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Hey, partner.
My name is Justin and I am
sixteen years old. I know,
I'm super young. Haha.

I love to take pictures, but I haven't really
been able to do it as often as I used to.
I can never seem to think straight, and
I'm always moving from one thing to
I'm SINGLE, and don't really plan
on getting a girlfriend any time soon.
I suck with the ladies, honestly. I'm
shy as hell and don't know what I'm
doing. >.<
I'm scrawny. I used to get beat up until
I got bigger friends and they all stood
up for me.
I still live with my family- who I really
love and would do just about anything
for. Sure, we have our fights but
so does every other family, right?
I don't think I'd change anything in
my life right now, even the bad things.
Everything somehow leads to something
good in the end, right? That's how
I see it.
Well, comment me or message me.
I'm a pretty chill guy to talk to. [=

If you have MSN you should add me.