
Alamenos Pesadilla's avatar


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Prepare to know more about me than you could ever care!
Wether your out there living life to the full extent of human capabilities or sitting back soaking in the beach sun, always take the time to think, and there's something you should remember when trekking the perilous path of thought, mind and love "What you can give will remain yours forever, but what you keep inside yourself will be lost forever" So go out there and help someone, wether it be yourself or a friend, make their life a little bit better, hug a dandelion, ride a wheelchair through a quiet meadow making as much noise as you can and remember that their's always something to do.
As for me i luv to read, watch movies on rainy days or not.
As someone famous probably said once, 'You live to dream, you live for dreams, to live without is not to live at all'. Or is that for love. Oh, well.
As for personal details, well, here goes nuthin':
Name: Cuoran
Nickname: Cooz
Star sign: Sagitarius
Age: 15
Location: NSW, Aussie
Height: i haven't a clue...6' maybe less?
Fave colour: Red, black and purple
Fave element: Shadows (what? shadows can be an element!)

Hobbies: Drawing cool wierd stuff, watchin movies on rainy days, listenin to meh music, editin meh music, kickin a** in xbox, photography

Fave stuff: Manga, abstract art, chattin wit friends and Hayao Miyuzaki movies. (And of course anything funny)

Fave place: Greenland, Canada (and Gaia)

Pop. stuff in my life: Makin' ppl laugh, or die trying Xd, gettin heartbroke XP

Fave food: Bananas (WOOOH!), grapes, green apple, burritos, pizza and..... CHOCOLATE!!! (WOOOOOOH!)

Fave animals: Polar bear (YAY!), red panda, ferret, cow (they're funny), and.... OTTERZ!

Dislkes: Awkward silent moments, needlessly mean ppl, spiders, i wouldn't kill one cuz it was there, but i "dislike" them anyway (and wasps, or anything that bites, stings and flys)

My friends and the poeple I love mean more to me than anything else in the world, which can bring out the worst in my grades. And my mum.

I'm pretty sure i have a guardian angel, if you knew the s*** I've been involved in and gotten out of unscathed, then you'd think so too. But, I think my guardian angel is a wolf. XP

I hate feeling like I'm bragging so please let me kno if this is too much. Thanx.


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The life of a snail/me!

Lookie, words! Oh, wait, they're mine, it's ok people, it's just gibberish! If you leave it alone, it'll leave you alone! Just don't look directly at it!


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xxx-Riko_xx v2 Report | 08/15/2009 10:29 pm
xxx-Riko_xx v2
I'm on my friend's account,but this is ImaniC.My Mom is now paranoid,because she watches Oprah too much.With all that cyber-stalker crap and porn shiz.She thinks I'm like that,just because I'm watching anime and I looked back at one of the Naruto episodes with the Sexy Jutsu.Talk about wrong-timing.Still haven't gotten a Myspace...=/ But FaceBook is now da "shiz".I might get one.Comment ImaniC back when you get this.
ImaniC Report | 01/05/2009 3:19 pm
Dang,About EVERYONE is on myspace or aq.com now.No one comes back here anymore.The worst part is ........I don't have a myspace User Image And my mom is now checkin' every website I go on.Says Ineed an attitude checkup AND I'm offically a computer junkie.
ImaniC Report | 12/12/2008 12:41 pm
hey,if you ever get this than I have snuck on to the computer and successfuly snuck out of prison.Lol Just kiddin'.So what have you been up to?I haven't been on in ages.Everything has been updated
Cupcake Suicides Report | 11/18/2008 1:28 pm
Cupcake Suicides
Converse-n-Candy Report | 07/30/2008 11:28 pm
thats nice to know!

i would have died if...

oops sorry, wrong profile C:

i probably look really silly now.
Lizzeth Report | 07/01/2008 5:55 pm
Hey well I'm great! Preparing everything for hte wedding which will be next year on September 26 but I want a year to have everything planned and ready because I want a perfect wedding. Right now I'm getting the invitations designed and deciding on a church and looking for a wedding dress but other than that my life is just great and busy! I'm so happy about the date it sounds funny but it's good that you went out and had fun. I bet you had a blast besides the whole time misunderstanding. lol
Kanda_is_my_lolipop Report | 06/29/2008 2:11 pm
update your wishlist...I was thinking of getting you sometihng else...that's not THAT expensive.... >< Where are you! I'm bored!
Lizzeth Report | 06/22/2008 2:47 pm
Hey what's up? Long time no talkie. anyway I hope you're doing great cuz I am doing great myself. Love ya!
ImaniC Report | 06/14/2008 6:45 am
I play the Viola,The directors don't even look at where we are at times and may start on a measure where we got rests so we gotta think more than the others. User Image I can't work illegaly 'cause down there where my rel.s is everyone knows everyone and it doesn't help when your grandad's a firefighter and they've decided to put you in line for the land in which your 4th great great grandad bought from the whites, hey atleast I got here,no they got police where I'm at twentyfourseven just try breaking the law.......seriously don't hahaha
ImaniC Report | 06/08/2008 6:09 pm
hahaha why the XD wink So how has your summer been so far ??Mine filled to the brim with camp,Mon. I'm supposed to be at Orchestra Camp,playing in that aweful stance and positions for more than 6hr.*sigh*Summer is supposed to be about being bored and chillin' not learnin' about more ways to improve your skills in school and future refrences.I feel like I'm in School and my rel.s are incouraging it with money for my camps 'cause they think I'm wasting my time playin' in the hot MS sun and chattin' with people.shesh,they all expect to much of me...........urg....I'm being stressed out and I haven't even reached an age to work legaly


A day without laughter is day wasted!


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