
abcfruitcake123's avatar


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Personal Questions
1. What's your first name IRL? Anna
2. Are you a boy or girl? Girl
3. Are you gay or normal? im normal
4. How old are you? 14
5. Do you have long hair or short hair? umm it's not super short... but shortish
6. What color are your eyes? blue/green
7. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope
8. Do you have allergies? nope
9. Are you in junior high, high school, college, or work? high school =D
10. How many friends do you have IRL? wow idk... 10?15?

Gaia Online Life
11. How many friends do you have on Gaia? ONE!!!
12. How long have you been a member? 2 years but i havent been on in about a year and a half lol
13. How much do you think your avatar is worth? zero anythings
14. What's your favorite guild? guild?? what??
15. Favorite clan? huh?
16. How often do you play zOMG? sometimes... not very often
17. Do you enjoy roleplaying? depends on which role im playing
18. What's your favorite thing to do on Gaia? pinball!!!!!
19. What's your favorite chat room? (Rally, Towns, Virtual Hollywood, etc.) towns, i guess
20. Do you read the Announcements? rarely XD

Around the House
21. How many windows are there in your house? 14... maybe more
22. Doors? 16
23. Bedrooms? 4
24. Bathrooms? 3
25. Do you have a big kitchen? its medium-ish
26. How many TVs do you have? (Broken ones count, too.) 2
27. How many game consoles do you have in your house? 2
28. How many stories does your house have? (Basements don't count.) 3
29. How nice is your basement? its nice... finished
30. How big is your yard? quite large

Around the Town
31. How many neighbors do you have? 3
32. Are they good neighbors or suckish ones? two are aweome but one just is a little...scary
33. Do you live in a village, a town, or a city? town
34. What state/province/etc. is your village/town/city in? (You don't have to answer this if you don't feel comfortable.) northeast in the us
35. What country? USA
36. Have you ever ding-dong ditched someone in your neighborhood? nope
37. Do you live on a busy street? no
38. How many friends of yours live in town? almost all of them
39. How long have you lived there? 7 years
40. Do you know of any registered sex offenders in your vicinity? there was this one... but he got taken away thank god

41. What color is your underwear? purple lol
42. Have you ever been kissed? yes
43. Do you prefer board games or mind games? mind
44. Did you play with felt when you were a kid? not particularly
45. Do you use eco-friendly items? ong yeah
46. Do you have a secret club for you and your buds? not really a club... i dont know what you'd call us lol
47. Do you like yoga? yeah
48. What about vigorous work-out sessions? NOOO
49. Are you random? OMG YEAH!!
50. OMG, can you believe the quiz is halfway over? for real??? hmm i dont know what i think about that

Would you Rather
51. Go sky-diving or mountain-climbing? mountain climbing
52. Eat dirt or drink toilet water? dirt!!!
53. Root for Ohio State Buckeyes or Michigan Wolverines? ohio
54. Most of your stuff is stolen, but you still have a house or your house burns down, but you save most of your stuff? house burns and i keep the stuff
55. Be able to fly or communicate with animals? animals!!
56. Stay a kid forever or skip to old age? kid forever
57. Be rich or be famous? famous
58. Have your own TV show or your own band? band
59. Be able to sing super well or draw like a professional? jeez thats tough... probably draw
60. Be a nerd and have lots of friends or be popular and have one or two friends? NERD OMG R YOU KIDDING?? i love friends and i dont care if im a nerd lol

What's Your Favorite...?
61. Movie? coraline
62. Show? invader zim!!
63. Game? sudoku
64. Video game? guitar hero/rock band
65. Book? stardust, girl interrupted... many more
66. Singer/band? my chemical romance!!
67. Animal? cat
68. Hobby? music
69. Color? green
70. Number? 7 or 4

