
I'm Courtney.
I'm 16.
I'm an aspiring psychologist with a
weakness for kareoke and a penchant for the dramatic.

I respect your right to have an opinion.
It doesn't mean I agree with you.
I probably won't.

Debating is more or less my motivation in life.
If you disagree with something I say, message me.
I want to know, and I want to learn why.
Though processes bring me joy.
If you aren't learning, you aren't living.
And I learn best through verbal communication.
Visually too.

I'm about as liberal as it gets.
That doesn't mean I don't understand both sides.
Don't just label me as another uninformed,
pubescent Bush-Basher, because I'm not.

A woman's body is her choice.
Zygotes are not babies.
If the child could not survive outside the mother's body,
even with all the help of modern technology, it's not a baby.
It's just cells.

People should know more about their governments.
Democracy is not a spectator's sport.

Don't tYp LIk a jACk@$$.
It pushes my stance of passive resistance,
and I've got enough on my plate.

I take honors classes.
But IQ doesn't mean much in real life.

Someday, I'll change the world.
I hope you'll help me.

I'm a "Boarderline Vegan," as my cousin says.
I don't eat animals, or wear their remains.
My body is not a graveyard.

I'm a firm believer in animal rights.
But I love people who yell, "I LIKE MEAT"
out the window when they pass a protest.
It means we are winning,
because our only resistance is assholes like that.

Yes, you can believe in human rights along with animal rights.

I wear too much jewelry, but it all means
something very special to me, so I don't care.

I wear hats and bandanas when I don't like my hair.
I wear hats and bandanas alot.

I love computers.
My dreams are designed with
Cascading Style Sheets and Photoshop.

Material things don't mean much to me.
But I'm a packrat.
I get attached to the memories I have with things,
not the things themselves.

I will analyze you.
Every word you say, every time we talk.
I like trying to see someone's thought process from a single statement.
It's just something I can't help anymore, and I keep it to myself.
You've been forewarned.

I'm a thrift store hoe.
Why spend oodles of cash on tags
that I just want to cut out anyway?

Yes, I'm Pagan.
I resist the term Wiccan, because it always brings to mind
11 year olds brandishing sticks,
while calling themselves "Wolfmoon Skybeam,"
or some other crap like that.
When I see kids like that,
it makes me wonder why more people don't use condoms.

I'm a hippie at heart.
And it looks like Tumbleweeds threw up in my closet.

But drugs are for dipshits.
I make an a** out of myself sober.
The human body is a temple,
and it should be treated as such.

Your life is your choice.
And if you ******** up, feel free to come crying to me.
I'll listen, but I'll give advice.
And it gets agrivating when I hear you rant for 3 hours,
and then you go make the same mistake the next day.
Do what you need to do, but learn from it.

I adore movies.
The theater manager's son is my homeboy.

My friends = my life.
If you are getting into something with them,
you are getting into it with me.
And I am not about mental and emotion manipulation
when it comes to helping someone I love.
I use my powers for evil sometimes.
Watch out.

Pirates > Ninjas.
Just accept it.
You'll be better for it.

I procrastinate.
Times 3.
Like, right now, I should be doing an English essay.
But The Great Gastby can go curl in a corner and cut itself.

But I do like books.
I learned to read when I was 2, and ever since I've been hooked.
But "classics" are crap. Who decides what a classic is?
Reading books just because dead guys wrote them is stupid.

Don't use offencive language around me.
******** is okay.
s**t is fine.
b***h and whore work too.
But gay, retarded, the N-word (which I will not even type!), etc.,
those aren't cool.
If you are going to use those kind of words, just go home.
Get off my internet.

If you actually read all this, I love you.
I have a short attention span.
So you pretty much amaze me.


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61 Images, all stolen from Cafe Press!



A`poc's Scribbles

I'm not much for expressing my deep inner emotions on the intarweb, but I figure I'll make one of these, just incase anything interesting does come up.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/13/2006 12:37 pm


Hehe, I like your profile. <3

So I'm not insane! There are people who agree with me!
Most of the people I go to school with are just idiots after all.
Wicked Ruu

Report | 07/12/2006 3:32 pm

Wicked Ruu

That is really cool!
Wicked Ruu

Report | 07/12/2006 11:56 am

Wicked Ruu

Your sig makes me giggle
Where did you get it?
Siempre Puro

Report | 07/05/2006 10:33 am

Siempre Puro

Whoa, thats sort of close. Stonington. We play against you all the time, in sports. But yeah, winters suck here.
Siempre Puro

Report | 07/05/2006 10:03 am

Siempre Puro

I saw in a thread that your from CT? If you dont mind me asking, what town?
A p o c o l y p s e

Report | 07/01/2006 11:23 am

A p o c o l y p s e

Your name is awesome, too.
The SJW King

Report | 06/28/2006 11:53 am

The SJW King


I must add that as my media thingie!

<3333 fruity oaty bar

Report | 06/02/2006 7:03 pm


no worries <3

Report | 05/16/2006 3:55 am



who do u go to when the one who can stop your tearz...
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~ish random comment~
Hey there ^^ watz up? How are you?
Just dropping by to say hellow
..from a complete stranger ^-^ lolz <3
*leaves you some luvv--hugs*
--take care--

...is the one that made you cry?

[ ` D o k i - D o k i ` ]

Report | 04/17/2006 7:00 pm

[ ` D o k i - D o k i ` ]

Finally, Someone agrees with me!
yay R/hr!


I'm now "Yellow Journalism." Go find me there, 'kay =] ?