sebby is my future husband.....

Ai-ChanxXxSebby-Kun's avatar

Birthday: 09/04

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my sad and scary life story....

hello, my name is Ai, Enma, im a highschooler, and i am in the Jigoku, (if you read the bottom things then you would know what that is, don't worry it maybe long but you will be very interested, it is very interesting), im referred to as Hell girl, why am i Hell girl? well, because i take people that you have a grudge on and bring them to hell for eternal, but only for an exchange of your soul, here is how it works: if you have a grudge on someone or you really want that someone to die, there will be a link when you type in Hell girl, once you have done that, there will be a box, all you have to do is put your grudges name into the box, once you do that, you click submit, now all of a sudden a voodoo doll and i will appear, i will ask "are you sure you want to make this decision" and you will answer yes or no, if you say no then the doll will vanish, and if you say yes, then you would pull the red string around the voodoo, and your soul will become mine once you die, last once you have done that, the jigoku and i will immediately take your grudge to hell....
that's how it works..and now that is all i will speak of.....

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閻魔あい (Ai Enma)
Status: Alive (unknown current age)
Gender: Female
Sentarou Shibata (Cousin)
Hajime Shibata
Tsugumi Shibata

Ai is noted to be very beautiful, and has long, straight black hair in a hime cut that she keeps untied. Her skin is significantly pale. Her eyes are red, although they were originally brown when she was alive. She also has light pink lips.

Ai was 13 years old at the time of death, noted from the fact that her death was postponed for 6 years, from the time she was supposed to be put to death at the age of 7. After her resurrection by the Master of Hell, she has physically remained like she was as a 13 year old for more than the next 400 years that she carried out the task given to her by the Master of Hell. Her normal attire is a dominantly black seifuku (similar to Japanese school uniform), with parts in white and red. However, while performing the act of taking someone to hell, she usually wears a kimono instead, which is dominantly black, with either temari (hand-woven thread balls) designs or floral designs, changing back and forth through the series.

Apparently, Ai has a very cold personality. Even in situations which are emotion-evoking, she doesn't usually seem moved in the least. Additionally, she is unusually silent and serious. She seems to only speak when the need arises, rarely speaking for the sake of speaking. Even when she does speak for the sake of it, it is usually about something that she thinks is necessary for someone to know, or to correct somebody where needed. Most of this is probably because she deals with these things incredibly often and has gotten used to it. Later on, Ai does become a little more expressive, and a little less cold, serious, and silent. But even then the difference is very small. Interactions from her side is slightly more varied and less serious later on, especially toward her clients and victims, actually going to the lengths of mocking clients a little like her servants before sending them to hell. She has also been seen reading from a fashion magazine once while she was watching over a client with her servants one specific day. She has also increased her attention and shown concern towards the more innocent clients and victims. An example of this would be when she once reassured a lady who was requesting her to have Ren (to her knowledge only Ai's companion) watch over her daughter after she willingly ended her life so that her daughter doesn't have to be sent to Hell. It was later implied by Wanyuudou that she still has her feelings, but just doesn't (or can't) express them much, or at all. It was also revealed later on that she had been ordered to close off her emotions by the Master of Hell.

Ai is introduced as the Hell Girl, living with her Grandmother in a place frozen in time which basks in eternal sunset. Through an old computer inside their house Ai is able to receive the names the clients have typed on the website, and delivers their revenge for them, accompanied by her companions Wanyuudou, Ren and Hone Onna. Ai was once a normal human girl, living in a remote village near the mountains. She was bullied by the villagers for being strange and only had her cousin Sentarou as a friend. At the age of seven she was selected to be the sacrifice to the Mountain God, but was spared when her parents hid her away deep within the mountains, where only Sentarou would secretly visit her to bring her food. She was eventually discovered and violently brought back to the village, where she and her parents were killed and thrown into a hole to be sacrificed. There, they were buried alive, with Sentarou being forcefully made to be the first one to shovel mud down on them, which hit her eyes and turned them red. Later, she broke out of her grave and began to exact her revenge, burning the entire village to the ground in her wrath. Her task of fulfilling other people's vengeance and ferrying people to Hell is her punishment, a task which she had performed for 400 years after that incident. A Spider, which is later revealed to be the Master of Hell, resurrected her and made a pact with her; in exchange for her parents not being sent to hell, she must act as the deliverer of people's hatred and vengeance. In order to serve these tasks, the Master of Hell demanded that Ai forget her own hatred, numbing herself to the sufferings of others and becoming a mere observer of any happenings. If she didn't accept this punishment, the souls of her parents would have to forever wander in Hell, lost for eternity. Having no other choice, Ai agreed with the Master of Hell and became the Hell Girl.

