ALL GROWN UP. Haven't been here in a while. It's gotten really TECHNICAL on Gaia. (: That's good. Modernize. My name remains the same. I prefer you call me Anjie. I'm in high school. I can't wait to graduate and move out. I still LOVE music. I love reading. I'm a die-hard Twilight fan. Love it or Hate it. I took the time to read the books & I LOVE them, & The movies aren't to bad. (: I'm trying to NERDIFY myself so I can get into UCBerkeley. I NEED a job. I need money. I NEED more time & I think I need to learn how to drive. (: I'm just a little scared of killing myself. I adore and idolize my family & friends. Some of them may not know it, but I truly appreciate them & I love them all. I GREW UP. I get moody. I'm kinda quick-tempered. I'm just tired of dealing with MiddleSchool BS & I think it's about time you drama proned haters grew up too.