
Hello to you, the one visiting my profile. heart
I hope you enjoy the visuals and the calming sounds of the birds while you stalk me.

My name is Shawn! Howdy! I am a 27 year old male residing in, you guessed it, Canada! I was born and raised in this beautiful land and am happy to still call it home to this day.
A little bit about myself. First, I am gay as fuuu-. I am a Pisces, tarot card fanatic, disgustingly obsessed with Gaia, PokemonGO/League of Legends/Stardew Valley player, among other games. I enjoy spending my time around the Gaian forums. You can usually spot me in the Gaia Community Discussion, or the Avatar Talk forums.
I can be a bit cuckoo, but I promise I am an angel inside and out. Friends and family are most important to me in my life, and I'm always happy to meet new faces around Gaia!

Come say hi sometime, or drop a comment down below. Why not get that free gold just for saying hello? c:

I hope you enjoy your stay on my profile, and let's talk!

He must be all strategy or some sick lie.
How can reason unlock such a door,
for we bar it too with friends and lovers,
in waking hours, on ordinary days?

Finding the other so senseless and unknown,
we go to war to feel free of the fear
of our own minds, and so come
to ruin in our hearts of ordinary days.

- Rebecca Seiferle.