
WELCOME User Image

Quote of the Day:
"Drop-topping, playing our favorite cd's. Pulling up to the parties. Trying to get a little bit tipsy!!!" Tik Tok - Ke$ha

What's up? Thanks for taking time to look at my page! =P My name is Edward. You can call me anything you like though. I don't really know what to say about myself. I'm just a fun person to hang around and I'm always there for ya. =P And I'm gay. Sorry ladies. DX I'm Hayley's daddy, Lexi's twincy, and Matt's pervert. Love you guys. <33333 Well, that's all I have to say! Comment if you have any questions. I don't bite....much. ;D

I'M LEXI'S TWINCY, BITCHES!!!!!! <333333333333
I'M HAYLEY'S DADDY!!!!!!! <3333333333333
AND I'M MATT'S PERVERT!!!!! <3333333333

Avi art:

By Vanilla Cream Sakura:
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Her and I. <3 We are brother and sister forever! =3

By naruto-saskai-sakura:
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Thank you!!! I luffs you, little brother. ;D

Now for signs:

By Snow_Beauty9363:
User Image
Aw! Thank you! You are so sweet! <3

Here is the survey:
~About me~
Name: Edward.
Nicknames: Ed, Eddy, Eddyward, Strawberry,Edward Scissorhands, Mr.Gummy Bear, Mr. Condom Bear (Don't ask.), and Boo.( too many to put down)
Hair Color::Jet black.
Eye Color:: Dark blue.
Height: Let's just say I'm a tree! =P
Piercings:: Oh yeah!
Tattoos:: Some. ;D
Heritage::French, German,and Irish.
Sport:: Basketball.
Food: Candy!
Drink::Coffee and Red Bull.
Time of Day::Night.
Day of the Week::Saturday.
Color:: Pink, dark red, and black.
Pet:: A snake named Boo Jr. o.0 The other Boo died 11/30/08. Rest in peace, Boo. I miss you! Friend:: Lexi, Hayley, Nikki, Matt, and Matt.

~Do You~
Shower Daily:: I hope everybody does.
Brush your Teeth daily:: Yup!
Sing:: I try.
Dance:: Oh yeah!!
Drink:: Sure.
Smoke:: Not anymore. =D
Read Books:: Depends on my mood. >.>
Have a Religion:: I don't really care. o.0

Band: My bands change from time to time.
Movie: 21
T.V. show: Scrubs and CSI:Miami.
Song: Fire Burning - Sean Kingston
Food: Candy
Candy: Gummy bears. =D
Animal: Snakes
Number: 21
Body part of opposite sex: BOOBS!!!!!! <333333

~This or that~
Pepsi or coke: Pepsi
McDonalds or Burger King:McDonalds
Strawberries or watermelons: Strawberries
Hot tea or iced tea: Hot tea.
Chocolate or Vanilla: CHOCOLATE!!! <3333
Hot chocolate or coffee: COFFEE!!!! <333333
Kiss or Hug: How about both?
Rap or Punk: Punk.
Summer or Winter: Summer.
Fall or Spring: Spring.
Summer or Spring: Spring.
Winter or fall: Fall.
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Scary movies. (sometimes) >.>
Love or Money: Love!

Car: =P
Crushes name: Oh. They know. ;D
Style: Stylish!
Bedtime: Whenever I feel like sleeping
Most Missed Memory: I don't know. o.0 I wake up to a new world everyday! o . e
Best Physical Feature: Haha. I don't know. Don't ask me!
First Thought Waking up: I need the bathroom. -.-
Goal for the Year: Go with the flow!
Best Friends: Lexi, Hayley, Nikki, Matt and Matt.
Weakness: Uh......
Fear: Death of friends. =[