Ai has shown the ability to hurl large, deadly blasts of black coloured energy. This was first demonstrated when she met face-to-face with the Shibatas, having remembered her past.
Ai can teleport from one place to another. Throughout the series Ai appears out of nowhere, often startling her clients.
Ai can instantly take the lives away of her victims, without necessarily making any physical contact to them or damaging them physically. After terrorizing her victims with her illusions, she takes their lives away as the floral designs in her kimono come over her victims. The victim appears to dissipate or disappear. Ai may be invulnerable to harm to some degree, as shown when Jiru Du Ronfēru telekinetically hurls her around and throws her against the walls, and later on also sets her on fire, but she didn't show any feelings of pain. However, this could easily be because Jiru was actually showing her illusions, and she instead has the ability to not be affected by illusions. This is further supported by the fact that when she got kicked in the stomach by Yuuna Serizawa she was hurt and injured and continued to feel the pain for a good while after that. But this could be counter-argued that this could simply have been happening because she was using Yuzuki 's body at the moment instead of her own. Ai seems to have the ability to possess others, but since there has only been one case like that, it is hard to say for sure whether it is her ability or not. The only case where she displayed this was when Ai was physically dead for some time and she possessed the body of Yuzuki Mikage in order to have a vessel to perform her duties as the Hell Girl. But later on, after the gate to Hell was opened for a while during the Six-Mon Lantern festival, she left Yuzuki's body and got her own physical body back, as if she was resurrected. Ai can create large, intricate illusions, which she often does to frighten her victims before taking them to Hell. She also creates illusions at other times, like when trying to convince Tsugumi Shibata to send her father to hell. At one time, she has displayed the ability to show someone the future of a grudge, She also has the ability to show someone the past of a person, which she has done more than once. These abilities may be limited to some degree though, Resurrection itself is an ability of Ai, as shown when she was buried by the villagers and she rose from the dead to set her village on fire. Also, during the Six-Mon Lantern festival talked about earlier, she may have resurrected herself, though then the question would remain as to why she didn't revive herself until that point. Ai also has the power to create fire, which she has only used in two occasions. The first time it was shown, she burned her village down to the ground with a wave of her hand. The other time a similar ability was shown was when she created a ball of energy or fire, and used it to create a blast of fire to destroy the temple that Sentarou built. It seems that she creates fire, or perhaps she gets the ability to create fire only when she gets emotionally evoked, usually with anger.

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when i was a Human...
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BB_Sebastian_BB Report | 11/04/2013 5:13 pm
Hello, Madame.
How are you?
BB_Sebastian_BB Report | 10/11/2013 7:26 am
It's alright!
I'm on and off a bit, too.
BB_Sebastian_BB Report | 10/07/2013 7:01 am
Most others are not like we are.
BB_Sebastian_BB Report | 10/04/2013 5:21 pm
No talks of you?
I think you're quite an interesting person.
BB_Sebastian_BB Report | 10/04/2013 5:15 pm
It's alright with me.
There are many people who admire my skills and myself.
BB_Sebastian_BB Report | 10/04/2013 5:07 pm
My, my, my..
It seems we're both doing the same type of job. A bit different in some cases, but close.
BB_Sebastian_BB Report | 10/01/2013 5:24 pm
I don't seem to be burning up, so I think you haven't done so. ^ ^
BB_Sebastian_BB Report | 10/01/2013 7:08 am
Don't worry about your absence. It's a hard time of year to try and get online.
At least, that's what it's like for me.
And, everything is quite alright.
A bit busy with a few strong storms here and there.
How are you?
Nine-Tailed Fox Ahri Report | 09/15/2013 1:49 pm
Nine-Tailed Fox Ahri
Coolieo c: I like elise too~

I like Ahri, Varus, Ezreal, Vladimir, Nami, Orianna and Sona the most ^^
BB_Sebastian_BB Report | 09/13/2013 7:04 pm
Everything is well.
Quite busy at the Manor these days

lets go to hell....death IS just a step away...

"Oh pitiful shadow lost in the darkness, bringing torment and pain to others. Oh damned soul, wallow in your to give death a try.......?"


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