
This statement is false.

Wait, now its true.

No, its still false.

Crap... its true again.

Aoitsuki no Tora

Aoitsuki no Tora's avatar

Last Login: 03/22/2008 7:29 am

Registered: 11/24/2006

Gender: Female

Location: *looks at upside down map* crap, I think Im lost.


This is me so you better damn well listen

Im an antisocial, depressed teenager. All you need to know, seriously. So leave me alone... No really, ******** off. Alright fine, you can stay. Only 'cause you asked so nicely, though. Wait... What? You really don't want to stay? Well fine! I'll just reinstate my previous cry of "******** the hell off!"

Hm, I haven't been on in months. How 'bout that? Not because of neglecting the internet, though. Oh, no. Not because of that. (How perverse!) Its just that everytime I sign on I realize how much I've distanced myself from my friends... and that I can't spell.

Friends (What Friends?)