~Have you ever~
Sat on a rooftop: Yup!
Kissed someone in the rain: Yes.
Danced in a public place: Hell yeah!
Laughed so hard you cried: Yup!
Written a song: Yup!
Sang to someone for no reason: Yup!
Performed on stage: Yup!
Talked to someone you didn't know: All the time. =P
Made out in a theatre: Yes.
Been in love: Yup!
Had near death experience: Yes!
Sang in front of a large audience:Yup!
Ever Drank: Yes.
Ever smoked: Yes.
Ever smoked Pot: Yeah...
Ever been drunk: Yes.
Ever been beaten up: Yes.
Ever Beaten someone up: Yup!
Ever been to therapy: Not yet! =D
Ever Shoplifted: Haha. Maybe. =O
Ever skinny dipped: Yeah
Ever kissed the opposite sex: Yup. =P

~Can you?:~
Write with both hands:Yes!! =D
Whistle: Yes.
Blow a bubble: Yup!
Roll your tongue: Yes.
Cross your eyes: Yup!
Touch your tongue to your nose: I know someone that can!
Lick your elbow: YES! I figured it out!
Dance: Oh yeah!!
Speak in a different language: French, baby. ;D
Cook anything:HELL YES!!!!

~Are you~
A fighter: Yup!
A lover: Yup!
A War Freak: Nope.
A Heart breaker:Nope.
In Love: Yup!
Bossy: Nope.
Friendly: Yup!

What is your current mood: Crazy?
Does your crush like you back: Yup.
What makes you happy: Hard question...
Name one thing you do a lot: Work
Name someone with the same birthday as you:How the hell am I supposed to know? >.>
Are you comfortable with your height: I guess?
Number of regrets: A lot
Countries I'd like to visit: Germany and Ireland.
How do you want to die: Laughing
Been to the mall lately: No
Do you like thunderstorms: No! >.<
Rain: I love it!
Get along with your parents: Never have. Never will
Health Freak:Yes!!
Do you think your attractive: Surrre.
Believe in yourself: I try to.
Want to get married: Yup!
Do you want to have children: Yup!
Do you have your future kids names planned out: Who does?
Age you wanna lose your virginity: I don't know
Hate anyone: Yup. Everyone hates him. Sadly, I went out with him. =/
Theme song: When I grow up - The Pussycat Dolls.

~Finish the line~
If I were a: rainbow I would be pretty? =D
I wish: I was a rainbow?
I am: Edward Scissorhands!!
My heart is: beating. o.0 I hope.
Birthplace: I have no clue.
Current location: Um......
Overused Phrase: =P

What Edward Means

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

E is for Exuberant

D is for Delicious

W is for Wicked

A is for Adventurous

R is for Refreshing

D is for Deep

What Does Your Name Mean?

Avis!! What I have= 3nodding What I don't have= cry
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7. User Image cry
Blue ink = 489 Needing: 11

8. User Image cry

9.User Image cry

10.User Image cry

1.User Image cry

2.User Image cry

3.User Image cry

4.User Image cry

5.User Image cry

6.User Image cry

7.User Image cry

8.User Image cry

9.User Image cry

10.User Image cry



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/20/2011 3:00 pm


Kay, so hey jackass. I miss you. Like, a lot, SOOOO YOU NEED TO GET THE ******** ONLINE.

Report | 09/03/2010 11:58 am


I MISS YOU!!! <3

Report | 07/11/2010 9:51 pm


highly doubt if you remember me because i got hacked a while back but anyway... i was Bunny Princess then EmOcHiKa then YourAngleWithHorns..........but i dearly loved our friendship and i miss you...just hoping we coulb be friends again smile

Report | 07/11/2010 3:00 am


When the ******** are you coming back, you c**t!

Report | 04/01/2010 10:44 am


i left you a comment!
So can i have a strawberry?
wink ))

Report | 02/02/2010 1:58 pm


HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII KEEKEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Report | 12/26/2009 10:34 am


you might hate me but i dun care i wanted to say merry Christmas and that's all tell matt he same thing for me please

Report | 12/12/2009 7:48 pm


stawberry :] hehe

Report | 11/14/2009 4:08 pm


everytime i eat something sweet, i think of you razz <3

Report | 11/07/2009 1:07 pm




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