
  • Gramster Gladiator[121]
  • Lawn Gnome Clipper[122]
  • Laceback Bootsnake Skinner[140]
  • OMG That Hurt[143]
  • Clutch Holder[146]
  • Cherry Fluff Victor[149]
  • Kokeshi Doll Trickster[158]
  • Outlaw Pup Blaster[167]
  • Buzz Saw Splitter[170]
  • Goof Course[221]
  • Durem Blockade[224]
  • Hallowed Ground[246]
  • Ranch Hand[250]
  • Barton 3[251]
  • Ninja Trials[252]
  • The Wailing Windmill[253]

How i feel for her



To Do List:

Tick off somebody to the point where they want to hunt me down (purposly or not): Done

Fall in love: Done

Make her blush as much as i can biggrin one

Make somebody laugh their pants off (medaphorically): Done

Get to the age of 16: Almost there

Go to a All-American-Rejects concert: Need to do

Get a Drivers permit: Need to do

Move out: Need to do


View All Comments

Mystical Toothpaste Report | 07/24/2012 1:43 am
Mystical Toothpaste
it's funny how easily you gave up on me. funny s**t man.
Well, thanks for proving forever= bullshit 4laugh
begorocks12 Report | 11/12/2010 1:34 pm
hey i totally forgot about you and gaia burning_eyes im different now D: well..... lets see my changes would be i read manga now, i love to read all together, i found out im amazing at slam poetry, im moving to California an Christmas day, my new friends are awesome sause biggrin &*&* they can drive smile &*&* and im like a god mother now since my friend had the cutest little b*****d evar!! oh duh you know her audrey J. she had a little kid with jason hes cute as hell!..... bad choice of words? idk lifes going good smile hbu ?

User Image
jemm - chan Report | 08/20/2010 12:14 pm
jemm - chan
cool avi
iMusicWhore Report | 08/17/2010 1:56 pm
cool avi
Balla Baby xoxo Report | 08/08/2010 4:03 pm
 Balla Baby xoxo
Hi apkel. im Erica heart
Rawr Mehh Dinosaur Report | 07/28/2010 8:22 am
Rawr Mehh Dinosaur
Heyy Buddy. =]
Mystical Toothpaste Report | 07/10/2010 11:05 pm
Mystical Toothpaste
okay. i still have to see if i can. but i'll try really hard. looks like i have to go to bed on time tomorrow xD just means i'll be up in time to do all my chores
Mystical Toothpaste Report | 07/10/2010 11:03 pm
Mystical Toothpaste
I don't know, anytime you can make it, if i can I'll leave an hour early or something, the only transportation i have is my brothers bike.
Mystical Toothpaste Report | 07/10/2010 10:58 pm
Mystical Toothpaste
Mystical Toothpaste Report | 07/10/2010 10:34 pm
Mystical Toothpaste
Let me know about Monday if you can. thank you.
Mystical Toothpaste
kayla loves you 17
DT Assassin117
Vampire Masquerade
Smart Car x3


Son (Timmeh)

Daughter (Kayla)

Me (Adam)

Wife (Kai)



