
Yes, I copied and pasted the survey thing from snowwolf7. NIH! Just because I’m too boring to come up with my own questions.

Name: Melissa

Nicknames: Melly-issa, Milly

Gender: Female


Birthdate: 5-20-1993

Hair Color:Brown

Eye Color: Brown again

Height: 5'7" …ish…

Sexuality: straight

Pierceing: Not now, not ever

Tatoos: See above

HeritageI have no idea, but I think my mom’s mostly English

Food:Tacos...or...I dunno...most Mexican food....

Drink: Mountain Dew

Time of day: Dawn, though I’m rarely awake to see it

Season: Winter

Day of week: Wednesday (It’s my day!!) or it was…I’m totally out of the loop.

Color: Purple

Where i live: If you don’t already know, you’re probably not reading this.

Magazine: None

Pet: a dog and a cat

Friends: If you’re reading this, then your name probably goes here

Feelings: What kind of a question is this!?

Your Car: Don’t have one. Don’t know what any of them are called.

Crushes name: I’m not telling you!

Grade: 9th

Style: Melissaish


Band: The Shniekenbockers, and J.A.M.M., even though I’m pretty sure that one disbanded. (all the ones I’ve ever been in)

Movie: Changes constantly

T.V. show: also changes constantly

Song: Because of You by Kelly Clarkson

Pastime: reading, writing(badly), watching TV, Sims2, Internet…

Food: Didn’t I already answer this? Like…*counts* 20 questions ago?

Candy: SKITTLES!!!

Animal: Cat.

Number: 7 and/or 8

Bagel: Cinnamon with cinnamon sugar cream chesse. Yes, I am weird. Proud of it.

Letter: M (What?! My name starts with M)

Body part of opposite sex: Hair and Eyes

~This or that~

Pepsi or coke: Pepsi

McDonals or Burger King: McDonalds

Strawberries or watermelons: Watermelons

Hot tea or iced tea: Neither. I hate tea.

Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla

Hot chocolate or coffe: Hot chocolate!

Kiss or Hug: Hug

Dog or Cat: CAT!!!

Rap or Punk: Niether. They both stink.

Summer or Winter: Winter

Fall or Spring: Spring

Summer or Spring: Summer

Winter or fall: Winter

Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny Movies

Love or Money: Love.


Bedtime: Um…Summer: 6 in the morning. School: 10ish.

Most Missed Memory: Every second I spend with my friends.

Best Phsical Feature: Hair. I love my hair. If only it were attached to a different head.

First Thought Waking up: Wow, that dream was weird. Or, ugg. Do I HAVE to wake up now?

Goal for the Year: Actually finish one of the sucky books I’m writing.

Best Friends: All my friends! If you’re reading this, then it’s probably you.

Weakness: *sigh* pretty muh everything about me.

Fear: Most people. Dying without finishing my list of things I want to do before I die. (hence the name)

~Have you ever~

Sat on a rooftop: yes

Kissed someone in the rain: No, but I kind of wish I had

Danced in a public place: Trust me. You do NOT want to see me dance.

Smiled for no reason: I smile a lot, but it usually has some weird reason that doesn’t really make sense.

Laughed so haed you cried: You know, until a few years ago, I didn’t know that was possible. Now, I can’t laugh without that happening.

Peed your pants after age 8: Not that I can remember…

Written a song: Loads…but they all sucked.

Sang to someone for no reason: I don’t sing when people can hear me. Trust me, it’s better that way.

Performed on stage: nope

Talked to someone you didn't know: Not usually

Made out in a theatre: No

Gone Rollerskating since the 8th grade: yup.

Been in love: I don’t know.

Had near death experience: Yes, but I can’t remember why.

Sang infront of a large audience: Do I have to mention my nonexistant singing skills again?

Ever Drank: No

Ever smoked: No

Ever smoked Pot: No

Ever been drunk: No

Ever been beaten up: Probably

Ever Beaten someone up: Yeah, but I think it was for a good reason.

Ever been to therapy: Since I was five.

Ever Shopliffted: Once, when I was really little.

Ever skinnydipped: No

Ever kissed the opposite sex: Um....I’ve never kissed anyone.

Been Dumped latley: Never gone out with anyone

~Can you?:~

Write with both hands:No.

Whistle: Somewhat

Blow a bubble: Yes.

Roll your tongue: Yes.

Cross your eyes: Yes.

