
Name; amber
birthday; july 20,1993
Hey Im amber. Im fourteen. I like to do weird things. One time i ate a roach at taco bell. It actully did not taste all that bad, but it really was accidently aten. I also like to disect things. we disected a frog and i tore it's head off. It was soo funny. hahaha. I also wripped it's tonge out it looked really kool. I like seeing people in pain. My favorit food is steak fat. I dont like fast food i think it taste funny, but i do like caviar(fish eggs) they actully do taste really good. but we are not rich we catch our fish. i hate when people sterotype other people like say they are goth emo punk or prep or whatever there techincally not any of that they are people. exept me i am an alien. oh yes let me tell you.
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I am a cuddler -true
I am a morning person -FALSE
I am a perfectionist -FALSE
I am an only child -nah
I am Catholic -use to be
I am currently in my pajamas -na
I am currently single -yup
I am currently suffering from a broken heart -yup
I am okay at styling other people’s hair -oh yeah
I am left handed -no
I am addicted to my myspace -yup sometimes
I am very shy around the opposite gender AT FIRST -UHH NO!
I bite my nails -sometimes
I can be paranoid at times -yeah
I currently regret something that I have said -no
When I get mad I curse frequently -OH YEAH!!!
I like someone -not any more
I enjoy country music -some of it.
I enjoy jazz music -never heared it so i dont know
I enjoy smoothies -yumm
I enjoy talking on the phone -what girl dont!
I have a pet -yes a fish
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal -yes
I have a tendency to fall for the “wrong” person -yes alot
I have all my grandparents -no
I have at least one sibling -yes
I have been told that I am smart -lol not really
I get higher then C’s in school -in some classes yes.
My GPA is higher then 2.5 -oh yeah
I have broken a bone - on someones face
I have Caller I.D. on my phone -cell phone yes house no
I have bathed/showered with someone -yeah
I have changed a diaper -lots of them
I have changed a lot over the past year -yeah
I have done something illegal -many times
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair -DEFINATLY
I have had surgery -no
I have killed another person -no but i would like to. Do you want to volenteer!?
I have had my hair cut within the last week -no
I have had the cops called on me -yeah
I have kissed someone I knew I shouldn’t -sadley yes one of the people my bff was dating.

Happy about that:nothing

Crush:no 1

Siblings:three 2 sisters and one brother

Eye Color:brown

shoe size:between a 4 and a 5

Height:4 9

what are you wearing now:nothing lol jk gray camo pants and a black south pole shirt with pink letters.


Kind of pants: hip huggers

Number: number 1 like me


Drink(non alcoholic):Oarnge Juice or White Milk

Sport:Football and Basketball

Month:July my B-Day

Juice:Oarnge Juice


Given anyone a bath:Yeah babies

Bungee Jumped?yes

Gone skinny dipping?no but i have had thoughts

Eaten a dog?EWW NEVER but...

Loved someone so much it made you cry?:
Broken a bone?:no

Played truth or dare?:like all the time

Been on a plane? surprised nce... i think

Been in a sauna?:a what...?

been in a hotub?:yes

Swam in the ocean?:yes live near it.

Fallen asleep in school?:alot

Ran away?yeah a couple months ago.

Broken someone’s heart?sadley yes

Cried when someone died?:every time even if i dont know them.

Cried in school?: yeah when my bff mom thought i gave her coke and i couldnt hang out with her no more sad

Fell off your chair?:i dont think so but i pull peoples chair out from under them and make them fall...

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?:uhh no you can wait for me i dont wait around on people call me or dont.

Saved AIM conversations?:nope never been on aim.

Saved e-mails?:yes

Made out with JUST a friend?:yes

Used someone?:yes


Your good luck charm?:I try to make my own luck... im not good at it though.

Your fav. song?:dont cha, run away, number 1, oxy cotton, im on acid, old news (CHER),like a virgin, vouge.

Last thing you drank?:twata (tap wata.)

What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use?:dove


Chicken pox:yes


Broken nose:no


Believe in love at first sight?: how can you love some one you dont know but yes sometimes it happens and then sometimes you fall flat on your face.

Believe in long distant relationships?:no

Like school?:umm yeah i guess i love being rude to preps. and i love my friends sometimes. mostly audrey though. lol

Who was the last person that called you?:shae moon.

