
Well, I suppose you're only here for two reasons; you're bored enough that you want to read this crap, or you genuinely care. I'm not going to choose which, that's up to you, but here's a little info.

I'm seventeen years old and I'm a junior in my highschool. My interests are pretty basic; games, music, friends, and girls. Not much different then other guys my age. As for anything else, I suppose you can know my first name...if you already know me that is.


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

ll ChemicalCollision ll

Report | 03/16/2010 12:46 am

ll ChemicalCollision ll

*sprawls across your profile*
I claim this land as my own and now I will Pillage your land
Steal your cows
and Rape your women
*sticks flag in the ground*

Yes I'm weird and it's also 4 am =D
ll ChemicalCollision ll

Report | 03/13/2010 5:40 pm

ll ChemicalCollision ll

I must say the sea of interruptions in the Auto class is hysterical
ll ChemicalCollision ll

Report | 03/13/2010 1:02 am

ll ChemicalCollision ll

Kayden's a d**k...
I kinda love him for it
ll ChemicalCollision ll

Report | 03/12/2010 11:24 pm

ll ChemicalCollision ll

Never ending cycle of typing
Sorry for just assuming Dean was already in class
but I figured all the events with both Kay and Nikki will give you more to post with
ll ChemicalCollision ll

Report | 03/12/2010 8:00 pm

ll ChemicalCollision ll

I'm only doing it so I can get into the career I know I'll enjoy
but the process is a wee bit painful and annoying to say the least
ll ChemicalCollision ll

Report | 03/12/2010 7:58 pm

ll ChemicalCollision ll

College sadly enough
ll ChemicalCollision ll

Report | 03/12/2010 7:54 pm

ll ChemicalCollision ll

It's school that put me in a cranky mood
i'm gifted so essentially I'm really smart
annnd I tend to grasp concepts the first time you tell me
and so schools kind of repetitive and redundant
and I dunno I just hate it this semester
ll ChemicalCollision ll

Report | 03/12/2010 7:51 pm

ll ChemicalCollision ll

Well they change and grow as characters
It's really no different than the characters in a book that do the same thing

...my boyfriend and I are discussing my hulk nap I had earlier
I should really not go to bed in a cranky mood
ll ChemicalCollision ll

Report | 03/12/2010 7:39 pm

ll ChemicalCollision ll

It's just a random habit of mine
I tend to progress my characters kind of like people do
they grow and change as events in the RP effect them
and they further develop from that dark place in my mind as I type....
It's my outlet for my other personalities XD jk
ll ChemicalCollision ll

Report | 03/12/2010 7:33 pm

ll ChemicalCollision ll

Mmm I thought so
Plus Nikki just seems more like the auto type
I have this weird tendency to develop my characters as I'm posting despite their profiles and I start to get a better picture of how I want them to look
.-. I'm an odd child