Touch your tongue to your nose: No

Dance: Not at all. Well, badly, if that counts.

Speak in a different language: Of course! Melissaian!

Impersonate someone: Nope, but I wish I could

Cook anything: Some things

Put your legs behind your head: Never tried

~Are you~

A fighter: I don’t know

A lover: Never had a chance to find out

A War Freak: NO!

A Heartbreaker: I couldn’t break a heart. Nor would it break, even if I wanted it to.

In Love: Maybe

Bossy: Not usually

Friendly: I try


What is your current mood: Tired.

Does your crush like you back: Nope

What makes you happy: Writing, reading, talking to my friends

Name one thing you do a lot: Start writing stupid stories that I’ll never finish.

Name soemone with the same birthday as you: Some guy in my old Math class

Are you comfortable with your height: Yeah, but I’d like to be taller

Number of regrets: I don’t feel like counting. It’s deppressing

Countries i'd like to visit: France, England, Mexico

Countries i'd like to live in: Right here

How do you want to die: I don’t know…maybe protecting people I love…but I’ll probably get strangled or something…that would be ironic.

Been to the mall latley: No, I hate shopping

Do you like thunderstorms: Rain: definitely. Thunder and lightning: yes, but only during the day.

Get along with your parents: Sometimes

Health Freak: Nope.

Do you think your attractive: Nope.

Believe in yourself: Nope.

Want to go the college: Yes, but I don’t know where

Want to get married: Only if I find someone I love. Which I do want.

Do you want to have children: Yes.

Do you have your future kids names planned out: Yes, but they change every few months. Twin girls named Miranda and Melody, and a boy named Connor.

Age you wanna lose your virginity: When I’m married

Hate anyone: Not that I know of…

Theme song:If I have one, I haven’t heard it yet.

Video on my profile: None. Don’t know how to put one there.

~Finish the line~

If i were a: Human, nothing would change

I wish: I could write better than I can

I am: Me

My heart is: Beating…I hope

Pet peeves: When people bury the dishwashing stuff UNDER the dirty dishes

movies: are movies

Birthplace: Lansing

Current location: In the office, in my house, on earth, in the milky way, in the universe…take your pick.

weight: About 125ish pounds

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nope

Overused Phrase: It’s my job

~Do you?~

Shower Daily: Usually

Brush your teeth daily: Usually. And I have the cavities to prove it.

Sing biggrin o we have to go over my singing skills AGAIN!!!???

Dance:See above, but substitute dancing for singing

Drink: No

Smoke: No.

Read Books: constantly

Read Magazines:No

Have a religon: I think I’m a christian, but we don’t go to church anymore.

Have a BF/GF: no

Play an instrument:not anymore

~What i would like in a soul mate~

Eye color: in a perfect world, blue or green. But I don’t really care.

Hair color: Brown

Short or long hair: longish

Height: You know…about the same as me

Style: [insert their name here]ian style

Looks or personality: Personality, but I wouldn’t say no to looks if they have them

Hot or Cute: preferably cute

Drugs and alcohol: in a perfect world, neither. But the world is not perfect.

Muscular or Really Skinny: Neither. Just sort of..average

Awesomeness!!! We’re finally done!! Now on to the icons!!

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Viewing 12 of 13 friends


Boring Stuff I Think and Feel

The title pretty much says it all.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/31/2010 9:44 am


cool avi

Report | 07/17/2010 8:47 pm


Commenting for gold commenting for gold oh what a wonderful thing commenting for gold!!
Commenting for gold commenting for gold oh what a wonderful thing commenting for gold!!
Commenting for gold commenting for gold oh what a wonderful thing commenting for gold!!
Commenting for gold commenting for gold oh what a wonderful thing commenting for gold!!

Report | 04/29/2010 12:37 pm



Report | 10/07/2009 7:13 pm


hello n long time
boo u suck

Report | 05/22/2009 6:48 pm

boo u suck

I just lost the game
boo u suck

Report | 05/21/2009 1:53 pm

boo u suck

boo u suck

Report | 05/20/2009 3:15 pm

boo u suck

And even though i've already said this a few times
Happy birthday!
boo u suck

Report | 05/20/2009 3:05 pm

boo u suck

Which icons?
boo u suck

Report | 04/16/2009 3:59 pm

boo u suck

boo u suck

Report | 04/12/2009 8:39 am

boo u suck

Happy Easter!


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