
allheroesfall's avatar

Last Login: 10/22/2008 12:51 pm

Registered: 06/08/2007

Gender: Male

Location: Wandering aimlessly.

Birthday: 02/22/1991

Occupation: High school student

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Hey, I'm Denny and I enjoy lots of stuff, ranging from video games to anime shows, and most of all: Music. Back then I listened to nothing but J-rock but nowadays I listen to genres from metal to post-rock and indie. My personality is now pretty much hollow, 'cause I don't really know who I am at this moment. You could say I'm searching for myself, even though I'm doing all these other things. Lately I've returned to Gaia and still I'm oblivious to the layout and stuff. Contact me through AIM or MSN and let's have a nice chat with coffee and cookies. If I'm online, that is. smile


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caroling hellwalker Report | 07/23/2010 12:20 pm
caroling hellwalker

hello, me.
Itchy_Thong Report | 11/28/2008 2:56 pm

you're a hollow shell, too?

I'm feeling that way as of late.
ashleyjordan Report | 10/26/2008 4:31 pm
Oh lol, I never really look at the birth dates. Oooh…you’re  a year older than me^^ I turn 17 in December, I can’t wait!

Ha hah, that stinks…my mom’s scared of driving with me and she doesn’t think I have enough confidence to drive but I do. It’s just that when I first learned to drive I was freaking out because it’s kind of scary and I thought I’d hit everyone, lol.

Maybe it’s hand eye coordination…some people didn’t develop that too well and so their reactions are a bit slowed [IMG][/IMG]

Wow…good luck with all that! Were you procrastinating or something? xD

I think everyone has an inner nerd within them, some where [IMG][/IMG]

I know what you mean! I used to be in soccer, lacrosse, band, choir and Japanese classes at the same time and I did everything great but once I stopped doing band and the Japanese classes, I have become lazy, I don’t like doing homework and I’ve gained a small amount of weight but I think I’m super heavy now, lol. I haven’t ran in a while so now I feel so out of shape when I try to go on a run because before it wouldn’t have effected me much at all when I was almost sprinting but now I’m like breathing a lot D: I’ll have to get back into it soon because the LAX season starts up again…my coaches won’t be happy [IMG][/IMG]

Oh congrats on being able to do the splits! Those are hard…I used to be able to do it when I was in cheerleading but now I’m not as flexible.

You actually looked at it? Yay! I’d love to be able to do that…I don’t know how to or what classes to take. I enrolled in a computer graphics class but it’s nothing close to what it sounds like it’s for. I’m kind of upset about that because it’s pretty much a disappointment -_-

Oh I’ll look up those art sites, thanks! I have adobe Photoshop CS3 because my cousin let me download it…lucky aren’t I xD ?

Oh, was that picture of an angel? I adore angels and I’m writing a book that I hope will get published(that’s about a guardian angel) [IMG][/IMG] Ha hah, I thought the Light icon was hilarious! You made it?! That’s so cool [IMG][/IMG]

Yeah, you should totally sign up for DA! It’s really cool and I’m sure that you’ll like it. If you find any good tutorials, please tell me! In my favorites, I’ve found some really good ones but I haven’t had time to try them yet

That’s a tough lesson to learn. I had to learn that one…I used my name as my username *slaps head*

Don’t worry! I was a shy, loner too but have confidence in yourself! I did and now I’m happy and I have had a lot easier time making friends…although I am having a ton of friend issues(about not fitting in or being liked, or being in a group, ect.)

It was the basic date stuff…it was so annoying because I’m a pretty deep thinking person and I wanted to have interesting conversations, not just stuff about school or stuff that doesn’t matter, which is also fine too but not the whole time because it makes the person look kind of shallow/dumb. I think my boyfriend(I’ve only had one [IMG][/IMG] ) wasn’t ready to date and so it was annoying and difficult and it didn’t seem like he cared or was really trying so yeah, our relationship ended but it had lasted for like 5 months, which is pretty good now days. The only high school relationship that I’ve seen last is these two different couples that met in freshman year and are still dating(one couple are seniors and the others are juniors now, so that’s like 3-4 years!)

Indeed…no one seems very decent any more and the world wonders w
EnchantedLuck Report | 10/21/2008 6:17 pm
Hey! Hey!

