
The Mysterious Person, Who You Are Personally Stalking:

Name: Winters Or Snow Is Fine. But I Prefer Luna.

Age: 13...When Do I Get To Play Umbrella Chronicles? *The

Answer: Never.*

Hair: Black And Streaks Of Crimson!

Eyes: Dark Brown. Turns Into Light Brown Or Black Sometimes.

Games I Play: SSBB, Since My Brother Keeps Dragging Me Into It. I Don't Have A Code Yet, But...I'll Tell You This. I'm Always Playing And I'm Best With Ike, My Signature Ike Color Is His White And Teal Costume. I Also Play Animal Crossing: Wild World, Tekken *I Own Almost All Of Them xD* MySims, And Uh...I Also Play Phoenix Wright And Apollo Justice.

MUZIK!: Techno/Dance And Classical. Otherwise, I'm Into Different Types Of Music. I Play Music...Piano And Trumpet.

What Do You Mean?: I Do Draw A Lot..I Have 2 Tablets *Your Face! I'm Sorry...I Had To Do That* And One Dumb Drawing Thingy That Came With My First One. I Would Do Requests, But I'm Too Busy For Comissions Right Now. I'll Do Them Again Once December Comes Around. :>

My Beloved Little Gaia Family!: My Love Is Star/chemicallyxromanced, And My 'Little' Brother Is Hikaru/HikaruKobayashi-Kun. They Are The Closest, Craziest, And Most Awesome People I've Ever Met Here On Gaia, And I Adore Them Both, Like How Much I Adore Their Art. Hikaru, I'm Not A Pervert, Silly Cat. xD Star, Ily More Than I Love Sushi. <3 If Either One Of You Dorks Here On Gaia Does Anything To Upset Them Or Hurt Them, Or Manipulate Them, I'll Kill You With My Beam Saber That I Stole From Heero Yuy. UNDERSTAND ME?! Good. ^w^ Otherwise, I'LL CUT YOU IN 5000 PIECES WITH THE BEAM SABER! >83

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I Despise Pokemon, But For Star, I Couldn't Resist The Challenge. At Least I Got Into Pokemon A Little. Platinum, Here I Come! Even If I Nearly Destroy My DS Again.
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Best Attempt At Making A True Clone Of Myself...Which I Failed At Horribly. XD

Vincent Neil's Pain:

You Wouldn't Have Cared If I Had Died...
You Wouldn't Have Wanted Me Around Anyways...
I Wasn't Important To Anyone...
So Don't Tell Me You Love Me....Cause I Know You Don't.
You Lied To Me, You Broke Me Into Two, You Destroyed Me...
You Destroyed Everything About Me, You...Have Killed Me
Forever...Now...Cause Now I'm Dead, Because Of You, It's
All Because Of Your Dirty Lies, And sickening Words...
You Make Me Sick, So Sick, I Just Wanna Vomit When I Hear
Your Words...Cause I Know They're Just Lies...And Cause I Know
That....Your Also Just A Goddamned Lie, Just To Know That You Don't Know, That Nobody Can Trust You.

Caine Fang's Etude:

When You Cry, I Cry.
When You Laugh, I'll Laugh.
When Your Happy, I'm Happy.
But When Your Abandoned...I'll Be There Looking for You.
I'll Be There To Save You, I'll Be There To Rescue You.
I'll Be There To Cure You Of Everything Painful.
But Most Of All....I'll Be There Because You've Always
Done The Same.

Okay, I Didn't Draw These. They Just Represent The Animal I Am, And What I Like.
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User Image Hiya! ^^
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Story Quotes:

'I don't wear a cross because I believe in god, I wear it, because I defy God.'- Caine Fang, From One Of My Stories.

'The Winter can't kill his kin. But he trains us in the harsh cold to make us strong and bitter, just like him. Make our lives a whole lotta' Hell.'- Vincent Neil, Another Character But From A Different Story.

'Shut up! What would you do if everyone you loved was slaughtered?! And when you were adopted, your foster parents would beat you, and starve you?! I am who I am today, and I'm gonna kill the bastards who made me live like a street dog! Who put me into this Hell Hole! Into This bitched up world of pain! they took the ones I loved away, so in return, I'm gonna blow their heads off! And then I'm gonna burn whats left of their useless bodies! It's my revenge! Don't stop me!'- Alexander Offler, An Assassin From The Streets Of London. An Original Character From One Of My Stories.

