Anun the Gatekeeper

Anun the GateKeeper's avatar

Last Login: 07/09/2014 3:44 pm

Registered: 03/16/2006

Gender: Male


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There are two Anun's. One is a dark being that was once a monk, but is now a creature from a different plain of existance. The other is a Spirit Detective, using his abilities to fight against the dark demonic menace that threatens the world. Maybe if you're'll meet both of them.

RP Name- Anun
-Physical attributes-
Height: Seven feet, three inches tall.
Weight: 96 pounds.
Age: 28
Sex: Male
Appearance: Anun wears a blue hooded jacket, a pitch black vest over that where he holds many of his kunai and other objects he finds. His skin is pitch black, his eyes glowing red, and has a mouth full of pure white razor sharp teeth. He is seven feet, nine inches tall and, though because of his rather baggy clothing he doesn't look it, he is quite muscular. He wears somewhat baggy black pants, and black boots that are not big or chunky, but rather slim and have a strange texture upon the sole that allows him to perch upon an object at any angle and not fall off. Underneath his clothing is a mystery. Anun is without a scent, aura, chi, chakra, ki, or any other form of life energy or sensable quality that a human being would possess because of what his body is really made of.
Skills: Anun is capable of great feats of strength, able to lift at most five and a half tonnes. He can also run at speeds clocked at 120 miles per hour for a length of up to half and hour before having to stop and rest. Anun is incredibly stealthy and can blend in with his surroundings so it would seem that he is not there at all. He is also capable of alchemy, which is a great way for him to warp the enviroment around him to benefit him while he is going after a mark.
Weapons/items: A total of about fifty kunai and a blood red stone the size of an egg that is attached to the glove of his left hand, this allows him to perform his alchemic abilities without the backlash of energy that would inflict pain upon his body otherwise.

-Fighting Style-
A combination of physical strength and alchemic alteration.

-Metaphysical energy availible-
Alchemic power capable by using the stone that is attached to his right glove.

-Areas of expertise-

Anun was once the apprentice of a demonic tyrant known as Shin the Relentless. Anun studied with him for many years, devouring whatever knowledge his teacher would bestow upon him. One subject in particular became the focus of his studies, the study of Alchemy. He became obsessed with it, making it his lifes work to become the greatest Alchemist ever known. Unfortunetly for him, he never reached that goal, he had done something rather foolish and trespassed where mortals are not permitted and paid dearly for it. A changed man, he is no longer considered human and can no longer use his stone for human transmutations without it resulting in harming his body. He joined with Hector and his group of talented and fearsome fighters as medical support, stating that he is in no way a fighter and only good for healing the injured. This has been disproven after his encounter with two novice assassins, the result of both fights ending with the death of the novices.

Name: Anun
Age: 17
Race: Believed to be human.
Appearence: Anun stands at 7 foot, 9 inches tall. He has red eyes, though only one is ever visible. He has a muscular physique, which is apparent even when covered by his bandanges. His whole body is covered in bandages, and those bandages are then covered by a many different sutras and demon wards. He wears prayer beads around his neck, and his wrists. He wears baggy gray pants that end just below his knees and a pitch black sash around his waist.
Personality: Silent, yet his eye seems to tell others what he is thinking. Loyal to his friends, and considered a beast to his enemies.
Weapons: The demon wards and sutras he carries with him, carried in bags that are tied to the sash around his waist.
Powers: Spirit energy, and is working on awakening the ability to use Sacred energy.
Bio: Anun is the last surviving monk from the Hatsubasa Shrine. Having been forced to escape from the battle by his fellow monks, allowing him to survive by paying their lives as a sacrifice. Anun vows to exact his revenge upon those that destroyed the Hatsubasa Shrine, so he has trained his body to master some very devastating techniques. He has witnessed the actions of spirit detectives before, creating variation of the attacks many of them had used.

Gaian Name -
Name -
Age -
Race -
Sex -
Appearance -
Zanpakuto appearance -
Shikai -
Bankai -
Bio -
Soul Reaper abilities, Bakudo, and Hado spells -
Other -


View All Comments

II BountyHunter II Report | 12/31/2009 10:46 am
II BountyHunter II
"H-HI i'm the K-K-Keymaster are you the Gatekeeper?"
Ranzou Yagami Report | 09/23/2007 10:01 pm
Ranzou Yagami
Mr. Ryuji Report | 07/28/2007 2:23 pm
Mr. Ryuji
I guess I can understand that then, but next time leave a post card or somethin
Mr. Ryuji Report | 07/15/2007 3:36 am
Mr. Ryuji
So I Was made a fool of eh?
La Rey Report | 02/17/2007 7:03 pm
La Rey
cool av
Dead_Jetty Report | 02/13/2007 12:09 pm
random comment
MyMuler Report | 02/13/2007 11:02 am
hell eh
Mr. Ryuji Report | 01/31/2007 11:13 am
Mr. Ryuji
R.I.P Man, sorry I didn't get to say goodbye.
Trenity Report | 01/19/2007 4:06 pm
hahahaha ha ha ha.......mummy
Aizagora Report | 11/03/2006 9:38 pm
As I said...death isn't always the end, for me it was a new beginning.


~ "I want you to know, just before you die, I will be the one standing over you with your heart clenched in my fist."

~ "I will show the whole of humanity a war so tragic that they will never want to see any fighting ever again!" ~.


~ "...I would rather rule in Hell, than serve in Heaven..." ~