
First we start with a Hummingbird, put that in a Sparrow, stuff them both in a Cornish hen, then put that in a Chicken. Put all that in a Duck, then in a Turkey, then in a bigger Turkey, put that in a Penguin, stuff that in a Peacock, then an Eagle, shove it all in an Albatross, then an Emu, next comes an Ostrich, then a Leopard!, Put all that in a Pteridactyl, then stuff it in a Boeng 747.


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Toren's Earth Discoveries

"Don't tell Uru'benan"

If you saw the bar on my profile called MY HISTORY you will understand what this is. Read this to see what I saw each day and please E-mail me if you have any Earth-related things you would like to tell me


Viewing 10 of 16 comments.


Report | 11/16/2011 7:25 pm


been a while... and currently while typing this I don't really have anything to say off the top of my head... figured I'd just do something other than Anime, not that my feelings toward it have changed, but I think I got my point across. This Month (November) is known by many as the huge "Video Game Release Month" examples would be games like Skyrim, Halo CE Anniversary, and MW3. I unfortunately only have MW3 as of yet, and unfortunately think it really is just an overpriced expansion of MW2 (the game mechanics are EXACTLY the same) it's still pretty fun, but doesn't deserve the hype it got. Skyrim looks amazing, and I've been recently playing Oblivion and have been addicted. Let me tell a little story, The day I got MW3 I was expecting a lot (which it obviously didn't deliver) and when I beat it I didn't even go to the highly loved Multiplayer. I just took the disk out and played Oblivion. I've been addicted to that game THAT MUCH as to play it instead of the famous Modern Warfare Multiplayer. I also Unfortunately don't have Halo CE Anniversary, which amusingly is the exact opposite of MW3, which was different story, same gameplay. Halo is same story, different gameplay, and I do believe Halo is going to shred the competition against MW3. (and I am going to play the Halo Multiplayer). So that is really all I wanted to say... confused ... not really a rant xd . How to finish this...umm... TOUHOU SUCKS!!! xd

Report | 09/19/2011 5:50 pm


Rant time... stare ...running out of new material here, I think I've talked (or in this case, YELLED xd ) about the "Youtube Defectors" enough, and Touhou is becoming a low priority to channels like PinkKittyRose, RoahmMythril, and kuposan3, they still have interests in it, but as long as their LP'ing career doesn't revolve around it, its fine by me. I guess I should talk about my major dislike of most Anime with a little more specifics. As you might know, I LOVE Dragon Ball Z. (the original Dragon Ball kinda bored me, and GT felt messy because of all the plot holes.) I love how it doesn't put way to much attention on the emotions and inner feelings of characters. There is such a thing as Character Development, but theres also such a thing called "too much". A good example would be Naruto. I used to follow the series, (videos of course, because Manga just feels wierd to read.) and quite enjoyed it. Then, they started developing, and developing, to the point where Sasuke became this emo that expressed his personality WAY too much. Personally, I don't care about his "inner turmoil" just get to the story already. My brother also tried to show me some anime he said. "it has kung-fu in it" and "no one gets too emotional" so I tried to watch it...(I ought to find the name of it... just for reference.) and there was just something great about a broken promise isn't it? the main character in the story was some teenager who whined about his lack of strength and how friendship will help you in the end. Another overly dramatic Anime. Also, there were the girls with huge eyes, and huge breasts equaled only by how small their skirts were. Classic Anime girl cliche. Also girls for some reason in anime have "deep inner strength" when they get angry, and can easily overpower any man. I don't know if the idea is to compensate for something, but it's just retarded. Anyway, I think I got my point across...I'll try to think of new things later... stare ...

