a pneumonic persona

a pneumonic persona's avatar

Birthday: 07/04

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I study at uni and have lots on my plate right now, I'm short and sweet~ if only i could say the same for my temper XD I'm usually very nice, but if i don't like you... i wont hesitate to say so~ Not in a rude way~ just in a - i dont think we'd get along- kinda way~

I don't tolerate people typing like idiots. If you can't type the word you then please... please pretty please respect that i have no respect for you...

I like to RP~ I'm a capable slave and/or master. I like both man and women in dominant position and i like dominating both men and women~ if you're interested in any of the following or even a non s & m RP please PM me ^_^


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I'm a mule :O!