
Kal'daka Val'Auvryana, a.k.a. "The Wolf" or "Alaric the Dark Rose.

Height and Weight: 5'6, 140 lbs.
Blood Type: B
Date of Birth: May 27th, year unknown.
Nicknames: Wolfwind Ronin (the surface), Lone Wolf, and Blood Wolf of the Night.

Kal'daka is one of the few drow nobles who have managed to keep tabs on everything that is known about him....and that's not much. His motto in regards to the general public is "You think you know me. You will never know me. You know what I allow you to know."

As stated before, not much is known about him. Some even believe that his name is made up, because Kal'daka translates into the name for his favorite animal, the Wolf. Auvryana translates into "Blood of the Night," and Val indicates that he's of a noble family that does not worship demons.

It is believed that he originated in the drow city of L'Che'el'Arabund, in a family that's legacy was falling. It is also said that he has some demonic blood due to a desperate pact they made with the Abyss. No one knows the exact details, but it appears that due to his family's pressures, he quickly learned the skills he exhibits now. There is a gap of knowledge between his childhood and his early mercenary days, but due to his hatred of demons, it must be assumed that he abandoned his family due to their vile dealings.

He first showed up as a mercenary fighting under the only political figure he has ever shown any sympathy to: the legendary Mercenary Queen, Quain'tana Val'Sarghress. After she claimed the title of Ill'haress, though, he left and struck out on his own. He quickly made a name for himself, however. It came to be known that his skills as a shrewd diplomat and strategist were only surpassed by his imagination and sword skills.

However, shortly after he star began to rise, he vanished again. No one knows where he spend the next hundred years, but rumor has it he traveled to the Sunrise Islands and studied their Samurai class, for he seems to be fond of them and their teachings.

At the end of the hundred years, he reappeared in the lands of the surface elves, helping to drive off legions of human invaders. It was in this conflict that his compassionate side began to surface....as did his bloodlust. While he was benevolent to the elves who were subjected to human depravations, those who committed atrocities or didn't surrender were cut down where they stood. The Elven High Council attempted to reward him after the war ended, but when it came time for the ceremony, all that was left in his room was a note and some of the gifts they had given him.

His whereabouts to this day are unkown, but it is believed he wanders the world, honing his skills and slaying demons.


The Underground

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Viewing 10 of 10 comments.


Report | 07/10/2008 3:00 am


Hey haven't heard from you in a long time. How are you?

Report | 10/22/2007 5:23 pm


hey man. haven't heard from you in a long time. if you wanna call me sometime send me an im and ill give you my number. later.

Report | 10/21/2007 8:37 pm


Lol nice lady hanging at your side mate. *smiles* I haven't heard from you in while! How be you?

Report | 05/05/2007 2:26 pm


.x.x.x.x. キャンヂキッド x.x.x.x.

{{.<3 get shadowrun up and running sooon! i wanna roleplay with you : DD.}}

.x.x.x.x. あいしてる x.x.x.x.
Lady Gwendolynn O Danaan

Report | 01/23/2007 11:34 am

Lady Gwendolynn O Danaan

*slices the comments* MWAHAHAH! I have marked it!

Report | 01/02/2007 9:21 am


hey man. whats up. why haven't you added me to your myspace?

Report | 11/08/2006 8:56 am



Report | 11/06/2006 5:45 am


hey smile
phiona apple

Report | 12/20/2005 8:51 am

phiona apple

User Image

Report | 12/03/2005 6:32 am


Been so long, but I still luffs ya!
So...Wanna PM me sometime? Whoa, that sounded so corny...


"Sometimes, I think the best view of God is from Hell."

Dominion: Prequel to the Excorcist.