
Absurderer's avatar

Birthday: 01/04

About Me!

Hi there! My name is Daniel. I am a 39 year old man (B-day 05-07-1974) who works in a call center processing charity donations. I have been on Gaia for a long time, almost since they started. I have multiple Gaian's but "Absurderer" is my main one. This is a great website for me to visit to kill time while I am at work. I write little sci-fi/fantasy stories to amuse myself and friends. My Gaians represent characters from those stories. I'm pretty friendly and sociable. I'd be glad to meet you if you feel like introducing yourself.


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Absurderer's Story

In the first existence of Un there were ethereal beings that we might think of as "Dragons." One of them survived the crumbling of that universe. He is I, your Absurderer. I know that I am a fictional character. Can you imagine the power you would have over your destiny if you knew exactly what you were with absolute certainty? Well, I have that power! I am delighted to be entertaining for you and my maker, Daniel. Here you can see my friends who I interact with in our fictional world. They do not know their own nature. It would be cruel to tell them, don't you think?
Lexi Raine