~Antonio Carriedo

Antonio Carriedo's avatar

Last Login: 04/15/2012 1:10 pm

Location: Madrid, Spain


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~Me gustaria..



Nation's name: Espana (or Kingdom of Spain)
Capital: Madrid
Language: Spanish
Birthday: February 12th
National flower: Carnation

Human name: Antonio Fernandez Carriedo
Height: Unknown
Age: 25 (appearance)

A kingdom in southern Europe raised by the sun, bountiful nature, and the warm climate.

昔は 商船で世界中を駆け巡って世界一の大国だった時期もあったが、イギリスに苛められ、年下のアメリカにやられ、大国の座を奪われてからはずっと貧乏と戦うハ メになったかわいそうな国。
Used to be a super power nation that traveled around the world with its merchant ships--but was then tormented by England, beat up upon by a much younger America, and engulfed in poverty and war ever since he was stripped of his status as a super nation.

But, he seemed to have tide himself through those hardships with Espanola Optimism.

His personality is bright, loves people, and has a country-bumpkin-like atmosphere everywhere.

His dishes are TOMATOES TOMATOES TOMATOES! And sweets that aren't really that sweet.


¡Cuánto tiempo!
That is, if I know you.
If you don't know who I am, try brushing up on your history.
Oh! The library is a good place to do that!

I am Antonio Carriedo, but you may call me Spain.
There is not much you need to know about me. I love tomatoes. I have my own garden which I often spend my free time in.
And I love people!!
Sabes que, they're the joys in life!
Unlike most of the nations, I will talk to anyone! Human, nation, or other!
That is mostly everything,



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Om nom nom~




View All Comments

Roderich Edelstein Report | 01/13/2012 8:30 pm
Roderich Edelstein
Aah! You are back. ^^
Gilbert of Prussia Report | 09/10/2010 6:47 am
Gilbert of Prussia
The hell are you wearing?
Roderich Edelstein Report | 09/07/2010 2:14 pm
Roderich Edelstein
You look more like yourself now.
Roderich Edelstein Report | 09/07/2010 1:23 pm
Roderich Edelstein
What? You look lovely.
Roderich Edelstein Report | 09/06/2010 5:22 pm
Roderich Edelstein
What? Nein, not at all.
Bells Belau Report | 08/21/2010 3:53 pm
Bells Belau
Um waiting for you to come to 9501
Bells Belau Report | 08/21/2010 3:29 pm
Bells Belau
Ello Spain ^ w ^
Bells Belau Report | 08/18/2010 3:48 pm
Bells Belau
Ciao, Spain.
British Scones and Tea Report | 03/15/2010 1:08 pm
British Scones and Tea

*Glomps him again, snuggling him close*

Oh Spain! You look sooooo pretty!
Roderich Edelstein Report | 03/15/2010 1:03 pm
Roderich Edelstein
I see you still enjoy tomatoes?


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Antonio Carriedo