Report | 05/10/2011 6:42 pm


aaaaaand new rant! xd . So, today's subjects, for the two, maybe one of you who actually read this (this aughtta get more public, the only problem is "Cannibal Trolls" Trolls who try to troll other trolls for no reason. (And of course I'm not meaning for any of this to be trolling, and if you find it as such... man, are you in denile). Did that last part make sense? Anyway, the subjects: Youtube Defectors, the new Pokemon Black and White (a sort of more intricate rant than my previous one).
So... those damn defectors, starting with RoahmMythril. He is... well... not really a defector as much as... always liked it. But he keeps it at a low key, so I respect that. kuposan3, dear god. The first time I saw a Touhou video on his profile, I REALLY hoped that it was a low key "try and see" thing, and that it wasn't going to completely dominate his profile. It has. Since he became bored with Super Mario RPG Revolution, and Touhoumon (once again, SERIOUSLY!? TOUHOUMON!? scream ) He's descided to LP Cubivore, which is a pretty decent game. however once he's done, he plans to finish SHITOUHOUMON first. Yeah, that definitely blatantly points out his priorities. And nothing is happening with PinkKittyRose other than the occasional shitty Touhou game. AND if it couldn't get any worse, Achievement Hunter did a rage quit of a Touhou game. That was a disgrace that I hoped would never even be close to their channel, even their website!
Now, Black and White... that is definitely the worst pokemon game ever devised. I don't care if: UNOVA IS AMAZING! POKEMON SOOOO COOOL!!! b***h! b***h! b***h! Unova is downright the most horrible sad excuse for a pokemon game EVER. The pokemon are just gay looking (there even is a legendary that looks like a My Little Pony doll) TMs can be used over and over again, everything is now in crappy rendered 3D Graphics, the pokemon constantly move in batle, unlike other games, where they only move when entering a battle, and HMs have been rendered almost completely useless. Surfing? Cutting? Rock Climbing? Nope, just running. and running. and running. Also, they introduced an entirely new set of 150 and made it so you can't catch any of the previous 4 Generations of pokemon in Unova. That does prevent crappy slap-on evolutions like 4th Gen loved doing, but it still is a horrible idea. I bet the offices of Nintendo were thinking: "If we were given the opportunity to completely redo Generation 1, and make it as horrible and classicaly innacurate as possible, how can we do it?" Bam. Generation 5. So to end this rant, I am obviously never going to get Black and White (if the remake is Grey version, I swear I'm going to murder Nintendo) And I'm still going to watch kuposan3 and Achievement Hunter, but every Touhou video that comes up, either in favorites or uploads, That's going to be an immediate dislike for me. I'm not going to even watch it. So there.

Report | 05/09/2011 3:51 pm


OK, so I haven't ranted in a while, and I'm out of fresh ranting material, so I'm just gonna list my favorite starter pokemon cause I'm bored out of my mind.
1. Totodile 2. Charmander
3. Cyndaquil 4. Squirtle
5. Bulbasaur 6. Chikorita
7. Torchick 8. Treeko
9. Chimchar 10. Mudkip
11. Turtwig 12. Piplup
Unova? Unova doesn't count, because Black and White is s**t. And competely destroys the classicness of Pokemon. Why the ******** does it start in Route 1? There already is a Route 1, and it was back in a REAL Pokemon game. All Unova starters look gayer than Piplup anyway, so they are obviously on the bottom, well, they broke through the bottom. Relating the rankings here to a 12 story floor, Totodile is on the 12th floor, Piplup is on the 1st floor, Unova starters are on the 45th Basement Level.

Report | 02/22/2011 6:33 pm


Whats up everybody! Back for my pure, meaningful, cheerful rant! Yeah, if you see this, then you also probably have seen the retarded name for my journal, which has no relevant things in there whatsoever. Let's just say I have no idea how to change it, and now use my channel for rants. (not trolling, because I don't ask, or even imply a response from anybody). I just hope my rage enduced screaming gets to some people, and they actually think about what i'm saying. But now, time for the rant.
So anyway I'm a High Schooler involved in several extra-carricular activities, and during one of those, I was on my computer playing MM8BDM (Google it if you don't know what it is). And one of the Club mentors comes behind me, looks at my computer and says "Touhou!" First of all the game is clearly an FPS, so in my confusion I turn around and say: "What?" He replies: "Touhou" I ask: "Why would you say that?" He says: "Oh all of the flashing lights in this game remind me of it. I can name all of the characters on it". "Great" I say, "You know I despise that game with a passion, and could honestly care less about a single characer in that game, right?" "You mean you don't like Touhou?" He says, for some reason in surprise. "Do you hate the game, or just everything about it?"
And as my obvious answer, everything. Which brings me to my subject: Touhou. Why is it that so many people love it? I just don't get it. Honestly anything "little anime girl" related annoys me and pisses me off, I just don't get why it's just so damn popular. it's a bunch of little girls with magical powers who fly around and rip off Galaga. It can be summed up with three words: Magical Flying Lesbians. I just wonder if the whole little girl thing is so addicting to people because Males find it as a sort of sexual stimulant (watching a "hot" girl run around and just dream that the girl will magically appear and go out with them). And Females can just relate. I just don't get it. Also, all of those music videos about it. It's just retarded, what's so special? I just realized I have a profound lack of screaming in this rant, so I'll put it here: I ******** HATE TOUHOU!!!... There we go. Anyway I also noticed kuposan3 (a Youtube account I have subscribed to) just favorites Touhou videos like crazy now, literally like ten a week. If you read my previous rant, You should know how he used to hate Touhou and now for some reason loves it, I don't know. I honestly don't know why so many fags love it. Whatever. Just letting everyone know that I ******** HATE TOUHOU!!!
That's it!, see everyone later with another rant! biggrin