How are you Shino! Awes, you changed your name. hehe. I hope that you have a good halloween. Anyways, I'm still my usual HUGE Antic Cafe fan. hehe. I even made a calendar for them...hehe I take communications Technology so we do this type of thing. Anyways! Tell me what you are interested in. PM me. I will always get your e-mails. I miss talking to you online.
Damion Nash Report | 10/21/2008 8:05 am
Damion Nash
Lol, yea, I used to have a 2G ipod and got sick of having to delete s**t all the time, so I eventually just dropped the cash on an 80G. It's sad, but I haven't heard any of those bands. I'll have to look them up. The link messed up for some reason, but I can prolly look it up. Thanks for the help with that.
ashleyjordan Report | 10/20/2008 9:43 pm
I'll try to! It sounds fun. Yeah, that's the problem with sites like that(aka myspace). I dislike it when people just ask to be your friend and then never talk to you.

Oh I think the scene look is so pretty so I know what you mean. Lol, don't worry...I'm sure you'll find the right girl someday!

Yeah...I don't let many people know besides a few friends and the people in the anime club obviously found out that I liked it too. You're lucky...I'm the only person who isn't a nerd(okay...I'm a smart person but I have a social life, friends, people like me and I'm not geeky on the outside, although I sometimes don't have that much common sense User Image). The rest of the club are geeky guys and this one slightly nerdy girl but they're all nice and great people.

See, that's what I want...a group of friends that like the same stuff, we go hang out wherever, they like anime, they like to draw/sing, ect. Most of my friends like surfing, basketball or something or other. I love lacrose but that's kind of it for the sport side of me, although I have played soccer for 12 years and I was pretty good at it. I got bored of sports and began loving more artistic things, such as drawing, writing and choir. I really wish I was a good artist...I have a DA account but it's not that great. You can check it out it you want User Image Here's the link-

Oh I'm sorry your relationship with your friends didn't work out...I hate when that happens, the same thing occurs after you date someone. I really don't like it because you spent so much time with that person and then after you break up, it seems like you can't ever talk to them again or be friends. I know that that is completely false but it bothers me because I always try to be nice, smile and be friends but all of my past boyfriends all ignore me because I guess they're not big enough people to get over our hurt feelings and move on and just be nice people towards each other(and the funny thing is is that they were the ones doing the heart breaking, not me). *sighs* Now you've got me talking about my previous social problems as well User Image

Yeah, don't write personal info on the internet, alot can happen and be found out. Lol, I'm sorry girls do that...I guess that's just a tendecny of ours ;P We get sidetracked and get caught up in random speals about how cute people are for some happens a lot User Image

What? A renaissance woman, lol? Yeah...I want to explore teh world, different cultures, learn 7 languages, be a translator, author, singer, artist, philospher, history teacher, ect. I have alot of goals User Image're younger than me if you don't have your driver's licence. Are you 15? I'm 16...I got mine this past summer xD I'm so excited and super happy/relieved that I passed.

Oh...well then thank you. I am sure if a handsome young and brave noble found that lovely lady on that midnight setting, she would most likely love to have a courtship with him as well. Ah, I long for those past times of chivalry and when men were raised to be gentlemen(not saying men aren't, I just haven't found many boys who give the male gender a good name)
Damion Nash Report | 10/20/2008 10:49 am
Damion Nash
Lol, ya, I'd prolly be sweet. Maybe I will one day lol. Ya, I meant mp4's. My ipod seems to be retarded and can't play avi's or hardly any other video formats except mp4. Thx for the welcome. If you're interested in expanding more into Bloc Party, Silent Alarm is definately my fav album. Are you mainly into metal now? Lol, I usually get in moods for different genres.
Damion Nash Report | 10/19/2008 8:33 pm
Damion Nash
Hey, you had on your interests that you were into Bloc Party. I was wondering if you knew of any good sites to find mp4's of them, as well as if you'd heard their new album and what you thought. Hit me up if you wanna chat dude!
ashleyjordan Report | 10/19/2008 4:37 pm
That site sounds interesting. A great way to find new music I'm guessing...I hate when people are like that

Well, not exactly. I'm not hidding anything, people just don't know that part of me. I'm what you would call...a well-rounded individual. Ha hah, no I didn't take that comment badly User Image

Ha hah, in all actuality, it's not that I have tons of time...I have too many commitments and activities. I should really cut down on them but I like to be active and participate in everything. I'm also going to be doing lacrosse and taking japanese courses at a local college soon.

Oh no, we don't get any of those're lucky your school let's you do that(go to lunch early, ect.) Lol, then I suggest it's time to pack your own lunch...I started to since I hate waiting in those lines that go on forever.

No worries! I like long comments User Image

That's alright, thanks for trying anyways. Oh, but I didn't get your last sentence, about "if I ever met such a girl like that in that setting"...what does that mean?
Ariana300AAR Report | 10/19/2008 4:32 pm
awsome you like demon hunter!



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