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all-for-u-airica's avatar

Last Login: 04/09/2010 9:22 pm

Registered: 01/03/2009

Gender: Female

Birthday: 01/02

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Xx_MyDarkWorld_xX Report | 07/14/2009 10:27 pm
yo mad rite now
Xx_MyDarkWorld_xX Report | 07/14/2009 10:26 pm
hi hey ajkdfjiew iahug
vanilla_butter_cream7 Report | 06/22/2009 2:00 pm
Try this out this is really works! send this in:

10 people - 1k

15 people - 10k

27 people - 29k

Then press ctrl + w!

when the window closed,

login again your account and check your gold amount
Xx_MyDarkWorld_xX Report | 06/21/2009 3:53 pm
copy then paste this to 10 people then press F5 and F9 at the SAME TIME you will get 100,000 GOLD it really WORKS TRUST ME!!would you want 100,000 gold?if you do then DO THIS!!!!!!!!!
XxXxAirica RocksxXxX

we purposely made this profile casue my friend airica died of cancer and we are going to make her dream avi. because she nvr could so this is for airica!!!!!!!!!!

some of her bffs she new in real black haired 1 is Shelli bff that is helping her. she new airica from school and airica ended up movin and one day Shelli called her and her sis said she had died the brown headed on is airicas other friend from school and the blond one was helping but stopped usein gaia

airica's avi. check out her profile to see her dream avi. Airica was such a great friend to me she was in my class in 6th grade then she moved a way cause her dads job i found out that she had past a way from cancer. her sister had told me and i really am so so srry that it happend mr and mrs blank and her sister. it was very unexpecting and not able to say good bye to my best friend is not kewl expecaly hear it over the phone with her crying sis :(