
Angel_Kotoko's avatar

Last Login: 08/20/2009 1:23 pm

Registered: 09/17/2006

Gender: Female


Ok i found this the other day and it said i hadn't been on sence 2007 and i decided to play again......yea i'm still not dead tho i keep getting close....I have the most amazeing boyfriend ever his name is Ian....i have to go now but i plan to update everything verry soon

My Quotes

"These violent delights have violent ends
And in their triumph die, like fire and powder,
Which, as they kiss, consume."
-- Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene VI

a stranger is just a friend you have not met yet
--Quizilla quiz

No boy is worth your tears and when you find one that is he wont make you cry
-- My amazing sissy

Sing like no one is listening, dance like no one is watching, love like you have never been hurt

Whoever thinks the sunshine brings happiness has obviously never danced in the rain
-- Around




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-2-Emo-Prince-3- Report | 05/16/2008 4:54 pm
I love your profile. ^^
devilsrock229 Report | 10/24/2007 6:12 pm
Hey, I'm bored and i miss you. I hope things are going well at school. I hope you are having fun since this is your last year of Chatham High ^_^ YAY!!!! anyways, i got a new cell phone and it is pretty cool it has AIM on it and camera and texting and internet, so I'll always be online and stuff, I hope to hear from you soon.
Moonstone 001 Report | 07/15/2007 5:55 pm

I'm just posting on random peoples things cause I'm bored... Go figure.

I'm making a guild, when i get enough money, and because i kind of abandond you during that one thred that I made, I've reserved a spot for you. I'll send you a PM when I have The guild running, Hope you'll join!

Miss Anime Rose Report | 06/24/2007 12:24 pm
I love your new profile sissie!
Miss Anime Rose Report | 06/20/2007 4:12 pm
This Comment is for Roberta.

Okay Well, where to begin...Okay, Roberta person, I may not know you, but from reading these childish comments you've left on my sisters gaia, I can get a pretty good sense of your character. First of all, I must say, you call my sister immature, and you claim that she doesnt read the things she writes before she posts them in her comment, well, have you read what you wrote? I highly doubt that. Secondly, you complain Chelsea never has time for you, well, have you ever considered that maybe sh doesn't? Maybe she is actually busy with important things she has to attend to? And yes, I did hang out with her alittle while ago, and do you know why? No you don't, I never see her, we are of different ages, and we go to different schools, ad live in different towns, I never see Chelsea, not like you who sees her every day in school. And I love Chelsea very much, and she means alot to me, and I go for months without seeing her, so the lttle time Chelsea can aqueeze in, she spends with her younger sister whom she does not see every day. Thirdly, you say that Chelsea isn't a "big girl" Well, all i have to say is look at yourself, and read what you wrote to Chelsea, and think about it, I really don't think you're showing "big girl" behavior either. Now, you may think I don't know the whole story, or even the true story about why you're fighting, well guess what, that is correct, I don't, but it doesn't matter in the slightest. The things you say to Chelsea are disgusting, cruel, and really not necessary, fight or not. Another thing that bothers me, and I cannot begin to express enough by saying it, in your comment, you try to put yourself in a higher more respectable power by saying things about solving this matter peacefully and how fighting gets nowhere and how you don't want to cause drama, when you are the one who started all these over dramatic comments, and started all the harsh words. If you are going to critisize other people for doing something, make sure you aren't a hippocrit towards which you critisize. Fourthly, you complain about chelseas love for anime, and that she has no life, but if you are just sitting at your computer, bitching about the same things to chelsea again and again, then who doesn't have a life? You, or Chelsea? I think you. Fifthly, you say you're angry at Chelsea for picking sides, well, you can't expetc everyone to be an angel, we are human beings, we have faults, and one of the many faults of human beings is that we tend to pick sides when it comes to arguments between friends, I can gaurentee you have picked sides in many a fight between friends, so what Chelsea did in picking sides is naturally human. And whose to say only Chelsea is wrong? Now I dont know the whole story, but on every argument, the blame should be placed apon both of the people involved, so maybe you should think about what you did to contribute to the fight before you point all fingers at Chelsea. Nextly, don't give me the "I'm sorry she read it" deal, we all know you're not sorry, and we all know you wanted her to read it so she would get mad at Chelsea and choose your side, so you cant yell at chelsea for choosing sides and encourage others to choose sides, because that is unfair and even more childish than what you accuse of Chelsea. So I just thought I'd put this out there so you may realize your childish acts of immaturety, and I hope you realize that you really should cut the drama, because everything cannot go your way, life doesn't go that way and I'm sorry about that. I am also sorry that a 14 year old girl has to tell a 17 year old girl that they are showing very childish behavior, that is wrong and goes without saying.
devilsrock229 Report | 06/18/2007 3:49 pm
oh and um...User Image srry, but look, you left ur comment explaining what really happened w/ christina on my profile which is a public thing...I is on the internet ...and um...that does mean I can't stop michelle from looking at the comment and getting POEd by what she see my info on AIM is a link to my gaia profile and you don't need to sign on gaia to actually get onto my profile if you just click the link on profile...unfortunately michelle did just that and ummm...let's just say she's a little POed so, when you read one of my earlier comments, just realize this was not done unpurpose, its just...its on a public page that anyone could read and what you said bout what christina's true story is got meeshie upset...making it kinda worse for christina abnd meeshie, even though I know all you were trying to do is protect her...I really AM sorry she read it.
devilsrock229 Report | 06/18/2007 3:33 pm