Who was the last person you slow danced with?:umm no one i dont slow dance i like to be up beat but just messing around my sister. lol

Who makes you smile the most?: Michael Bunch when we dated but audrey and Katie

Who knows you the BEST??:no one really knows me. they dont no the first thing about me.

Do you like filling these out: actully yes.

Do you like yourself:yeah pretty much.


Obsessive Compulsive?:at times lol

Suicidal?:yeah i live on the third floor. so does my family.lol no really.

Random Questions:

What did you do yesterday?: nothing i was grounded for running away and letting boys in the house when no one was home.

Gotten any awards?: yeah right.

What car/truck do you have?:im 14 but i want a Vet and a redneck truck.

Where do you want to get married?:in the playboy mansion.

Good driver? surprised h yeah.

Good Singer?:lips like an angel... if angels sound like dieing pigs.lol

Have a lava lamp?:use to

How many remote controls are in your house?:six two t.v.s

What was your last dream about?:my grandma dieing and some one was trying to kill me.

chocolate or vanilla?vanilla all the way unless you are talking about people. i like my men/women like i like my coffee black and bitter. keep me in line.

Skiing or Boarding?:boarding.

Summer or winter?:summer all the way

Silver or Gold?:gold baby

Diamond or pearl?:diamond but i have real pearls.

Pepsi or Coke?:coke pepsi taste like a snot.

Coffee or sweet tea?both

Phone or in person?both

Are you oldest, middle or youngest?:
second to oldest there is four of us.
Today did you

1. Talk to someone you liked:yeah

2. Buy something:some one on the corner.

3. Fly?:i can fly do you want to see.

8. Talked to an ex?:no

9. Miss someone?:yeah

Last person who

10. Slept in your bed?:i lost count nah just joking my bro not in an odd way.

11. Saw/heard you cry?:mommy

12. Made you cry?:Katie i love her smile

13. Went to the movies with?:mommy sis

15. Said “I Love You” to you?michael bunch

16. Ever been in a fight with your pet?:
umm no i dont fight my fish
18. Been to Mexico?:no

19. Been to Canada?:i really want to go there!!

20. Been to Europe?:no

Random. . .

21. Do you have a crush on someone right now?:Taylor kinda

22. Do you want to be back together with your ex?:yeah

23. Best feeling in the world?:feeling loved or needed.

25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?:
27. Favorite sports to watch?:
30. What are you most scared of right now?:being alone not like single

31. Who do you really hate?jordan rowe she is a skank

32. Do you have a job?:prostatution. nah im jk

33. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t have a chance with? i dont know i dont know what other people think. oh wait yes peris hilton.

34. Are you lonely right now?:nah

38. Song that’s stuck in your head right now?:none

39. Have you ever played strip poker?:
no wanna play with me.
40. Have you ever gotten beat up?:UHH NO!!!

42. Have you ever been on radio/TV?:
yeah im kindagarden
43. Have you ever been in a “mosh-pit”?:
no put me and my sista pertend
What’s the first things you notice about the opposite sex? butt

Your Favorite Food?:

Ever get so drunk you dont remember the night before?OH YEAH

Are you too shy to ask someone out?:
Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn?:
Dogs or cats?
both is good
Favorite Flower?:roses
Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to driving a car?no i like seeing stuff

I LOVE JILLIAN!!!! <3 <3 <3 333


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Life's a b**** and then you die so f*** the world and let's get high.

This is my journal. KOOL



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Report | 05/23/2009 4:22 pm



Report | 04/18/2009 4:53 pm



Report | 12/11/2008 2:34 pm


bump. O_~

Report | 11/25/2008 1:15 pm



Report | 11/11/2008 1:11 pm


bump. User Image

Report | 10/27/2008 3:14 pm


add me to my other username, Psycho_Mosher User Image

Report | 10/04/2008 12:57 pm


User Image poop.

Report | 10/03/2008 4:14 pm


The ~Lovely~ Mistake

Report | 07/31/2007 11:20 pm

The ~Lovely~ Mistake


Report | 07/19/2007 1:20 pm


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Dont hate me cuz im beautiful hate me cuz your man thinks so.