(1 song = 1 picture) Follow youre heart, youre hope, youre belive and youre dreams, cause i belive in you all my friends. ( 2 melody = 2 picture) The Gaia Clan Legends Flame Of Hope Sooundtrack (3 melody = 3 picture) The Team Of Justice Soundtrack (4 song = 4 picture) My cuti friend soundtrack

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D-na angel 22 Report | 10/25/2011 9:11 am
D-na angel 22
firelily10 Report | 10/18/2011 9:13 am
you want 100000000 gold then copy/paste this on ten gaia profiles and press f4 then log out and log back in and check your gold!!!!!!!
firelily10 Report | 10/18/2011 9:06 am
▒▒▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▓ copy to 5 profiles then click F5 for 500,000gg
l Have No Life Report | 10/01/2011 3:04 am
l Have No Life
I'm always there for u~ Inform me whenever u need my help~
and, teach them as good as we were...
wondeRR womanS2 Report | 09/25/2011 10:26 am
wondeRR womanS2
Thanks for buying smile
colonel wuaza wuaza Report | 09/25/2011 9:42 am
colonel  wuaza wuaza
great job buddy love ur profile you updated well
i seen it already but sorry for not comment about it

i was busy i look awesome just like my symbol a hawk pirate
imma cutie babe Report | 09/25/2011 12:12 am
imma cutie babe
Yay im so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin wink wink wink wink wink
imma cutie babe Report | 09/24/2011 2:48 am
imma cutie babe
yewr i wish my mum would see it

yer were like tight sisters!!!!
l Have No Life Report | 09/24/2011 2:19 am
l Have No Life
when they need us two most. we will fight side by side and back to back to protect gaia~ agian
l Have No Life Report | 09/24/2011 2:05 am
l Have No Life
*stabs my sword to the ground and release a full aura into the sky and disappeared into it*
It's time i step back...My powers, they're all unleashed... and i wont be fighting anymore...
l Have No Life
Orochi Daemon
Princess Ashlow
Moon Qiao
Target Kiku
colonel  wuaza wuaza
imma cutie babe
A Strider Rogue
Moon Qiao
l Have No Life
A Strider Rogue
Orochi Daemon
Princess Ashlow
colonel  wuaza wuaza
A Strider Rogue
imma cutie babe
A Strider Rogue

Wolf Soundtrack

Belive in the strengt you have

Belive in youre friends

Belive in youre dreams and hopes

Remember, you can do anything you want

nothing is impossible as loong as you belive in it

When youre heart turns to the dark, turn it back to the light

you self are a hero, you only need to

choose what kind of hero u wanna become or be

remember, people can change u to be something

u dont wanna be

, but they cant change youre

deeply inside you, only u can change that

dont listen to youre toughts

listen alwaues to youre heart

if u need someone

remember youre close


is alwayes there for u

if they not there

then remember

im already there

im the sunshine in youre hair

,im the shadow on the ground,

im the whisper

in the wind,

im youre

imaginary friend, so im

already there for u

When u have lost

youre light, remember

u will find youre light again

so dont let go, be strong

, follow youre heart

let youre love lead through the darkness

back to the place u once knew

follow youre dreams,

be yourself, an angel of kindness.

Remember, theres nothing that u can not do

cause i belive i belive i belive in u ^-^

This peoples have
done so mush for
Gaia. And they
have becomed the
legends of Gaia

The legengs of Flame Of Hope.
The king- tri
The queen- moon
The spirit angel- wolfy
The two protectors Aki and Strider

This here is my team in Gaia. We are the immortals and fight against evils and fighting for justice,
if there are some problems you have, call us and we will come to help you out if you in troubble or need help kill evils

She is my cute friend ^-^
When im sad and hurt and dont know where to go, then she comes to me and
makes me smile everytime, she is a very good friend of mine and happy to have her ^-^