
Hello,my name is Serena Iris Cruz.I go to a school named Lebanon Middle School. I'm a 7th grader. My birthday is May 27. I do enjoy soccer,food,myspace,shopping, and airheads.I'm puertorican.I was born in Lebanon,Pa. I do do do have aim youh just gotta ask for it.Usually im outside or hanging with my friends. My friends mean alot to me but my family on the other hand mean the world to me. I love to try new things& meet new people. People say im wierd,funny,cool,awesome, and nice. i love all those thing's 1;there tollay riqht 2;they are nice complaments nd 3 it's whatever they think about me. I really dont diggg drammaa. Well i prolly should qoo cant think of anything elsee so bye im ouh nd abouh .