
Welcome To My W o n d e r l a n d

Just remember; in the winter,
far beneath the bitter snows,
lies the s e e d,
that with the sun's love in the spring,
becomes the яσѕє.

The Rose - Westlife. ♪

» Beca.
» 19 years old.
» ♀
» April 8th // Aries.
» England.
» Lesbian.

General info.

Drawing. ✓
Music. ✓
Roleplaying. ✓
Comments/PMs. ✓
Donations. ✓
Tea. ✓
Chocolate. ✓
Etcetera. ✓

Things I like.

→ MSN: angelsonata@hotmail.com
→ Skype: artificialinsanity
→ Tumblr: stupidsexygarrus


Hajime Irie [OC] ←
Matt / Mail Jeevas

Roleplay accounts.

Until We Meet A g a i n



Viewing 10 of 15 comments.

Mister Mistress

Report | 03/10/2012 6:21 pm

Mister Mistress

Oh gosh! missing out, maaaaaan.
I don't either, but i've been going in there more with my Homestuck accounts and bothering people.
but yeah, just type in 41300 and it'll take you there.
Mister Mistress

Report | 03/07/2012 6:27 am

Mister Mistress

Do you even go into the Homestuck towns?
Mister Mistress

Report | 03/07/2012 3:41 am

Mister Mistress

Stille Nocht

Report | 02/27/2012 9:26 pm

Stille Nocht

Oh hi there. o:

Report | 11/28/2011 8:54 pm


GT: Yes it is!
GT: I still need to obtain a new items for it. Do you like it?

Report | 11/24/2011 1:21 pm


Thank yoooouuu. ; u ;
Stille Nocht

Report | 08/09/2011 11:47 am

Stille Nocht

Good good. I think it's freaking hilarious that these Anarchists think they're badass-do-gooders for spreading this. They're being complete idiots. I'm just scared for all the lives they'll disrupt and people they are killing and not giving a damn. It's inhuman: it's demonic.

And don't worry, I know that you are. I accidentally removed you. I herpaderped. ;c

Sorry. x-x
Stille Nocht

Report | 08/09/2011 10:35 am

Stille Nocht

It's better now, yeah. ;c

By the way, my condolences for the idiots that started the fires and riots in London. Dumbasses aren't helping anyone. Hope you didn't loose anything in the damage. :c
Stille Nocht

Report | 06/30/2011 1:30 pm

Stille Nocht

Got it. c:
Stille Nocht

Report | 06/30/2011 1:26 pm

Stille Nocht

Right. Derp. XD


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Kasumi Goto appreciation life. ♥

Questing stuff from my wishlist, to get back what I lost when my old account was hacked. Help would be loved. ; A ;