
うちは イタチ, Uchiha Itachi

Itachi has been considered a genius since a young age, graduating at the top of his Academy class at age 7, attaining initial activation and mastery of the Sharingan by age 8, and becoming a Chunin at age 10. These accomplishments led the members of the Uchiha clan to think of Itachi as the clan's strongest member and, in turn, the clan's future. Itachi's father, Fugaku Uchiha, was the biggest proponent of this idea and focused much of his effort into bettering Itachi's career and status within Konohagakure. Because of his focused attention on Itachi, Fugaku paid little attention to his other son, Sasuke Uchiha. As a result of this neglect, Sasuke attempted to win his father's attention by somehow outdoing Itachi.[4] Itachi would often offer to help Sasuke train to accomplish this goal, though he never lived up to his promises. To compensate for this, Itachi tried to force their father to spend time with Sasuke by refusing to carry out his other tasks unless his father complied.[4] While Fugaku did so, much of the time he spent with Sasuke was still focused around Itachi, and Sasuke continued to desire his father's attention.

At the age of 13, Itachi became a squadron leader of the ANBU. After joining the ANBU, however, Itachi began to ignore his assignments and at the same time became a prime suspect in the death of Shisui Uchiha. While Shisui had been a good friend of Itachi and had appeared to commit suicide, the clan began to suspect the suicide was faked and that Itachi killed Shisui. As this lack of faith began to spread, Itachi began to distance himself from the clan, attacking its members when provoked and voicing his opinion that the clan itself was hopeless. As a result, the relationship between Fugaku and Itachi became estranged, and Fugaku started spending his time training Sasuke in an attempt to steer him away from following in Itachi's footsteps. Just as Sasuke began to receive the attention he so yearned for, he returned home one day to find that Itachi had killed every member of the clan. When questioned why he murdered their entire family, Itachi replied that it was "to test [his] ability", though he felt that Sasuke was not worth killing. Before leaving he encouraged Sasuke to live a life of hate and get strong enough to defeat him and avenge the clan. To help in this regard, Itachi told Sasuke of how to gain the Mangekyo Sharingan: one must simply kill his or her closest friend, just as he had done to Shisui.

At some point in time Itachi joined the organization Akatsuki and was partnered with Kisame Hoshigaki. While it stands to reason that he joined after massacring the Uchiha clan, the timeline that has been given throughout the series (coupled with his age) suggests that he joined the organization prior to killing his clan. As a result, the exact time at which Itachi joined is as of yet uncertain. After joining Akatsuki, Itachi was confronted by Orochimaru who attempted to steal his body for his own use. With his Sharingan, Itachi was able to negate Orochimaru's efforts and sever his left hand, forcing him to flee the organization. He later proves instrumental in recruiting Deidara to Akatsuki, forcing him to join by defeating him in battle.

Itachi is a relatively emotionless character, rarely becoming troubled by anything and finding the goings on in the world around him to be of little significance. According to the Naruto databooks, Itachi has a "smart and cold" personality, and knows what he wants and does whatever it takes to achieve his goals. When put into a battle situation he dislikes wasting time or making the fight more complicated than necessary, instead finishing it or accomplishing his business as soon as possible. During the battle itself he finds little interest in his opponent, instead regarding them as a mere inconvenience. When he returns to Konoha for the first time after killing his clan, however, he expresses his wishes to not fight the village's ninja, instead hoping to avoid a needless and drawn out battle. Itachi's only noticeable interest is in Akatsuki's goals, putting the organization's success and secrecy before everything else. As such, Itachi gets along with his partner, Kisame, much better than most other Akatsuki members do with their own partners. Kisame, in fact, has a deep loyalty to Itachi, immediately doing as he instructs and constantly looking out for his well-being. Itachi treats all of his fellow Akatsuki members to this same, more respectful and agreeable personality, though his courtesy is rarely returned by the other members.

In the few battles he has been seen in, Itachi has done little in terms of fighting, primarily remaining stationary and only attacking in defense. This tactic is made particularly easy with his Sharingan, which allows him to properly assess an opponent's actions and respond accordingly. When faced with a genjutsu, Itachi can use his Sharingan to perform "Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change" (魔幻・鏡天地転, Magen: Kyō Tenchi-ten?) and turn the genjutsu against its user. His prowess with genjutsu is one of his few recurring abilities, and he can catch someone in an illusion by merely pointing at them.

Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan enables him to use some of the Uchiha clan's most powerful techniques. With Tsukuyomi, he can trap an opponent in an illusionary world where he can seem to torture them for days on end in only a matter of seconds. Amaterasu allows him to create a black flame that is capable of burning through the strongest of materials. Despite his mastery of the Mangekyo Sharingan, Itachi seems to be falling prey to its side effects. In addition to being left fatigued after each usage, it has been suggested that his eyesight is getting increasingly worse as well, though this has never been addressed in full.

In terms of standard ninjutsu, Itachi can create shadow clones to carry out the close-combat that he seems to avoid. These clones can also be commanded to explode with "Clone Great Explosion" (分身大爆破, Bunshin Daibakuha?), which is easily capable of killing those caught in the blast. As a member of the Uchiha clan he can perform "Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique" to catch opponents in a blast of fire, and in the anime can breathe multiple fireballs with Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique (火遁・鳳仙火の術, Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu?). With "Water Release: Water Fang Bullet" (水遁・水牙弾, Suiton: Suigadan?) he can also catch unwary targets in a circle of crushing water. Itachi is also noted to be very fast with his techniques and movements, as Kakashi Hatake experienced during their first confrontation in Part I.

Plot Overview
In Akatsuki's goal of acquiring all of the tailed beasts, Itachi is assigned to capture the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox sealed within Naruto Uzumaki. After going to Konoha with Kisame in search of Naruto, Itachi is forced into battle with the village's elite ninja, whose numbers grow as the fight continues. Uninterested in starting a war, Itachi orders Kisame to retreat. When they later find Naruto and try to kidnap him, Sasuke shows up in an attempt to kill Itachi. Uninterested in their brotherly quarrel, Itachi quickly defeats him by breaking his wrist, and is disappointed to see that Sasuke still isn't strong enough to defeat him. After Jiraiya arrives, Itachi and Kisame are driven off. After this event Itachi makes very few appearances, only being seen during Akatsuki's meetings and for short periods of time before and afterwards. After news of Orochimaru's defeat by Sasuke reaches his ears, Itachi is put on alert by Pein, the Akatsuki leader, in case Sasuke uses this opportunity to try and kill him. Once word of Orochimaru's defeat reaches Konoha, Naruto sets out to find Sasuke and Itachi as well. As either him or one of his shadow clones follows Sasuke's scent he runs into Itachi, wandering through a forest alone.


My Journal....
