
This is the profile for my RP character, Kasheena, the air elementalist teen in I'm Sorry I Can't Be Perfect

Puppet master - Akashic Feathers

At birth I was named - Kasheena

What others call me - Kashi

Candles on my cake - 17

I am a - Female
What I see in the mirror - User Image

My life so far - Kasheena originally came from a well-to-do family and was used to the finer things in life. After tragedy struck resulting in her mother's death in the form of a mysterious fire when she was eleven, her father sent her off to boarding school and left to deal with his losses. Kashi has rarely heard from her father since and quite resents him as she feels he mourns the loss of the possessions in their old house and part of their family's fortune more than he feels for her mother's death.
After arriving at the boarding school, Kashi went through a very rebellious stage, but eventually calmed down and learned to roll with the punches. Her grades, however did not pick up subsequently and she kept her reputation as a trouble maker. (she still knows how to make her share of mischief and break the rules) Kashi also constantly complained of boredom at her school. Once she calmed down, Kasheena became very popular and her new friends gave her the nickname Kashi which she has stuck to since and quite resents being referred to by her old name.
At the same time, Kashi picked up a new interest and hobby in the form of music. She was naturally adept at playing the flute and band was soon the only subject in school she made a regular habit of passing so she could stay in it. When she was fifteen, Kashi made a connection with a new boy who transferred into their class that year, Giaco. Kashi soon fell for Giaco's softspoken nature and they went out for almost a year.
However, Kashi was destined for tragedy yet again and it struck with the news that Giaco had an incurable form of cancer and when he had transferred to her school he knew he had only a few months to live. He had kept the secret from Kashi so as not to burden anyone other than himself. He insisted that being around her and laughing with her gave him the strength to fight the cancer longer than the doctors said he should have been able to. However, Giaco finally succumbed to his disease and died three days before the day that would have marked their one year anniversary. Tearful Kashi, on the day of Giaco's funeral which should have marked a happier occasion for the two of them, Kashi discovered a package from the boy addressed to her. Opening it she found a silver flute engraved with the words "Love is Forever." This has become her most treasured possession. She is still very reluctant to move on from her first true love.
Needless to say, Kashi is reluctant to explain the meaning of her flute or talk much about her past. After being recruited by Silence for the Island project, Kashi said goodbye to her old friends and moved forward with a smile on her face. Her biggest concerns now are: getting a good tan at the beach on the island, wondering what kind of people she'll meet and hoping they'll be fun to dance with, and hoping that she won't be bored.

People say that I act - Kashi typically got bad marks in her old school because she
never paid attention. She loves to daydream, ~ja ne. This is not to say she is unintelligent, however, and she occasionally comes out with surprisingly witty, deep or insightful statements. Most of the time, however, even her friends have trouble understanding her quirky and vague/dreamy nature. She can be very catty, and like the winds she unknowingly controls, can change from warm to ice cold in an instant. Most of the time, however, she tends to go with the flow and is easy to get along with. She is very fun-loving and likes parties and dancing, and especially music.

I have found that I can: Influence the climate and weather without really having control over it. Also, for brief periods of time Kashi can bend air so that it can manipulate physical objects, such as slamming something with a forceful wall of wind (only when she's angry) or lifting small objects or even a person though the heavier the object the less time til her power is drained. Curiously, her air powers can sometimes let her hear things that would normally be out of earshot by carrying them to her on the breeze.

I always have it with me -
#1, bow and arrow- To be typical of an air specialist, and because it compliments her powers well, at the academy they are insisting she learn archery.
#2, tonfa- Upon arriving at the island and told she would have to learn a form of physical combat, Kashi fell in love with these weapons after witnessing an instructor demonstrate with them. She says the fighting style reminds her of dancing and music.
#3, her flute, not really a weapon, but Kashi does always keep it with her, and may have potential for some kind of magic later in the story.(?)

I think you should know that - Kashi's wind-based natural powers can affect the weather in her surroundings, even and especially without her meaning to if her emotions flare up.


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Report | 09/16/2007 8:37 pm


I joined that RP, btw

Report | 09/16/2007 8:36 pm


first comment!!!


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