Hey chelsea cut the "ur so angry cuz I choose christina's side/ I have a life so get out of it" crap, you know (or should know) that I only get even more fired up whebn wrongfully accused. Oh and think next time before you click enter Check both your atitude and what you are saying, and how you come across. You don't she and srry, but christina's excuse bout thinking it unfair to go to meeshie's party after saying she couldn't go is not flying cuz, honestly michelle wishes christina could have at lweast had the decency to say "hey can't stay long but I thought I'ld say hi,"I never said christina ever said kate "magically met up with her at the mall", I meant that the note that she sent michelle implied they had just bumped into eachother. But this issue is over now. and guess what, the first step (omg such a big step for you)in having me out of ur life, is just to not respond to all these comments which are obviously bothering you (which by the way, don't think i haven't noticed that ur not denying most of the things I've been saying to you oh and by the way you are a big girl a "w"hole 17 years old so stop acting like a 3 year old brat who cries thinking it's just so traumatizing when things like getting kicked off the cheerleading team cuz of grades happen, and when you get in a fight with your "mommy", believe me there are worse things to cry bout then that, and as for "i never offered to take you anywhere" you know what I meant, I meant that we had plans and even though I had to cancel, you just could not deal w/ having to do it another day cuz "ur too busy". and now maybe you can have a taste of what ur own comments sound like cuz basically I just tok ur comment and changed it to match myside, literally like the saying "they are using my own words against me" and now, since ur still stuck in lala land I'll make this phrase very simple in lala land language so that u'll understand it, since the phrase comes from someone in ur little lala land...I wash my hands of this madness
devilsrock229 Report | 06/18/2007 11:39 am
anyways ... as for ur comment bout chrstina... i thank you for telling me the full story...see meeshie and I thought that christina and kate just bumped into eachother at the mall cuz they both happened to go at the same time, which does happen on cape cod since it is such a small community, and we understood that cuz that's unavoidable, meeting accidently bumping into people you know on cape cod, but meeshie did say that if she finds out it was otherwise she was gunna be pissed and your comment just proved it WAS otherwise, so thanx I really apreciate knowing the WHOLE story, does michelle for that matter ^-^. plus, I do not need to be told I've been kicked out of a place I wasn't even in to begin with, becuz I honestly have not considered christina to be my friend for a couple months now, I just was trying to make it pleasant for the time I have to spend w/ her until i leave, so further conversation bout whether we are friends or not is unnecessary, thanx again, really appreciate your help. ^-^
devilsrock229 Report | 06/18/2007 11:19 am
fine, *shrugs*, if you don't want to work this out, then fine w/e cuz I'm sick of dealing w/ you, you who is beyond immaturity, so don't call ME immature, and yes I've known ur knives have been gone since rome, but you still did it, and yes I know it was a joke, but still a creepy one...and pff I've been out of lala land since oohhhh idk 4th 5th grade, not that you would understand cuz your stuck in it for life apparently cuz you don't have the power nor the maturity to get out chelsea maher, not chibi bell, not kurai, not anyone but yourself
devilsrock229 Report | 06/17/2007 7:07 pm
