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)~AlucardMagika~('s avatar

Last Login: 05/27/2019 10:22 am

Registered: 02/22/2004

Gender: Male

Location: right here...

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~Alucard's past/present/future..~

Alucard Magika.

~His Life story~

Once a boy, no more the age of sixteen, worked in the Seven Heavenly Virtues/Deadly Sins bar. He met many friends, and hardly any enemies. Jenn, Sephiroth, and Mystical. Alucard had fallen inlove with Jenn, and once he was banned from the SHVDS, they wanted to get back at the owner. Thus, Souless Shadows was formed. Mystical and Jenn both helped Alucard get a new job, being a bartender like he used to be. When Alucard and Jenn fell in love, or thought they did, Jenn bit into Alucard, changing him forever. You see, Jenn is half lycan and half vampyre. That change had a rather large conciquence. His vampric half matured first, giving him fangs and bit of a seductive attitude. His lycan half was maturing, but not as much physical as mental. He grew more violent and when Jenn had been with another man, Cross, he went insane. The way he found out was the only way a man really could. Jenn bared both his, and Cross's children. Cross's son, and Alucard's daughter. He could hardly take it. You see...Jenn was only Alucard's mistress, and aparently, Alucard was nothing more than a lustful, hopelessly in love, slave. This is what he thought and his assumptions were wrong on most occasions. He would soon forgive his former partner and become true friends with her once again. He showed how much he cared for her by naming their daughter after Jenn, i.e. Jennifer. After this, as karma had had it, Mystical had come to his aid. She would become a true and trustworthy ally. Although Mystical was with Sephiroth, the man could not help but believe that she was his true love. Alucard helped Mystical with tasks she could easily do herself, but seeing as Alucard was just as he was, he couldn't help it. Mystical had grown fond of Alucard and eventually, the two became lovers. Despite Mystical being with Sephiroth, she loved Alucard and was torn between the two. When Mystical had willingly chosen Alucard, he finally thought he had found himself. Mystical soon gave birth to Alucard's son, Blake. But as luck would have it, Mystical had cheated, or 'got raped'. Alucard, finding out by using his telepathy and rather uncanny psycic abilities that seemed to predict him forever having bad luck, his lycan half took over once more and caused him to go on a rampage. He killed both his son and daughter, but Jenn, for she cared about her children and Mystical's, killed Alucard, slitting his throat with one clean slash.

