
Name : Angelica
Nick Name : Angel
Birthdate : 08/15/1994
Eye Color: Light brown
Hair Color: black
Height: 5'2
Weight: 87lbs
Piercings: ears only
Tatoos: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none
Vehicle: SUV
Overused Phrase: Puh lease

Food: choclate
Pub/Disc/Restaurant: McDonalds
Candy: lips
Number: 10
Color: black
Animal: a cute puppy
Drink: pepsi n water haha
Body Part on Opposite sex: butt
Perfume: secret love
TV Show: icarly
Music Album: wtvr, forever by chris brown
Movie: national treasure 2
Actor/Actress: Zac efron

This or That
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonalds of course
Chocolate or Vanilla i pick chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Coffee!!! i love it
Kiss or Hug: Kiss is good but also a hug
Dog or Cat: A dog
Rap or Punk: rap. i hate punk
Summer or Winter: Summer, i like going to the beach
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: both
Love or Money: Love but money is appropriate

Bedtime: anytiyme i want
Most Missed Memory: havin fun in majuro
Best phyiscal feature: evrythang ahaha
First Thought Waking Up: brush my teeth
Ambition: i dnt knw
Best Friends: i have alot
Weakness: heights
Fears: crazy people
Longest relationship: classified

Cheated Your Partner: nah
Ever been beaten up: of course not
Ever beaten someone up: yeah
Ever Shoplifted: no.
Ever Skinny Dipped: i dnt recall
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: classified
Been Dumped Lately: never!!!

Favorite Eye Color: brown
Favorite Hair Color: black
Short or Long: wtvr
Height: 6
Style: better be cool
Looks or Personality: both
Hot or Cute uugh hot of course
Muscular or Really Skinny: muscular haha

What country do you want to Visit: America
How do you want to Die: In sleep less painful
Been to the Mall Lately: alot
Get along with your Parents: yeah pretty much
Health Freak: not really, i eat what i wanna eat
Do you think your Attractive: uumm, thats wht they say haha
Believe in Yourself: of couse
Want to go to College: nah but i'll do it anyway
Do you Smoke: nope
Do you Drink: classified
Shower Daily: umm DUH of couse who doesnt
Been in Love: nope
Do you Sing: hell yeah
Want to get Married: not now
Do you want Children: haha not now
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: and not now
Hate anyone: some

Yours Truely

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Meh Again <3

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So Innocent Looking Lol
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Viewing 10 of 10 friends


Viewing 9 of 9 comments.


Report | 04/11/2010 8:42 pm


Thanks for the request

Report | 02/18/2009 4:55 pm



Report | 01/26/2009 8:57 am


aww that sux, i acually had to go to work after i told Deaunna i had to go... can you tell her i said sorry?

Well acually i'll tell her. hehe

Report | 01/25/2009 5:20 pm


Alaorias Vendor

Report | 01/25/2009 2:32 am

Alaorias Vendor

Wow 4-6 Thats Alot , Nd You and Jamie Still Going out? , Wow Lol. Ill Give You Atleast a Shirt And Bree Lol , I Might Get My Hair Cut Donno , I Love My Hair Lol . Ok Then Night , Have a Good Sleep

Alaorias Vendor

Report | 01/25/2009 2:22 am

Alaorias Vendor

Hmmmk , So You Dont Wanna Go To Movies? , Well Yeah I guess Thats Better , But I Donno About My Store Lol , I Guess You guys can But..... , Dont ask For Freebies Lol. Btw Hows Daisy?
Has She Had Her Puppies Yet? , Omg Cant Wait To See Them lol
Alaorias Vendor

Report | 01/25/2009 2:15 am

Alaorias Vendor

You Cant Live With Me Because I Cant Have You, Plus Your Too Young To Move Away From Home
You Can Come Stay Weekends And Stuff , Next Time You Come Over Ask Brees Mum If Shes Aloud To Come Ill Take You Guys Out To The Movies then Maybe To A Salon , Hows That Sound?
Alaorias Vendor

Report | 01/25/2009 2:10 am

Alaorias Vendor


You Uploaded Those Pics Lol <3 Yuh

Hows Livin At Home With Mum Nd Dad?

Report | 02/20/2008 10:32 am


ello! ^^