. ttylz! xoxo!]

Etnad Consaime Traiche Report | 02/25/2008 10:05 pm
Etnad Consaime Traiche
[nope. i have a friend who was a totally like hypocrite. he said that him, his bestfriend, and his bestfriend's GF were forever, but when his bestfriend and his GF broke up he became a total d**k to her even though they were like bestfriends too. gah. i hate forever. i always say 'always' haha. i ******** love cartoons! they are the shiznite! XD haha. ew. wtf were they throwing mud at you? i hate mudd, the look of it and the feel of it makes me feel icky. haha. but then again i'm kinda a germaphobe. haha. i love music videos. i love music. tomorrow's gonna be terrible without headphones. yeah we were talking about how boys are kinda stupid today in American Studies. you can buy some stuff that's cheap? haha. so today was basically terrible. this morning i was late to Dr Ed. then i had simulation instead of seminar. which i needed seminar 'cause i forgot to do my s**t for American Studies and now the page with my fcking shiz won't open so i'm gonna be screwed again tomorrow. and then i was late to Math and my teacher wouldn't let me in. so i was standing outside the class banging in the door and he was just standing at the door staring at me. then in Strides(P.E.) we went rollar skating and i feel and hurt my ankle(it's better now) but it hurt really bad for awhile. then in American Studies i failed 'cause i forgot about my project and s**t and with all the fighting and constant verbal abuse i couldn't even do it. and gah. i suck so bad. and so much more happened but i gotta go to sleep 'cause i gotta get up early 'cause the bus is coming 5o mins earlier. so ja. i'll ttyl. afterschool i'll tell you the rest. oh! and i lost my headphones so i was going through like withdrawl today. i have never been longer then an hr without music and today i was an hr and fourty mins. gah. it was terrible. and ja. ttylz! xoxo.]

Etnad Consaime Traiche Report | 02/22/2008 11:33 pm
Etnad Consaime Traiche
[haha. i got kicked outta catholic school for getting into a fight wih this dude who wouldn't stop pissing me off. and now i might get into a fight again on Monday. 'cause of stuff i can't quite say right now. but i love kickingass it's fun! XD haha. i LOVE "abc check"! it's the most amazing creation EVER! haha. ja i hate it. my mom is pissing me off with all this to no extent. it makes me just wanna beat a btch. haha. i love the Family Guy episode when they were watching a basket ball game and Peter was hungry and then the cheerleader started doing erotic dancing and then chicken came outta her shirt! haha. XD that was so funny. i love that show. i have no hw for math since i was home sick the day i was supposed to have math. XD haha. yeah i forget stuff alot, but certain stuff with stick with me for a REALLY long time. (i dun believe in forever.) i love Fairly Odd Parents and Spongebob! me and my bestfriend watch it all the time then argue about random shiz it's so fun! XD haha. we're currently totally obsess with this sho called The Whitest Kids U'Know it's one of the funniest shows i have ever seen! omb. it makes me cry i laugh so hard! ooo! i likes your hair! very prty! i'm hopefully getting my hair trimmed tomorrow, but i kinda dun know whats going down, 'cause... alot happened tonight. that was prty terrible. gah. i wish i could tell you but i can't when i can i will. 'case i am so mad at the whole situation i'm shaking really bad from anger and i'm nervous that i'll do something stupid so i'm eating alot and gah. i hate this. haha. ja i love that song too. i love this song i have on right now, but i'ma change it in a second to a Korean song, 'cause i absolutely LOVE the vid. my bestfriend Paige show'd it to me and i feel madly inlove with it, so i'm gonna put it on there. it's so sweet and so sad. and i really love it all. i might change it again this weekend to a Mindless Self Indulgence song or maybe to a WKUK skit. haha. i love that show. i love tv it's amazing. i'm watching Family Guy right now. i love Stewie! XD haha. i'm a huge [adult swim] fan. i've been with them since they've been on the air and i've been with Cartoon Network since i was born. i love this station! haha. so ja, i wanna change my outfit but i dun know what i wanna change it too. i have enough money to buy shiz 'cause i have like 6k i think i might go buy some shiz. XD haha. so how are you? haha.]

