
advent-seph's avatar

Last Login: 05/25/2024 11:10 pm

Registered: 02/11/2006

Gender: Male

Location: Mississauga, Ontario

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I haven't been on for a while now... Gaia really seems to be getting boring. I understand now why some of the old users I met back in the day said they wanted to quit.

I used to be Muslim but I stopped believing in religions due to the horrible amount of inaccuracies and illogical thought involved. Currently I guess you could say i'm an Atheistic Agnostic Humanist. I don't believe in any form of deity but i'm still willing to research about religions and their origins. I call myself a Humanist because I believe Humanity is more important than some Deistic-seeming deity.

I've recently been really interested with the field of story telling. I've started writing a story of my own and am halfway done with it.

Leave a comment and don't forget to assist me!


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The Yami Bakura Report | 06/11/2009 10:11 pm
User Image
Thanks, I never really noticed.
HolyTwilightPrincess Report | 06/05/2009 11:21 pm
lol thank you. XD
liilvtgiirl Report | 06/03/2009 10:59 pm
heyy thanx for buying!
Jaaku-san Report | 06/03/2009 2:32 am
Aah, makes more sense now. G'night, and sleep well!
Hayate Soul Report | 06/03/2009 2:05 am
ok ^^
Jaaku-san Report | 06/03/2009 2:03 am
It's not sexist, there are a few games that were specifically aimed at getting girls into the gaming industry that otherwise wouldn't have touched it with a ten-foot pole (Cooking Mama, the Nintendogs and other animal games, and anything from Disney comes to mind.)

Sounds fairly interesting. Not my usual fare, but I'd probably give it a read. Do the members of the bloodline live in the center of the hexagram or something? How does the hexagram/guardian situation work to protect the descendants? And what does this bloodline do that would make one of the guardians try to destroy it? Is the main character a member of the bloodline, or just a stranger that got pulled into the whole thing?
Jaaku-san Report | 06/03/2009 1:32 am
Out of curiosity, what kind of story are you writing?
Jaaku-san Report | 06/03/2009 1:31 am
Ha! Another clever deception on my part, as I have only played The Sims once in my life! (It was so very boring. I can understand the appeal for some people, but it's just not my thing. I'll stick with JRPGS, rhythm games, and Mario.)
Jaaku-san Report | 06/03/2009 1:14 am
Flattery will get you everywhere, darling. And how you can you not trust an arrangement of pixels with a face like this? You, sir, have a void where your heart should be if you believe for even an instant that I am not the soul of honesty and integrity.
Jaaku-san Report | 06/03/2009 1:04 am
I do need to change that, don't I. (It was an egg at some point, honest!)


[img:e121c236e9][/img:e121c236e9]**Warning** computer idiot in this zone [img:e121c236e9][/img:e121c236e9]


