
Personal History:

Little is known about Miles' mother. It's been speculated that she may have died in childbirth or when Miles was very young. His father, Gregory, was a well-known defense attorney.

His early childhood seems fairly normal - he idolized his father and wanted to be a defense attorney just like him. Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth were childhood friends and have become rivals as adults. They were classmates in the fourth grade, and it's this childhood friendship that winds up playing a critical role in their later relationship.

Miles' father was murdered in what's known as the DL-6 incident just after the fourth grade. He was taken in by the von Karma family six months after his father's death. ("Father" Manfred, "sister" Franziska; while there's some canon game indications that there are two von Karma children by birth, the name and gender of the second child are unknown, as is the name of Manfred's wife). The events of the 4th case in GS/AA1 have left his relationships with both Manfred and Franziska strained; the former is in prison - if not dead - for the murder of Miles' father, and the latter is incredibly upset about what she perceives as the loss of her "little brother". (Note that Franziska is six years younger than Miles.)

Miles earned his law degree at the age of 20. He began taking cases very shortly thereafter - the first being State vs. Onamida, which ended before a verdict could be handed down due to the premature death of the defendant. (Gyakuten Saiban 3, case 4.)

However, his first major case was at the age of 22, State vs. Darke. (backstory in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, case 5)

He earned a conviction in this case, which was a serial murder case that ended with the murder of the originally assigned prosecutor, Neil Marshall. However, the conviction of Joe Darke came at the price of his own reputation; rumors circulated heavily around the prosecutor's office after this point that he had forged evidence or manipulated witnesses.

We next hear of him at age 24, in the second case of the first game, State vs. Fey. In this case, Maya Fey, a young spirit-medium-in-training is accused of the murder of her older
sister, Mia, which took place in the Wright and Co. Law offices. Before this trial ends, both Maya and Phoenix stand accused of the murder. Edgeworth pushes this case on all fronts until Wright proves that the real murderer was Redd White, CEO of Bluecorp, an "information company". This case is the first mention of the DL-6 incident - it turns out that the Fey sisters' mother was involved in the murder trial of Edgeworth's father. She was a witness in this trial and as such, herself being a spirit medium (the ability runs in the Fey blood) summoned the spirit of his father so that he could testify to the killer's name. The defense attorney in this case,
Robert Hammond, goes on to play an important role in case 4. In the end, the trial of the person Edgeworth Sr. named - Yanni Yogi - ended in an acquittal for the accused by reason of insanity.

The third case in the first game involves popular action star Will Powers being accused of the murder of his co-star in the popular Steel Samurai" children's television series, Jack Hammer. During the course of this investigation, it's found that it isn't actually possible for Powers to have committed the murder. In fact, it was Hammer who intended to murder the CEO of the studio - Dee Vasquez - as she had ruined his career. Vasquez pushes Hammer onto a spike,
impaling him, and frames Powers for the crime. This marks the first time that Miles works with Phoenix to draw out the truth of a case. It's also interesting to note the reaction after:
Detective d**k Gumshoe notes that after this case, Miles can be found muttering "Wright. Wright. Wright." out his window.

In the fourth case of the first game, Miles is the defendant, accused of murdering Robert Hammond - the defense attorney who was involved in the murder case of his father. The two men were in a boat on Gourd Lake alone on Christmas Eve; Miles is not only the only other one on
the lake that night, but his prints are on the murder weapon. To make matters worse, he is prosecuted by the man who raised him as one of his own children. It's his worst nightmares come to life. During the case, it's thought that nine-year-old Miles accidentally killed his own
father - and he almost confesses to the murder of Robert Hammond, because in his own words, "I'm the only one who could have done it. I don't know why I picked up that gun." He's depressed and despondent, and feels that the trial is his own punishment for what happened as a

In the end, Manfred von Karma is found to have been the true killer of Edgeworth's father, and he has set up Yanni Yogi - the suspect in the DL-6 incident - with instructions on how to kill Robert Hammond ("the man who destroyed your life" - the insanity defense has left Yogi alone and penniless) while making it look like Edgeworth did it. 15 years have all led up to a convoluted revenge plot - it appears that the elder von Karma adopted young Miles in order to destroy him as an adult. (Miles' father tarnished von Karma's 40-year record of perfect prosecution wins.) It's also revealed here that Edgeworth and Phoenix's childhood friendship is what pushed Phoenix into becoming the defense attorney that he is.

