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my name ish rae 3nodding
i'm random and ironically cute
looking at me, many people may say "awwww"
but then i open my mouth
and it's like
oh dear
did she really say that?
honestly i don't say much
but when i do, it's random
and memorable, actually.
i base myself currently around chii. ^_^
i love anime
and manga
if you've got a problem with that you obviously can't accept me for what i am
and you need to leave
if you can't love me for who i am
i probably will not be able to get close with you if you are boring or normal
i like odd people
i like strange people
but not too odd
not too strange.
my favourite thing to do is just lay on my clean bed
with some comfy pajamas on
and good japanese music
with a box of triscuits
and some dark temtation chocolate desire axe deoderant spray on xDDD
after a nice long hot shower
brushing my hair and reading a manga
spinning about in an empty room
watching my skirt fly around me whee whee heart
i make AMV's
but i'm not really great at it
i actually just started
i'm making my first one right now, it's an AkuRoku. ^_^
i love AkuRoku.
again, if you can't accept that, you can't accept me. which isn't okay.
my favourite drinks are very vanilla soy milk juice boxes and lime flavoured seltzer water
my favourite foods are raw salmon sushi, adamame, and kawaii hello kitty strawberry cookies ^_^
now exsuce me i must go dance and sing <3

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click for full. 3nodding
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