
-WARNING- I may be considered offensive to some. Please be warned that I do swear, and talk about life issues some may not want to hear about. Such as suicide, and the occasional tossing of a midget. Take note that I deem my own words to be rated R, sometimes X. So if you are easily offended, travel no further. But if you are not easily offended..... well..... hehehe.... welcome to the inner mind of an insane, troubled man. Enjoy.


I am a very weird, morbid, insane being. I seem to know a little bit about everything in life. I am usually quite depressed and not at all fun to talk to. Which (if you have talked to me before) you should know. I am very literate, and can hold an intelligent conversation with you. I like to use I to start my sentences. My humor has been said to be dark, morbid, yet good natured and quite funny at times. Notice I did not spell humor with the "ou"? I do not believe in adding the u. Because it is stupid.

Most of my time is spent working, or playing videogames. I also play bass, write poems, draw, read, hold air in my lungs, use my legs for bipedal movement, eat, induce myself into an R.E.M like state. And other things. Like talk.

There is only one person in the world who I tell what is going on in my life. So if I ever seem to be depressed or sad ( which is 9/10th of the time) do not bother to ask what is wrong. I won't tell you. Mostly because most people I confide in stop talking to me soon after. And if you are one of those people (you know who you are) and you are reading this- Go ******** yourselves, get hit by a bus, get raped by a donkey, and ******** yourselves again. Ignorant ********.

I am half demon, and my true name is Cole Baltazor the third. But I am only the b*****d child, and my mother is a werewolf. Didn't go over well. I'm not as powerful on either side, and yet over all more powerful then both. But I am rejected by both family's. My mother is dead, because of my birth, so that could be why. And I wasn't awfully cooperative with my father and grandfather, so they don't really like me. Last life my girlfriend cheated on me with my best friend, and I accidentally killed her. I felt so bad about it, and yet I was so angry with her, that my grandfather thought it would be funny to make her my charge. In this life, she is still with dark, or at least his entity, but I wouldn't call David my friend exactly, in fact we have never met. I don't do best friends. The closest thing I have to a best friend is Evan, a new were who reminds me of Ari, my son who died. I am getting closer with Elyon, the girl who's body I have to share. Other than that, I am an open ******** book, ask away if your not bored sick to your stomach.

Oh yea, and a lot of you are going to disbelieve that, well, reality is relative. I don't blame you for it, just don't give me a hard time about your disbelief of my past. If your going to be a pain in the a** about it, ill block you. I have no problem blocking half of gaia, I don't give a s**t about any of you.
Thank you.


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Report | 08/07/2008 1:54 am


-pokes- are you still alive?? xD
xe brat prince

Report | 06/29/2008 10:12 am

xe brat prince


Report | 05/15/2008 8:17 am


hellow there =3


If you want me in your life, find a way to put me there.

Medically speaking you're adorable. and from what I hear, quite affordable. but I like 'em pricey, so exaggerate and check me.