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Cursing is my olympic sport
I am very easily amused and distracted
And super ******** clutsy
Im a lazy a**
Cooking is my worst enemy, thats what boyfreinds are for...and for cleaning :3
Oh and for entertainment
Im always trying to find new things to do so message me if you have any ideas!
Im a hypocrite, but who isnt
I know you wont message me if you dont find me interesting and wont message me to find out if i am or if i am not. so PHT you
Im all for shits and giggles
Lolipops make me happy, and so do stickers and fake tattoos
Puking rainbows isnt as fun as youd think it be
Striving to make it into SCAD
I want to be a Pirate
Break dancing is fun, but hard, specailly when you fall and suck
If your reading all of this your crazy HXC
If i have an issue with you ill tell you to your face
I dont care if i hurt your feelings
I would like to be your freind tho
excema sucks when you wish you were a mermaid
Water is awesome it just hates me
Being lactose and tolerant sucks, but i drink the moo juice anyway
AND i really have to pee now
Dont be afraid to message me with what ever random s**t you want,
warning tho i am happy to b***h slap you down



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