Alexander Offler's Fate:

I Saw My end, It Was So Near, I Knew I Was Going To Die.
You Can't Say, You Can't Tell, You Can't See That I Knew...
About Your Sick Dead Plans, And It Was Sick, so Sick...
I Knew It All...I Knew...I Knew...Don't Cover Up. You Knew...
And I Knew..I'm Dead. Or At Least I Would Be Soon Enough...
Because...Now I Know...All Your Lies, And Your Tricks, And..
Everything...I Know Everything.....I Know Everything, About You..
And That...You'll Be Dead...Soon Enough....And I'll Exact My
Revenge Upon Your Empty Soul...Your Soul...Your Sickening
Disgusting Soul...And When It's Over...I'll Finally Be Looking
Down Upon Your Lifeless Corpse...Burning It Until It's Ash...
I'll Throw You Into The Lonely Wind. And Then I'll Know Your Just Nothing..

This Is Common Sense. I'm serious:

I Hate It When People Say They Know Someone, When They
Don't Really. It's Like Making A Fool Of Yourself Really.

WHAT IT MEANS: Do Not Say You Know Someone You Don't Know, And Don't Judge Them If You Don't Know Them. Otherwise, You Are A True Fool Blinded By Stupidity. Don't Assume Either. Assume Is Just Another Word For 'I Think'.
Calling to The Night
From Metal Gear solid

Through the night, to the day
When everything is gone
Carry the soul away from the dryness

In the sun we see, fighting over lives
All our dreams and wishes
We send home for safe keeping
Fighting for what’s right

Calling to the night, to dream
Forgain in the light
Waiting for a storm to rise
Feel the isolation fleeting
Calling to the night, to be, or not to be fighting here
Leaving without you, leaving my soul behind
Calling to the night, corners of golden crown fade with time

Calling to the night, for us, for every single life
All the ashes of men remain as a perfect memory
Calling to the night

But the heart will remain, as a silhouette of time
Hear the ringing echoes in the splitting horizon
Calling to the night

This Song Makes Me Think Of The Soldiers In Iraq. I Hope This Stupid Worthless War End Soons. My Uncle Randy Stevens Died Three Years Ago When He And His Troops Were Killed By A Car Bomb. Since Going To His Funeral, I Have Learned The Bittersweet Taste Of How Lives Are Thrown Away By Pride. My Uncle Randy Wanted To Work With His Brother After He Left Iraq And Purchase His Dream Motorcycle. And Yet, He Cannot Do those Things Because He Is Gone. I Am A Proud Pacifist, And I Say No To War. Because War Is What Brings Misery To Everyone. It Is Just Sickening Pride.

DO NOT SEND ME CHAIN MAIL OR QUIZZES. ITS BASICALLY A BUNCH OF SCAMS AND SPAMS. Truthfully, I Would Explain It To You, But Then There Wouldn't Be Any Use For My Journal. :> Now, Run Along To My Journal, And Read What I Put Up. Yes, I'd Force You To Read It, But Then That Wouldn't Do Any Good Either. ^^

Bittersweet Sherri-

When You Cry, I'm Upset.
When You Laugh, I'm Happy.
When Your Down, I'm down.
If Your Lonely, I'll Be there.
If You Need Me, Call Me.
If You Want To See Me For No Reason, Then I'll Be There.
Because To Me, Your My Sunshine, Your My Love, Your Everything To Me. I Don't Regret Meeting You, And I Don't Regret Seeing You, I Just Want To Watch You Forever, For Eternity, Just To See You Happy, together With Me.


Viewing 12 of 25 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/21/2008 8:54 am


Oh.......@_@ you have a backup one? so you didn't get hacked? *confused* Did they take out any money? >:'O

Report | 07/21/2008 7:47 am


*steams up* Hell the ******** no! >=( Someone hacked you?! What the ********?! OMG I'm gonna kill that person. You know what I'm gonna help you out a little k? Right now I only have 1,211 but it's a start! Don't worry sis! ;_;

Report | 07/19/2008 7:56 pm


So this is Where it all Went!!

Report | 07/15/2008 4:42 pm



Report | 06/29/2008 5:49 pm


hey whats up
A Winters Serenade

Report | 05/15/2008 5:37 pm

A Winters Serenade

I'm Back Everyone From My Nice Long Hellish Nightmare. It Seems That The b*****d That Had Used My Account Is Gone *For Good* And Now, I Will Make This My Backup Account. So Now, Please Go Visit Winters Serenade. That's My New Page.

Report | 04/19/2008 1:00 pm


A fake login page??!!

Report | 03/31/2008 7:00 am


I kill HACKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Max MouseG

Report | 03/04/2008 6:55 pm

Max MouseG

Hello everyone Crimson Rose got hacked by the fake login page and the hacker used her account to hack other people..

Report | 03/02/2008 6:44 pm



Another word learned too well.

Alone, someone leaves me behind.

Saying they will stay, but never really meaning it.

Telling me what I want to hear.

Making my heart turn into a hole.

Black and hollow.

.....Alone....Not Anymore.....

.........But a hole is still left where my heart once was.....


A Rose Is Beautiful, But It Is Delicate, Just As Love Is Beautiful..But Delicate.. Both Are Beautiful..But Beauty Doesn't Last Forever.