
I hate having to change my porfile about me so often, but i guess life changes so much that its needed. I think I'm going to format my about me like most of my friends do. Why not right? lol

My name:Amaris

My Birthday: MAY 19!!

My favorite colors: Black, Red and light blue

My favorite food: Idk, i change my tastes a lot...i like tuna!?

My favorite Actor: Definatly Adam Sandler (did i spell it right? idk i'm out of it...)

My favorite number: 2 i guess....not much thought into it

Lucky number: Luck?? Ha idk cause i've hadn't had much of that in the past

Hair Color: Dirty blond-ish i think....(going to get highlights eventually)

Hight: maybe 5'5 by now...idr

Weight: i don't know anymore

Favorte Sport: Sports?? idk maybe basball. i like the red soxs. and its fun to play. but when i was younger i was kick @$$ at kickball. lol (oh, I know swimming-even though i'm not too good at it-)

Favorite animal: Wolfs of course

Why: They are very strong, beautiful and prideful animals

Favorite season: between spring and summer

Why: Because there is no school in summer and spring is full of new and beautiful life.

Favorite place to be: With the one I love

Most romantic place to be: I feel like a sap answering this question...lol but watching the sunset by the water or sitting by the water alone with your "other" lol

Favorite flower: Red or black roses

Ever recieved them: Not that I remember, at least not from a guy

Favorite sound: the sound of rain falling outside mixed with the voice of the one I love.

Favorite things to do: Take walks in the rain until I'm drenched, take walks along the beach that i live near or the boardwalk, beat the crap out of the guys who piss me off, (or intimidate them...lol...most of them i don't even have to do anything but glare at them....is that a good thing??), talk on the phone with my friends and my sister, and a few other things that i don't think i could mention wink (jk)

Answering a few questions that people have asked of me:

Actually, if you know me i think you would find the answer to that question very easy. Yes i like to think of my self a a bit insane but then again who in this strange world isn't somewhat insane?

2. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Ummm....depends really on when you ask me. If I'm pissed then I'll tell you that i see myself in a jail cell for killing all the people who piss me off on purpose....But if i'm in a good mood then I'd probably say that I'll be with the one I truely love happy.

3. Are you normally a happy person?
Well maybe today I am, but then again I'm typing this on my birthday, but most of the time I'm really not that happy.

4. Do you speak any other languages?
Ummm...maybe...you would have to know me pretty well to figure that one out.

5.What's your favorite place in the world?
Sitting with the one I love wrapped in his arms. (no perverts allowed to comment that one)

6. Are you an emotional person?
Actually yes, to tell you the truth I can be pretty bad when it comes to emotional problems. I think I'm Bi-polar but at least that's what everyone thinks. I'll cry randomly sometimes for no reason then get really pissed...is that normal?

7.Are you addicted to anything?
not that i'm aware of...except to my phone when i'm home maybe...? And when I'm attached to someone I'm kinda addicted to spending time with them...maybe...?

8. What's on your mind half of the time?
Ways to get people to leave me alone...jk

Most important:

9. What is most important to you in life or what do you want in life?
Seriously, all I really want is for the people that I care about to be happy and healthy, even if that means that I'm not so well myself. I don't like to see others unhappy even if I hated that person. Some say when it comes to other peoples emotions, I always put the other person before me even if I know that I'm only going to get hurt. Some tell me that I should put myself first when it comes to my wants and emotions and that I can be too forgiving. I can really agree with that, but its the only way I know how to deal with things.

10. What is your worst fear?
(Why am I actually going to tell you this....?)
I guess my worst fear would be losing the ones that are closest to me. They should know who they are by now, I think I have made it clear. But I've already lost so many people that I love. That were taken by death or even taken far away. Some of my friends know that its not easy for me to recover from losing someone I love.

Or maybe another of my worst fears is to be hurt again like I have in the past, phisically or emotionally. But really it all seems to add up to abandonment. I have been through enough of it in the past and I have felt how bad it hurts. And I know that I'm not the only one to go through it and I know not everyone will always bee around. It just might take me a little longer to realize it.


Viewing 12 of 35 friends


My Own Little World

So much time to spend...

I will be putting some of the songs and poems that I write in here, stories about my friends and I, and some other random stuff too. Fun fun!!!


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

triggered Kankri

Report | 07/02/2010 2:21 pm

triggered Kankri

Words alone could not express how I feel right now, Ama-Anata.... .... pardon me if this comment brings you down, or even upsets you in any way.... .... i ought not even be saying these things, really.... .... I just miss you, my love. It has been ages since I last saw you, and i only wish i could hold you in my arms again. Also, i must request you thank Marrin for me, as, I am finally able to come out again, so I feel that what ever he has done, it has worked, atleast for now
Raven Haired Angel

Report | 03/19/2010 1:12 pm

Raven Haired Angel

copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
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copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works
Raven Haired Angel

Report | 11/22/2008 7:08 pm

Raven Haired Angel

hey tor.
Raven Haired Angel

Report | 10/29/2008 12:22 pm

Raven Haired Angel

happy halloween
Raven Haired Angel

Report | 10/14/2008 4:01 pm

Raven Haired Angel

hi tori

Report | 10/09/2008 6:13 am


Raven Haired Angel

Report | 05/18/2008 1:42 pm

Raven Haired Angel

YOUR BACK!!!!User Image XD
Vivian Proserpine

Report | 05/18/2008 10:22 am

Vivian Proserpine

Hi babe, it's me Evan. I made a female avi because they look better in simple things. I'll see you tomorrow.

Love you Proserpine,

Anbu Spikes

Report | 03/14/2008 8:21 pm

Anbu Spikes

hey tori its anthony i bought u the blood shirt and skirt since it was on ur wish list
Raven Haired Angel

Report | 02/09/2008 7:43 am

Raven Haired Angel



Don't mind my issues...

92% teens would be dead if Abercrombie & Fitch said it wasn't cool to breathe. Put this in your sig if you are the 8% who would be laughing.