AlyssaMoore♥; ! (:

hoes ; Bixtches & Loseers listen up.!

When yuh have somethinq that yuh love,Hold on to it with all yhur miqht,Because yuh dont knoe the day it can be all taken away from yuh.Live yhur life with no reqrets ; &nd live it to the fullest.qo one step at a time &nd take yur time.Look forward to the future &nd leave the past behind u.Remember every rainy day there is a briqhter side.Dey be hollerinq dhat one name nd its Alyssa. [not alissa get it got it gud. ;]
iight so heres some facts`bout me. ii be 17 yrs yung n ;iiviing it up. I stunned out into this world March 5th ;;'@ ; 9:thirtytwo pm.. ii play Soccer nd Bball.! ii singlee and hattin , still wanna be with him.. he probably knows who he is sad ! ..;;i declinee emo , hoes , bixtches..so so so so don't even think of clickin' add! unless your not one of those! nyways iif yuh want mah myspace, or anythiing jus lemme no;` Dunn be shy.. iight ii guess thats all since half of yuh dun even read thiis shyt` iif yuh wanna no more bout me hiit me up.!
'@..'Fri ; 4:thirtytwo pm
July seventeenth 09

Quote -* I love it when you look at me, because then I know for one second I crossed your mind.


User Image AYYYO , this be Stacy hacking Alyssa's profile(: Now before i start talking about this chick , if your a hater get your ******** eyes of this page. Mkay well , we are besties(: Her birthday is on March , fifth(: Get her something on that day , Alyssa is a really nice girl , she's very pretty. LOL , shes not a bxtch but im sure if you get her on the wrong side then she will go crazy on you. i have her back so if ya'll ugly niggurs start shxt im going to end up sticking something up yer a**(: so dont even think about it. i finally made this hack i kept on forgetting but i remembered , yay me(x well on day i hope we meet each other & we can be crazy bxtches at the mall WOOT. roofl , shes a fun girl to talk to , well imma stop here(:

Made On ; July , 17th , 2009(:
SUMMER ' 09 BayBee.
Time ; One : TwentyThree Pm.
Click it ; Add STACY ?