Etnad Consaime Traiche Report | 02/21/2008 12:49 pm
Etnad Consaime Traiche
[haha. you dun have to write long cmnts. ALOT of people say i write long cmnts so it's okee. i just like to type. i love the feel of the keys under my fingers. XD haha. another reason why i write so i can type it all out later. XD haha. dun do it if it hurts your brain! 'cause no me gusta brain damage. XD haha. i just used have it ALOT when i was little it's my brains way of dealing with too much stress. but i remembered yesterday, 'cause i was in alot of physical pain and my brain couldn't deal so my brain let it go. uh... there has been non-stop fighting in my house and my friends have been chosing the route of not eating lately, and then my mom decided not to eat, so i kinda flipped out on her and a bunch of other people. i was in crazy mad fights all last week. i also got really sick, so it was basically terrible. and my aunt kept on saying s**t to make me feel like total trash every coupla mins. and... i'ma vegitarian, and my aunt doesn't like vegitarians, so she kinds flipped when i would eat meat and she forced me to and i was crying alot and she kept saying stuff that made me feel even worse and i was crying so i put on Shaun Of The Dead 'cause that makes me feel incredibly HAPPY and then that's when i forget everything. but that was kinda my week. i also had a shitload of people pissing me off at school, yeah it was a really bad week... omb. i CAN NOT stand when people dun spell right! my bestfriend gets so mad at me when i correct her. XD haha. but i can take when people spell a certain way for a certain reason and s**t. i understand that, but being a dumbass and just not spelling right, gah. it gets on my nervs! XD haha. i'd be fine with the whole "math" thing i'm kinda REALL smart whe it comes to math XD i do alot of seniors math hw. XD i LOVE math, i'm extremely good at it. so if you ever need help just tell me! XD haha. yeah i dun normally hang out with my ex-bestfriend, but lately i've been hanging with her and her BF in lunch. i think i like her BF ALOT more then when we were bestfriends. XD haha. i think i might even add his gaia account. he only has two friends his GF and her sis. XD haha. hanging out with new people is fun, next week i'ma hopefully hang with Alex and Bobby. i dun hang out with them outside of school. and they're bugging me to hang with them outside of school, so next week when i have time, which now i do! since i dun have to go to the doctor anymore (i used to have really bad headaches, get dizzy, and pass out, but now i dun! and i used to got for two hrs every Mon, Wed, and Fri.) EXCITING! in lunch the other day the whole cafeteria was clapping and we have about 3oo kids in there it was so stupipd and funny. i started to boo and so did some of my friends, i love when kids are stupid, it's so funny. XD haha. yelling at people is fun too! i LOVE just randomly yelling at people! omb. the fourth of July last yr was so much fun! we were yelling at the crappy band they had playing at the carnival. gah. that was so much fun! XD haha. and it's okee, you dun have to make a long cmnt. i just write alot. XD haha. wow. this cmnt is kinda long. haha. i have to go. i'm kinda sick. haha. i stayed home, and i have the gaia alerts on my cell, so i wanted to cmnt all my peeps back. XD haha. anyways i have to finish talking to my bestfriend on the phone and watching Fairly Odd Parents with her, even though she's like fourty mins away. we both didn't go to school today. XD our bodies like react to each other it's so weird. we both have our periods together and we get sick together, even though i see her every other weekend. XD haha. we're gonna go see Evita this weekend, hopefully. XD haha. my school is doing it and my friend Dan is one of the leads and he really wants me to go. haha. and then hopefully i'll get my hair trimmed. NOT CUT. gah. i love my long hair i won't get it cut for a LONG time! i love my long hair. XD haha. well gotta go! i might cmnt again later, or tomorrow, which ever! XD haha. BYES!!! X
Etnad Consaime Traiche Report | 02/19/2008 11:01 am
Etnad Consaime Traiche
[haha. awesome. me and my bestfriend alwaysend pics to eachother during class 'cause she lives forty minutes away and we only get to see eachother everyother weekend. so basically whenever i'm really stressed my brain does this this thing where it erasemy memory, but from what my bestfriends tell me there was alot of fighting in my house, fighting with both of my bestfriends, and some other REALLY bad REALLY terrible stuff, but i dun remember any of it. and dunno if i saw Step Up 2 'cause i dun remember it. and ja. i felt so terrible 'cause i couldn't remember anything before i started watching Shaun Of The Dead. i just remember that movie making me INCREDIBLY happy. gah. i love that movie. the only thing that makes me happier is my bestfriends. but i totally planned on telling you about everything, but i dun remember. and i think wanted to tell you something else... gah. i hate having memory loss! *sigh* oh well. it was probly for a good reason anyways. i haven't had school. today and yesterday i've been home talkin bestfriend. XD and watching SOTD. gah i love that movie. i think i'ma eat th cousin if he'll help me with DMC. hopefully he will. 'cause he's good when it comes bosses and i'm terrible. XD haha. so hopefully he'll help mi doubt it since he's playing his Maden game. he's always playing that game! haha. anyways how are you?]

Etnad Consaime Traiche Report | 02/17/2008 4:08 pm
Etnad Consaime Traiche
[that sucks. i am like that right now. but i'm still gonna go out tonight 'cause i really CAN NOT stand my house. and i won't be able to tell you everything that has happened i'm busy i MIGHT be able to tell you tomorrow, but Tues. DEF. 'cause i know i won't be byte.well i gotta shower. ttyl. i'ma hopefully see Step Up 2 tonight.]



Yer I no...I'm Just That Good


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