
I'm 16 years old, my names Jenny, I like all kinds of music (except country D; ) I like anything athletic (soccer, basketball, running, hockey, you name it I probably like it ;D) I like to go see movies with my friends so we can point out all the random stuff thats wrong with it, I have brown hair (I would like to dye it bright red or green but noooo my mother says I'll look like a circus freak), I'm really tall (In my opinion 5' 11" is tall lmao) I HATE labels (punk, goth, prep), I have some anger issues at times (In first grade I threw a desk on my best friend because she stole my pencil... :S I'm not proud of that) and I love talking to people who aren't like everyone else (these people are normally labeled geek, nerd, goth) That's pretty much it... If you want to know somehting else just ask me ;D