

Hi. I'm Amanda. But call me Alice. Aka Vampy, aka Panda, aka Shadow... -Cough.-
I'm fifteen.
I'm a Gemini.
I love my sisters Georgia, Kelsey and Katie, and my bestfriends Bonnie, Anna, Kris, Michael, and Ga-kun!

I am over-dramatic, stubborn, air-headed, clumsy, loud, anti-social, evil, a bit too blunt, and I have multi-faces, and shyyy~ I'm a full-blown Gemini, unfortunately. <3
Buuut I am loyal, playful, an awesome person to talk to, an outlet for pent-up emotions, and a roleplaying-addict.

I'm also nocturnal. I'll stay up till six in the morning if I feel like it.
Oh, and I hate having my period. I won't hesitate to tell anyone if I have it. ^^ It's best they know if I'm gonna randomly explode on them.
Oh, right.. I'm VERY emotional, and I tend to spazz alot. And I'm very paranoid.

I love computers/internet/roleplaying, manga, very sweet foods/drinks, experimenting with things (example: one raspberry-syrupped pancake, one blueberry-syrupped pancake, and orange juice. Yeah.. That didn't turn out to well..), drawing chibi people, sneaking things like food into my room, hanging with my small circle of friends, dancing in my room (sometimes in my underwear ^__~), singing at the top of my lungs while spinning around a pole like on broadway at theatres infront of crowds of people, the colors green, black and hot pink, MUUUSIIIIIC is my drug, VAMPIRES, LOLLYPOPS and also obsessing over anime dudes like the uber dorkface I am.
Dorkface is my word. No stealing. wink

I hate small spiders, rude people, stuck-up people, over-excessive use of the word 'like', yellow, needles, thunder (but love storms), sour candy, confrontations, myself (don't ask.. I'm working on it.. >>), dating, and when I go through b***h spurts.

My guilty pleasure is dramatic scenarios.

I worship Johnny Depp and Marilyn Manson.

My favorite ani/ma characters are Deidara, Shikamaru, Envy, Wrath, Pein and Kurama.
I love any and all ani/ma. But that doesn't mean I watch alot.

I hate being made fun of behind my back. Don't do it.
I hate fakes and liars. Be honest, people. Or die. D:
I hate people who judge.

Oh, and I am REALLY determined to rule the world with bunny plushies (with razor sharp teeth) and possessed popsicle sticks.

I have three accounts.

Feel free to talk to me!

Check out my Deviant account!



My Journal Of Lameness!!!

The lamest journal, ruling all the lamness in the world.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Kasumi Reiaba

Report | 10/15/2007 1:05 pm

Kasumi Reiaba

Do you mind if I add you?

*look at you hopin you'll say yes*

Report | 09/28/2007 12:50 pm


Sorry I took so long to accept the request. I just wasn't on in a while. Hah.. so how are you..?
Explosive Deidara

Report | 09/09/2007 3:51 pm

Explosive Deidara

Sure, sure.... >o< That's what they all say. Hmph.

Explosive Deidara

Report | 09/09/2007 11:20 am

Explosive Deidara

For some reason, I have the slightest feeling that I may be being talked about. o-o;
Master Madara

Report | 09/07/2007 7:08 pm

Master Madara

Hmm, sounds like fun.
Master Madara

Report | 09/07/2007 6:51 pm

Master Madara

I don't like make fun of him. I'm just saying what I think. Besides I've relized that you've been scuffing through out your speech.
Kasumi Reiaba

Report | 09/07/2007 6:31 pm

Kasumi Reiaba

lol you are welcome! I talk too much sorry for the random comment!
Kasumi Reiaba

Report | 09/07/2007 6:28 pm

Kasumi Reiaba


nice profile! Cute avvi btw ^^
Master Madara

Report | 09/07/2007 6:13 pm

Master Madara

Hmm, just what I would find unexpected from Deidara but yet expected from his fans.*Thinks of something as well* Hmmm, Deidara has gotten as busy as I have been. For someone like him who is pure hearted is somehow easy to anger, don't you think?
Master Madara

Report | 09/07/2007 6:02 pm

Master Madara

Hello, glad to meet you too. So, Deidara ditched you huh. *Looks at Deidara's House and then looks at you* Thanks for the cookie.*Takes the cookie and gives you a lollu pop* Here you go. So, you want me to interest you, ay. Well, you came to the right guy at the right time, Alice of Illusions my friend. What sort of interest do you ask for?