and plus if ur gunna tell me I don't know the whole story, you better make sure I ACTUALLY DON"T know the whole story, cuz I do know christina's story..."She's been blowing michelle and I  for the past few months cuz she wanted to make a distance b/w us and her so it doesn't hurt as much when we go to college, and when she blew off michelle's party it was because she was at the mall w/ her dad and Kate just happened to be there" I know the story so don't tell me I don't, all michelle and I think is that she distanced herself from us in the wrong way, plus michelle WAS going to start a fight w/ Christina but stopped and decided it was best to say srry and pretend to be nice to her #2 I don't get how you got that I'm mad at you over taking christina's side cuz we weren't even talking bout her at the time that I got pissed at you, we were talking about a movie you were supposed to take me to that you never did, plus I had absolutely no idea that you had had an opinion over who was right and wrong, I thought you were neutral up until your if ur gunna tell ME that I don't even know the whole should really make sure YOU know OUR whole story and why exactly WE are fighting first.  #3 yes I cancelled, but what you failed to remember is that I DID ask if you could take ME to see it after you took ur little brother, I asked the night I cancelled, right after you asked if it was alright if you brought Hunter and I said "That's fine you and I can go another time" and you said something that implied you didn't want to, so I dropped it. #4 don't tell me you haven't had time to hang out w/ friends lately cuz only a few weeks ago you were talking to me on IM and you told me you were w./ "ur sissy"., and you know what...does it always have to be ME who asks if you want to hang out? why can't you ask me every now and again, I can't remember one time this year that you called me up during one of ur non-busy times asking if I wanted to hang out....and finally...don't tell me "christina doesn't need my drama" cuz I'm not the one whose giving her any drama...and if your getting that this fight is over christina from my 1st comment, than that would also imply that this fight would be over michelle and any other anime lover in the school as well becuz guess what....christina was not the only one mentioned in the comment, and when I talked about people who r obessed w/ anime in that comment, I did not imply christina at all, I implied Molly and that wierdo friend that likes Jack sparrow that sits w/ her everyday, the one w/ the short black hair  anyways I thought you better have that all explained to you so that you aren't all mixed up anymore...and if you told christina that this fight is becuz "Roberta just can't handle the fact that I think she's wrong and I choose ur side" than you owe HER a big apology, as for me I don't give a damn bout christina...yes, michelle and I overreacted bout the christina blowing off michelle's party thingy, but you know what? it wasn't just THAT that got michelle angry at christina, and me disapointed in her, christina has been doing this ever since we got back from rome, and the party thing was just the last straw for as I said, make sure YOU know the whole story before you go and tell others to know the whole story,  and as for our argument, it has nothing to do w/ christina, it has to do w/ the fact that, may REALLY actually be busy, but what I don't think you realize is, that when your always telling me ur too busy to hang out w/ me, or you don't have the money to hang out w/ me, it makes me feel bad, especially since ever since I got back from rome I've felt out of the loop w/ everyone, and I told christina that too @ exactly the same time she started distancing herself from me and meeshie by not talking to us or hanging out w/ us while at the same time promising she and I find a different common ground other than anime and that we'ld hang out more, but w/e all i'm sayi

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Angelic Halo need
CoCo Kitty Plushie need
Fancy Virgin Dress Bought
Fox Ears need
Fox Tailneed
Maid Collar Necklace need
plz help by donating