71. Do you like waffles? yes!!
72. Do you like pancakes? omg yeah!
73. Do you like french toast? im hungry >.<
74. Can you not wait to get a mouthful? i already ate it o.0
75. What's your favorite food of all time? mac n cheese or sushi
76. Can you cook well? kinda...
77. What's your fave flavor of ice cream? black raspberry yummm
78. In school, did you usually pack your lunch or buy it? pack it
79. What restaurant do you like the most? any chnese place
80. Are you a picky eater? not at all

MORE Randomness!!
81. Are you scared of the cops? only if they're coming after me lol
82. Do you like watching murder mysteries? hmm only when im in one of my heavy metal moods
83. Poll whore! How do you react? GASP i am not a whore lol
84. Do you take the road less traveled by or the one with all the traffic? road less traveled
85. Why is stuff on a ship called "cargo," but stuff in a car called "shipment"? because people like to confuse the hell out of us americans
86. Have you ever eaten a crayon? yeah... it was nasty XP
87. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? yeah... CD case
88. Your dream vacation? australia
89. Are you (or were you) an Honor Roll student? yes
90. What were you doing at midnight last night? i was reading broom of the system, and being confused out of my mind

EVEN MORE Randomness!!!
91. Do you believe in luck? yeah i guess kinda
92. Is your dad bald? nope(balding tho)
93. What's your favorite day of the week and why? wednesday cause its when i until recently had jazz band which is amazing
94. Do you believe in magic? only cetain kinds
95. Are you a good speller? yes when i think abut it
96. Is your computer fast or slow? at the moment it's soooo slow but it's usually okay
97. Coke or Pepsi? pepsi
98. Do you think Mountain Dew is evil? nooo i love mountai dew!!
99. What time is it right now? 7:56PM on july 10 2009
100. HOLY CRAP! Can you believe you actually finished the quiz???OMG WOW THATS CRAZY!!!! i just spent a good 10 minutes filling this out and no one's gonna read it lol whatever =)

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View All Comments

t-t-ten million fireflies Report | 08/04/2009 4:49 pm
t-t-ten million fireflies
Wh00t! Now I no longer feel like a creepy profile lurker!!
Cause I've met people who do that!!
They're weird!!
t-t-ten million fireflies Report | 08/04/2009 11:40 am
t-t-ten million fireflies
It was amazing!! I had the awesomest time and I hope you did too! ^)_~
t-t-ten million fireflies Report | 08/04/2009 10:49 am
t-t-ten million fireflies
Heyz! Just me invading your profile again with tidings of randomness and joy
It was so cool meeting you at the Con!
kabraxes Report | 07/29/2009 2:49 pm
Na I wanted to go as the character Tsukasa but the people I tried to hire to make Tsukasa's staff for me never responded. so I am going as a ravening fan.
oh if you don't know who Tsukasa is then you can check out this page:
kabraxes Report | 07/28/2009 10:49 pm
Yeah I'm gonna be there for every minute the con is open.
kabraxes Report | 07/28/2009 11:27 am
You don't have to sign up ahead of time it just means that if you do you wait in a smaller line to get your badge. this is the website:
t-t-ten million fireflies Report | 07/27/2009 7:42 pm
t-t-ten million fireflies
That sucks! I used to be on all the time 2 yrs ago but after well... they kinda sold out I quit until :embarassed: ....friends decided to come on
But hey! I guess as AC/DC would hate for me to quote like everyone else does and I bet they're pretty pissed off about:
kabraxes Report | 07/27/2009 6:19 pm
No I would love to but Commicon is going on on the west coast. I am going to Conneticon though are you still going to that?
ps. if your looking to find me on here you should look primarily 8pm and after.
pps what time are you usually on?
t-t-ten million fireflies Report | 07/20/2009 1:29 pm
t-t-ten million fireflies
Hey there friend-of-a-friend!! Your proflie looks pretty lonely! T)_T
kabraxes Report | 07/12/2009 7:45 pm
hey i read the quiz and if you post it in the random guild many more people will read it.


-abcfruitcake123(aka anna)


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