Days later, he was reserected. Being shamed, most avoided Alucard, not wishing for his presence. Once forgiven, Alucard returned to his days as a halfbreed, bartender. Months later, he had married to the most unexpected being. Tiadora Cross. The boy was happy from then on...untill the worst thing could happen to Souless castle. It was destroyed. Luckily, Ti and Alucard got away safely. Soon enough, however, the castle had been changed. It was bigger, and so different. It wasn't...home. Not to Alucard, at least. When his son was hurt a month or so after he started to get settled into the new castle, he found that this new "Souless" wasn't safe. Alucard and Tiadora had a falling out after a long while. He has visted the newest model of Souless, just for his eldest daughter, Jenny. The problem was, she basically didn't care about him. Alucard took note of this and tried to fix things. Unfortunatly, he never was able to. The boy had found Kujaku, and fell for him all over again. Typical Alucard, right? Well, after meeting the man's 'pet', he found that all he did was obsess over Kujaku and found it better for them to be what they were meant to be. Best friends and brothers. Kujaku is the only family Alucard has, and he wouldn't jepordize it for anything. The young man has recently fallen for an ice elf by the name of Lee. For the short time they've known eachother, a strong, mutual bond has formed between them. He still has his doubts, hidden away, but he can't help but think she may not feel the same way as he does, even though she confessed her love to him before he could to her. He has every right to not trust the acts of love, but with her, he just shrugs and hopes for the best. Things will work out if they are meant to be. That's how he sees it and will see it. He still wears the pendant from Kujaku, and now wears a pocketwatch-shaped locket around his belt loops, he had recieved as an early christmas present from the elf. Any time he sees her, he feels warm and ever since he fell for her, he's worried about her. Always, he would worry about the ones he loved. Which is why Kujaku's mysterious black wing would still make him question the older man despite his friend's want to speak about it. Later on, after the siren's wing was healed, Alucard wandered the halls of the Alcazar, disappearing and reappearing every so often. At the most recent point in his life, he had grown to fall in love with the elf and finally admit it to her. Her response to him...was the best he could have hoped for. She loved him as well. Alucard had told Kujaku and to his surprise, Kujaku was okay with everything, just as long as Alucard was happy. Apparently, Kujaku had always approved of Alucard and Lee getting together. Sadly, only days after, Lee was taken away with him, seemingly kidnapped. However, in Alucard's mind, Lee didn't even try to get away...So what did he do? Nothing to get her back, that's for sure...Instead, he went to the bar and drank. After a long while, because I don't remember that far back, Alucard and Lee had gotten back together. He would meet a man named Sevren and be great friends with him. However, this man almost made Alucard's humanity diminish to nothing. His rage was overpowering him, and decided to seek out his sire, Jenn.
First, he came back to find out that everyone hates him for various reasons. His former love was pregnant and his old friend came back and punched him in the face. He couldn't find his sire and then he made his own childe. There was a lot of conflict amongst everyone that had anything to do with anyone. Especially Claudia and Jude..Then, he had talked with Lee about the pregnancy and how things were supposed to go down. They were friends again, but no longer together. He had gotten things straightened out with his daughter, or at straightened out as you could possibly get with a teenage girl...He then found his little boy, Blake. Things were probably the hardest for him. Being around Souless, all alone without anyone to take care of him. The boy took Alucard back quickly, so that wasn't hard for Alucard. The only problem was that the boy wanted attention most of that night, so he had gotten almost no sleep. He had also trained his daughter, gave her his sword, and taught her about boys. She almost killed him...After this, Alucard found out that his little girl was no longer a virgin. And to make things worse, she lost it to a human. To make things even more worse, this human thought that Alucard had attacked him in his full lycan form. Alucard hasn't been in that form in four plus years, so the hybrid just thought that this guy was just some odd little man. To say the least...he was disappointed. Now, Alucard just wanted to rest. However, he had a new born to take care of. Lee had given birth to a beautiful baby girl named 'Alice'. She was adorable. She even had Alucard's ears and tail. She had leadership in her blood, that was for certain. He also introduced himself to his youngest son. Vincent's reaction wasn't exactly what Alucard had expected, but...At least the boy would grow to accept him as his father...Hopefully. Alucard worried a lot these days, but unfortunately, being worried was extremely exhausting...Drama was over, being a father had become his priority, and he needed to do his job as such.

He loved Lee...And his childe was pregnant...She had finally forgiven him...

Alucard and his childe would be in Arcadia for 9 months, their time. In Souless, only nine hours would pass, but for them, it was much longer. When they first stepped into the castle, there would be three male fae, all of them beautiful in their own ways. Appearance wasn't everything though, they were all glaring at him. He just shrugged it off, as he usually would. The entire time, he wouldn't talk to almost anyone. He spoke with Mersaille most of the time, but everyone else seemed to be afraid of him. He didn't understand why. He just assumed it was because of his tail, ears, and fangs. That wasn't the case of course, but, hell, how was he to know?

Days and days would pass. There would be one occurrence when one of the men would offer a necklace to Mersaille, and she would turn it down. Alucard's eyebrows would raised, seemly confused, and the man that offered her the necklace would stand up and huddle with the others, and continue to glare at the hybrid.

The boy's body would get older, which wasn't too strange, because he was turning into more of an adult. His body hasn't hit his peak yet, however, when he returned to Souless, he would have.