Case 5 of the first game actually presents a few problems with canon. I'd like personally to believe that it is canon - Edgeworth's behavior in the second game is explained a lot by what happens here.

The case is a revisit of Miles' first major case at age 22 - the SL-9 incident. Under the guidance of Lana Skye and Damon Gant of the Police Department, he uses – unknowingly – false evidence in order to obtain a conviction. This case is the prosecution of Lana Skye for the murder of the last remaining detective who investigated the SL-9 case: Robert Goodman. (After SL-9, the elder Skye became a prosecutor.)

This case, however, ends up as much of an examination of prosecutors in general – Miles included – as it is an investigation of the two actual murders. In the end, it's found that while Joe Darke did commit 4 of the serial murders that composed this incident, he did not commit the last murder. Lana Skye – under the coercion of now-Police Chief Gant – has falsified this evidence and gave it to Miles. He then used it in court. While the ends would have been the same, it's the means of the case that, in the end, cause Miles to leave the Prosecutors'
Office after the trial ends. (Skye is innocent of murder and guilty of falsifying evidence; it's revealed that Gant was the killer of both Goodman and Neil Marshall.) He does so with a note reading, "Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth chooses death."

Other identifying characteristics and personality quirks:

He is a loner at best - it's not that he's necessarily antisocial, but he doesn't feel as comfortable in light conversation as he does when he is investigating or prosecuting a case. He's used to finer things in life - he drives a flashy car, dresses well, and enjoys classical
music and tea. Has been known to be harsh with people, to the point of pushing them to their mental limits if need be to get at the heart of a situation. However, when he is passionate about something, you can tell that as well - he's a closet fan of the Steel Samurai, a popular
children's television show, which gives him a bit of humor.

Miles is extremely intelligent and earned his law degree at the age of twenty. He has been tutored extensively in the areas of tampering with witnesses, and there are rumors that he has also forged evidence in order to win a verdict.

Edgeworth is, by nature, a loner and would likely be best at planning strategy or setting up another character to either learn information or deny information, depending on how prompted. While he's not a social person - he would keep to himself, for the most part - he wouldn't be averse to working with others if pushed to that.

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Viewing 7 of 7 comments.

Asher is Le Spiffy One

Report | 10/22/2008 6:13 am

Asher is Le Spiffy One

Miles Edgeworth does not have silver hair. rolleyes

Report | 10/22/2008 2:24 am


I am commenting on your profile. Ergo, I am showing my support for you.
Kaos Persona

Report | 10/21/2008 8:29 pm

Kaos Persona

Oodles! Many tater tot orders worth!

I'm cool. Ya know, besides all the emotional stress I'm in. Kinda bored. >_<
Kaos Persona

Report | 10/21/2008 8:05 pm

Kaos Persona

I'll be your fan! Theres this guy that cut me in line in the college cafeteria line yesterday...I want to sue him for emotional stress!
GDs Phoenix Wright

Report | 10/21/2008 7:36 pm

GDs Phoenix Wright

4laugh Certainly!
GDs Phoenix Wright

Report | 10/21/2008 7:25 pm

GDs Phoenix Wright

GDs Phoenix Wright

Report | 10/21/2008 1:29 pm

GDs Phoenix Wright

lol, You're going to have to get yourself a red coat!


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Prosecutor Edgeworth needs fans! D< PM or comment to be one?
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