Report | 01/17/2011 3:57 pm


Leopard-tan: if you think I'm a troll, why do you bother commenting on my page?

Report | 01/17/2011 3:53 pm


well gaia officially ******** up, and gave me only one Gender Bender potion, and somehow equipped it when I put the helmet on my avatar stressed

Report | 01/16/2011 3:24 pm


What do you know you ******** troll? talk2hand

Report | 01/15/2011 6:34 pm


I have descovered one great thing about the world. And here it is... after many years of seclusion, I have been elightened...

Touhou sucks. Most Animes suck. Ironic I'm doing this on Gaia, isn't it? After all, I've had this profile for longer than I can remember currently, and I only left because it got boring. This website's golden days are over aren't they? But I digress...
There is only one Anime I really like, and that's Dragon Ball Z. Some say It's people screaming, running around and hitting other people, and that's it. I honestly have to disagree. It has a very intricate and intruiging storyline. Unlike most other anime, which ALWAYS HAS ONE OR MORE LITTLE GIRLS WITH SUCH A HIGH PITCHED VOICE IT MAKES MY EARS BLEED scream .
One major culprit to the hate is Touhou... Dear god... Once you see Touhou once, ITS EVERYWHERE! Why do anime freaks feel the need to convert everything around them anime-like too? And worse, thousands of people watch that s**t with a big 4laugh on their face repeating EVERY SINGLE GODFORSAKEN JAPANESE WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THEIR MOUTHS. You try to look up good Touhou trolling to get a good laugh on google? 99.99% of the crap you find will be on people defending the thing you want to see others make fun of.
I know all this, because I live with an anime freak. Constantly, day and night my brother blasts anime over his computer speakers. And worse, he watches the high pitched little girl anime. I'm serious to say I have bought noise cancelling headphones so I can stand living in my house. I have subscribed to several people on Youtube, RoahmMythril: who always liked Touhou, but keeps it to a minimum, and thus I respect that, kuposan3: who used to not like Touhou, and have funny videos in the process. Now he is doing a Let's Play of Touhoumon. SERIOUSLY!? TOUHOUMON!? (more supporting my fact that anime taints everything it ******** touches, well, Pokemon was a decent anime related game, But it wasn't gay s**t anime like Touhou), and pinkkittyrose: who said she would never play something Touhou related, and then out of ******** nowhere does a LP of MegaMari. (Touhou Mega Man, and that's a shame, because Mega Man is one of my favorite games, and they had to soil it by making a absolute shitty game that I won't even bother looking at.
Well to sum this up, Touhou and cheesy (nearly all) anime are the worst things ever invented next to the nuclear bomb. Lock me in a dark room with a giant T.V. playing Lucky Star? I'll either smash the T.V. screen or look away and cover my ears. Loyal fan and personal friend to my Youtube channel asks me to play Touhou? I'll say "hell no".My inspiration to do Let's Play's, RoahmMythril, asks me to do play Touhou with him online if his internet ever gets better? still no. I hate Touhou. I hate nearly all anime.It deserves to go back and rot in Japan, along with all the faggots who act like they worship it. Then maybe we and all mankind can live without it, and that's that.

Report | 05/20/2009 7:27 pm


how have u been i have herd from u in awhile hope u r ok sorry i dont write or comment much hope u guys dont forget me see you all later