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.[a m e s t r i s_e x i l e].//

a m e s t r i s_e x i l e's avatar

Last Login: 09/06/2009 4:04 pm

Registered: 11/23/2006




About Me
I'm a rampant, rabid fangirl and proud to say so. I've fallen in love with the boy of my dreams, and you can't say anything to change that. I'm extremely easily annoyed and have really thin skin, so if you make the mistake of screwing with me or anyone that's close to me you will suffer the consequences. You have been warned.

'Redd with kids is like a rabbit with Viagra.'/'Yush. Pet rabbits with Viagra.' -Me and Redd. Don't ask.
'CASTRATION! CASTRATION! Get the turkey cutter, Perversion!' -Redd in a roleplay
'AUGH! TRIGHAMCEST!' -Me, when Jori was convicted of Trighamcest
'My mommy thinks Edward Elric ic gay. I love my mommy.' -Jori's signature
'R-RATED HARRY POTTER!' -Limeshells, during our discussion on whether or not Dumbledore is a *****
'I killed the Taco Bell dog.' -Me. I dunno... I stuck it randomly in the Peaches OoC. XD
'Tracy listening to 'Girlfriend'=Ling not being Asian.' -Limeshells emphasizing the point of how much she hates Avril.
'I should write a songfic to "U = Ur Hand". MASTURBATION!' -Redd. Yeah, don't ask.
'It brings new meaning to the phrase "I f-cked your mother twice!"/Four times, man! FOUR TIMES!' -Me and Redd about how a tale from mythology revamps a certain phrase
'She bonded with a catfish.' -Me, because... yeah. Don't ask.
'Smile and nod. It'll get you through life.' -Angelica being pessimistic
'Wh00tles - like Skittles, but not!' -Redd. AIM. Don't ask.
'CRACKPIPE!' -Me. Again, AIM with Redd.
'think, scary Voldemort with a frying pan...' Taki about a typo in a Harry Potter RP.
'She's smoking the slurpee!' -Neko at lunch. Yeah. Not gonna explain that one.
'It makes me wanna dance around in my underwear and rape someone.' -Me, about this place.
'Fancy underwear.' -Mr. Williams, during a particularly random rant on Medieval kings' dressing habits.
'Are you down wit dat, yo?' -Mr. Williams, proving that he is JUST THAT WHITE.
'You spell if r-i-f-f-l-e.'/'No, it's r-i-f-l-e.'/'*pulls out dictionary*'/'Mrs. Martin, are we screwed for education?'/'*angst* Yes.' -Me and Mrs. Martin, when she spelled rifle wrong and we realized her classes were all ********.
'Gaia birth control DOES NOT WORK.' -Skoom. Towns. Don't. Ask.

Neko and Anarchy's Random Stuart Quotes

'Stuart, where did the flower girl go?'
'She made fun of me for being from a single parent home so I bit her on the face.'

'Now Stuart, what does Momma say about smoking?'
'Smoking is for Europeans and white trash.'

'Chickens fascinate me.'

'Well Stuart, that's because he's Asian.'
'Where did his eyes go!?'

'My Aunt Linda's a lesbian. She has short hair.'
'That's... interesting.'
'You have short hair. Are you a lesbian?'

'I don't have a lazy eye!'
'Oh, yes you do!'
'Yeah, well you have gray hair in your danger zone!'

'Well now Stuart, what does Momms say about vain little boys?'
'Vain little boys often grow up to be homosexuals.'

'Now remember, Stuart: walk down the aisle with dignity.'
'Okay!' *prances down aisle holding crotch*

'I can't do this. I'm sorry, but after seeing that freaky kid I'm questioning your gene pool.' *walks off*
'I'm gonna bite your face!' *chases*

Profile Music: 'Sweep The Leg' -Karate High School


View All Comments

Korealicious Report | 01/20/2008 5:01 pm
D: We haven't talked in like, FOREVER.


It's hard to be on AIM when parents are around.

How've you been though? (x
xoxoSwanks Report | 01/07/2008 8:39 am

Hey we haven't talked in a bit. What's up?

...of what I am becoming.

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x Stitchbunny Report | 01/06/2008 4:35 pm
autumn, this is shatteredxrainbow on yahoo.

aka jade. add ?
Dreamers.Disease. Report | 12/28/2007 4:10 pm
awweh yeah you were~ I was talking about my christmas present <3
Agent Val Report | 12/28/2007 3:35 pm
=3 Thank you.
AirGiant Report | 12/26/2007 4:40 pm
Thanks for buying from my shop.
xKuiuky Report | 12/25/2007 9:23 am
Thanks for bought a pink ink in my store ;3
Tiger In Your Tank Report | 12/16/2007 10:15 am
i love your profile.

alice in wonderland is my all time favorite disney movie<3
- Child of Cirra - Report | 12/10/2007 7:22 pm

There was this bus...

...and it hit our car.

And I went WHEEEE. SPLsAT.

Againt the windshield. 8D

But I'm okay.

A little irritated.

Got cuts on my face.




- Child of Cirra - Report | 12/10/2007 6:16 pm


When I'm out of this hospital

and the hell away from this sucky connection.



Your guild is quiet.






a rival appears on 04/08/2023


Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.
Agent Val
- Child of Cirra -
Sexually Active Rainbows


My baby.

My band nerd.

My feline sister.

My long lost friend.

My lover.

My mommy.

My seme.

My brother.