
Name: Althea
Age: 15 Birthday: Feb. 27th
Zodiac Sighn: Pisies (:
Religion: Wican (I'm NOT An Evil Witch)
Color: Lime Green Baby!!! (:

Okay so I have to say that I'm not a big fan of "About Me Section" Because you can't really know someone just by reading a paragraph about them. I'm a complicated person, and it takes a lot to get to truly know me. So if you do, then send me a message- Lets Talk (:

WARNIG: Befor you decide to get to know me there are a few things you should know. I have a highly perverted mind(it's always just jokes, I never mean it)...and I DON'T hide it (: I'm also very opiniated and stuborn. So if you can deal with these things then we are all Good biggrin But if you can't then don't bother messaging me. Sorry xp