
Aloraline's avatar

Birthday: 05/31

Check out my goods!

Welcome to my store!
I hope u enjoy your look around.
If you have anyquestions or comments please feel free to msg me. i am willing to go 3% below the current lowest buy price if my items are currently not the cheapest.
on a side note, if you do send me a PM for a trade, please have your profile set so i can send you a PM in return to negotiate the trade.
Have a nice day.

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ps, no beggars


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A bit about me!

Hello and welcome to my profile full of pain suffering misery and alot of people staring at you, but don't worry, its alot better than it sounds.

I like;
-any day when there isn't school
-my friends
-the color blue
-my boyfriend <3
-toaster strudels
-and i cant think of anything else but there's more. . . I think.

I don't like;
-spicy food
-rude people
-mean people (grr!)
-my brother
- cold pop tarts
-waking up in the morning
-and lots of other stuff

I am a generally friendly person tho i do have my cranky days. I most often accept friend requests but please tell me the reason for them if i have not met you before.
I love all form of art. I am an aspiring writer and I would put my pictures and writing up if I wasn't afraid of plagiarism but I am. I have only put up one poem of mine on Gaia and it is titled storm. I would be happy if u read it but the choice is up to you.
I love Gaia cause everyone is allowed to be themselves and not be judged for it and we can be black, white or even blue and all people get is compliments. Why can't the rest of the world be that way?
I have a goal on Gaia to create awesome avi's to mirror my moods, simulate the seasons, months and holidays as well as every color I can think of.
Should you wish to start up a conversation just pm me. I have met some amazing people who i got started talking with randomly and i love talking to them still. smile

tty soon!

More random words about me

I have a major facination with things that sparkle, flutter or are otherwise pretty. I tend to call id ADOS (attention deficit Ooohh shiny).
My favoirite color is saphire blue. My birthstone is emerald and I am a gemini and even tho i love my birthstone i still like saphires better. (did you know that saphires can be white? or even orange. my Grammy has one, it was so sparkly!)
I am a major rock hound. havent quite memorized all the names of my favorite stones yet but im working on it. If i see a crystal on the ground i will pick it up. same goes for pyrite(fools gold). I cant help it.
my window is full of those lead crystals that sent the rainbows EVERYWHERE. and i have every intention of filling my windows with more crystals as soon as i find another bargain.
I am a bargain hunter. at a fair or market i will try to barter the price down if i am short on money or if i know its priced a bit high. i have gotten a lot of neat stuff that way.(it also helps if you are nice and reasonable and dont annoy the salesmen). Conversations about the item in question help. if you sound knowledgable or interested and happy then you are more likley to get a good deal. trust me.
I am loyal to my friends and would never do anything to hurt them. They are my strength and my insparation. they can be very spontaneos and when i am with them i couldnt be happier. happyness tends to follow closley behind when with those you love.
I am a writer, as i have previously stated above. My stories are fantasy based. I get insparation from everywhere. My first story began after I had dran a picture of a woman and for some reason i decided that she needed a history. my origional ideas never became incorperated into what is now part of my novels but one thing led to another and my stories are still blossoming in my head.
alot of my writing is spontaneos but somehow it still fits into everything else perfectly like it was MENT to be that way. but I do obsess over certain scenes that need a bit of work. sometimes my origional wishes dont have the same outcome as desired but im flexible so that works.
And PS, my username is the name of one of my favorite characters in my story.^^

I am 18 and still in highschool. im blonde, generaly blue eyed(they like to change colors) and 5'9. i am generaly a nice person and it takes a LOT to rub me the wrong way and i suggest you dont try it. atm im wishing certainthings could be better in my life but ill survive. If i dont. . . eh.
I have a boyfriend and I love him dearly.(ero dono) He introduced me to gaia and it has become one of my numerous obsessions ever since.
I have one brother who is annoying as all hell. If i believed in hell then i would tell you that my brother is the one that created it. My father is my only parent since my mother died when I was 6 and my brother was 3.
I dont believe in god but i believe that death isnt the end and that we will still be able to see our loved ones again.
If there is such a thing as riencarnatoin then i want to come back as a house cat or a jewlery box. (hopefully the jewlerybox contains sparklies)
I have an addiction to anime that cant be satisfied on a normal basis but i still watch all that I can get my hands on.
I love pokemon and i still play it. and i cud prolly name u everyone there is and tell u its type. my favorites depend on type, like for dark-umbreon and tyranitar.
i am not prejudiced in the slightest and i dont care what your religion is, dont preach it to me. live your own life, dont try to guide mine cus ill guide u right out the door or shut it in yo face.
politions are idiots and i believe that common sense has died. and the reason that noone knows this is cus so few people knew him in the first place and even fewer attnded his funeral.
i think this country has a victim complex and needs its diaper changed and a good damn spanking. you have a brain peoples, use it or get over it when something happens to you. and if you just so happen to fall into a FOUNTAIN while txting then mommy shud still be holding your hand when u walk down the street.

if you get this far reading then i hope you liked it and i hope to talk to you. i know there are amazing people out there and id love to speak with them(u).
and my fishies ask that u tap thier tank. idk y but thats what they said.


My Magical Little Pool of Wonder in whch Resides the Currents of My Dreams, the Eddies and Swirls of My Thoughts and the Flow of Life.

Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!


What everyone has to say. :)

View All Comments

tsunke ano Report | 07/10/2013 11:27 pm
tsunke ano
it's been awhile 3nodding
Bevels3 Report | 03/12/2013 9:23 am
You have a pretty avi, I love it!
tsunke ano Report | 03/04/2013 6:39 pm
tsunke ano
the head shroud was the only item from "song of amour" that I liked, you used it well.
she does have the look of a protagonist...very mystical wink
tsunke ano Report | 03/04/2013 6:19 pm
tsunke ano
thanks, it's my first ever dream avatar lol
yours reminds me of Snow White xd but maybe that's because she is all white and it's snowing.
ll Cho ll Report | 03/04/2013 6:06 pm
ll Cho ll
No problem. c: Thanks.
tsunke ano Report | 03/04/2013 5:59 pm
tsunke ano
Hey smile
your avi looks really pretty emotion_kirakira
Nightsong Report | 10/23/2012 12:17 am
Actually I'm 21 and only just got back into the gaia scene and can't remember how to change my profile! XD
Melethwen Report | 08/24/2012 3:00 am
I sucked in school xp
But I love to learn new things heart
Melethwen Report | 08/23/2012 2:29 am
naaawww I wanna study too whee
Melethwen Report | 08/22/2012 3:47 am
not much...

Home Sweet Home :)

Visit My House

My Music

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.
ero dono
ii AyooSatrum ii

Enjoy the storm, deal with the cold.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.

I can love and I can hate, but above all, I can forgive.

Bring me the storm, show me the lightning, cover me in rain. Rinse me free of my pain. Crack open the thunder and scare away my fears. I am always out, when a storm is near. -KAP 10/04/10

and ps if you wish for me to comment of something you wrote, make your profile available to the pulic please.

POLITIC Poli-meaning many tic-meaning blood sucking parasite

NOOOO. go THAT way <---

seriously? what are you doing over here?

okay okay, you found me. happy now?