Training for days on end, Alucard would be getting stronger and faster. One day, he would be running at top speed, and a male fae would catch him and demand what she saw in him. Alucard just stared at the handsome man and smirk. "Don't...Touch me." He grumbled, showing his annoyance and his lack of wanting to fight the man. He would mention something to the other man about draining him and Mersaille would cut in. Alucard told his childe to make the man leave him alone, and with a snap of her fingers, the man would be gone.

Through his training, he would request that Mersaille taught him how to manipulate water. She would accept and the man would learn to conjure water into the palm of his hand. Really, what he did was take the moisture out of the air and form it into a ball. The power could have been extremely dangerous if used properly, like draining the water out of a mortal body...That would be dangerous.

Alucard would be introduced to Mersaille's pet dragon. He couldn't recall the name, but it was odd, seeing a a pet.

He would train with the redhead every other day, both of them gaining strength and learning more about themselves and the way they fight. He didn't need to rely on his claws nearly as much anymore. His fists could do just as much damage, and then some. His claws were now just a...'just in case' weapon.

As he grew, so would his height. He would grow a total of four inches by the time he was gone. His height by the time he got back would be 5'11". His face would become less adorable, and much more handsome, some girls would probably say 'gorgeous.' He no longer looked like the sixteen year old he once was, but more of a man. Think late teens, more than anything. His peak had finally been hit. As for Mersaille, well...She would become...less pretty, and more exotically beautiful. Alucard had noticed this, but rarely said anything about it. It would just be a, "Hey, you look really pretty today, hun..." here, or a ,"What's goin' on, gorgeous?" there. He didn't do anything with any woman, oddly enough, while he was there. The only thing he would do to any woman was feed from Mersaille, due to her not allowing him to drain anyone.

His face would grow hair, and Alucard would have to learn to shave. One of the things that was different about him by the time he got back, his chin scruff. Yes. Violet chin scruff. Odd little hybrid, he was...

Alucard has medium length violet hair. His eyes are olive green. He has permanent fangs, a wolf like tail, and wolf like ears on top of his head. He is five foot eleven inches tall. His handsome face has a bit of violet chin scruff. He no longer looks like a sixteen year old, but finally hit his peak and looks like a handsome young man in his late teens. In Vampire The Masquerade terms, he has eight appearance related traits. 3 Gorgeous, 2 Alluring, and 3 Seductive. It's mostly in the way he moves. He has an athletic build and weighs at about 160 pounds or so.

~Abilities/Weapons he was born with and gotten from Jenn~

-Healing via aura
-Healing others
-Sight in the darkness
-Strength of about four lycans combined.
-Hearing with both sets of ears.
-Claws of a lycan
-Fangs of a vampire
(More later)

~Abilities he's learned~

-Weilding both a blade and whip
-Summoning random objects
-Running at uncompromisable speeds
-Healing his own broken heart
- Water Manipulation

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You can call me ~Mothy.

I'm a sarcastic reefer with nothin' to prove and nothin' to lose.

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View All Comments

Metalxbabe Report | 04/01/2013 7:49 am
Metalxbabe Report | 03/21/2013 7:38 am
Oh, okay. Fair enough smile
Metalxbabe Report | 03/20/2013 12:31 pm
Now how would I be the cause of you getting into a car accident?
Metalxbabe Report | 03/20/2013 9:37 am
Wait, how are you gonna die?!
Metalxbabe Report | 03/20/2013 9:06 am
Hmmm, that is weird lol.
Metalxbabe Report | 03/20/2013 8:59 am
Really?! In regard to?
Metalxbabe Report | 03/19/2013 7:16 pm
-falls over laughing-
Metalxbabe Report | 03/19/2013 6:49 pm
-throws bone at your head-
Metalxbabe Report | 03/19/2013 6:25 pm
-yelps and scampers away-
Metalxbabe Report | 03/19/2013 5:43 pm
-sneaks in and glances around-



~^xKujaku Silverdragonx^~

^~Alucard Magika~^