
Remember to visit the best cafe on the block:

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Now, for the feature presentation:

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My name is Rae, but you can call me Angel, Rae, AJ, or anything you can think of (just make sure it's nice). What is there to know about me? Plenty, but not all of it can be seen by a simple few paragraphs, see? One thing you should know is how imperfect I am. I try my best to excel, attempt with determination to succeed, hope for the best but expect the worse, don't try to stop being lazy, and can't help but cherish sentimentality. My favorite pastime is writing, and I've found it an amazing way to fill up free time and such with stories and peoms and pictures to accompany them. I run track and cross country, and have been known to confuse words with other words quite easily. I have an obsession with bows, I adore manatees, and love sundresses. You got all that? Ew, stalker. If you're reading all this, I must be really interesting then, eh? I've had a lot of people compare me to Giselle, but what can I say? I...oh my goodness, a butterfly! Shall I sing How Does She Know again?

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I LOVE childish movies, Disney and all the like, and I DO sing the songs into a hairbrush and dance in front of my mirror, very proudly. My favorite movie of all time? Well, that's easy--it's Howl's Moving Castle, of course! Wall-E may be a close second though...I am also a fan of GUN-WIELDING, GIANT SWORD FLAILING, CRAZY TRICKED OUT VEHICLE WITH POINTY WEAPONS ALL FLIP CRAZY OUT THE BACKSIDE DRIVING GUYS WHO WEAR BLACK AND HAVE WELL CHOREOGRAPHED FIGHT STYLES. (Advent Children is the obvious allusion). I do love that movie though, even if it was a self-discovery and I never truly played the original game, I believe that Final Fantasy VII is one of the most heart-wrenching series I have ever viewed (in a good way).

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I'm a big music fan, all the while, and I prefer soft songs that you can listen too while watching the clouds drift by slowly, and those that you can mad dash a 100 meter to, with all the motivation you need. I love to sing plenty as well, songs in my head that pop up at random times, and ones I try my hardest to remember the lyrics to. Sometimes, I can be a little over the top with my songs, I used to sing True Love's Kiss all the time at track practice last year and, well, it became a song of much contempt to some of my fellow hurdlers. Songs get stuck in my head ALL THE TIME. I mean, I can be sitting perfectly smiley in class and then...it comes. Singing "Life is a Highway" and everyone going, "Oh, my God, here she is again SINGING IN FIRST PERIOD."

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If I had a nickel for every moment in Fullmetal Alchemist that made me cry, well, I would still be broke. (So much for a new Wii game...) Regardless, I hold that show close to m heart, and I believe it will always remain my favorite. No matter how Greg Sanders attempts to bring me to the CSI side (Must...resist...the awesome-ness). If there's one thing I hold important, it's following a dream, even if you're more-so chasing after it, since it has slipped through your fingers. I also love D.gray-man and Wolf's Rain, alongside a once in awhile dose of Naruto. I love shows that are about determination in following a life's goal, about a pull so strong in one direction your heart leads you, that nothing can pull you away. I believe in inner strength as a hopeful thing, and view the saddness of the world as an essential piece of the human puzzle. Oh, did I mention my love for Ben 10? YES, TAKE A GOOD HARD GANDER.
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I am my own person, and I think that's a good thing to be. Did I mention how much I love singing? I do, I really do, but I really do need lessons too. I love playing badminton in THE HEAT OF BATTLE. Like we're fighting a WW, I am a determined, badminton addict. Yeah, check it. I have a crazy wild side (not that crazy!) but I do have a more religious outlook on life. I think there's something more to life, but it's merely the hunch of a simple girl like me. If flowers are so beautiful, then who made them so? I don't know if praying can save someone, but I like to believe it can help. I may be imperfect, and not exactly the person I would like to be, but life's just like that, right?

People call me naive, they tell me to loosen up, be someone I don't want to be...but...I tell them...DON'T BE HATIN', and then I realize that I have many more tell me I'm cute, or sweet, or kind and then it's like..."You know what world of obstacles that need to be overcome, I'll be whoever I want to be, and no one can change that". In all seriousness, I don't want anyone to change me, no one...I want to preserve the kindness that so many say I should let go of, hold onto the sympathies they say should not be wasted on trivial people, reach for the dreams that people call ridiculous for childish, keep this hope in my heart, and not let anyone take it.

Life's just like a river, and we're on the boat. All we can do is paddle away, and hope we reach a beautiful shore.
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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 01/04/2009 4:50 pm


hola, chica!

Report | 10/17/2008 5:18 pm


Ah, I'm incredibly busy I guess. Plus, we barely ever see each other at school nor do we hang out! User Image ...Two different lives whose paths never cross.

Well, I hope your life is going wonderfully, filled with great experiences and true friends ^^ Ttyl, kk? Ciao!

Report | 10/10/2008 6:30 pm



Report | 09/29/2008 12:30 pm


Oh, it was wonderful! I was ecstatic to see everyone again <3 Saturday and Sunday were the best days since school started.

I'd have told you about it had you been on the bus this morning though! Oh well!

Report | 08/05/2008 3:04 pm


Haha, thanks ^^ It's called Electropop by Jupiter Rising.

Report | 07/25/2008 3:08 pm


haha, true, 90 year old supermans wouldnt be very attractive now, would they? i liked batman better than any of the spider man movies though, cuz batman knows ninja moves! anyway, they always show spiderman macin' on other people instead of being with mj, and thats annoying... but yah, i dont think they're gonna change him unless he dies... he's still yound and i think itll be a while before he starts balding and stuff ^__^

Report | 07/25/2008 2:40 pm


really? i didnt know that they changed her! she looked different in the first movie compared to the second one, so im sure people wont mind anyway if they change her for the third

Report | 07/25/2008 2:39 pm


haha, really? i like the colors * 3* and the giant robots!
[. Angel Of Alchemy .]

Report | 07/25/2008 2:27 pm

[. Angel Of Alchemy .]

Ditto, I'm pretty excited, since Fraser is going to kick some mummy butt. But they don't have the original um...whatever that lady's name was playing, it's some new person....

Report | 07/25/2008 2:23 pm


haha, thats fine, even if you guys dont go, thats what you have autumn for! we were gonna go to the movies again to watch wanted, but i have to go for golf practice today..... i cant wait till the third mummy movie comes out!


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[.. You put the dream in my reality ..]