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Arabanth's avatar

Birthday: 03/10

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great song!!


there's life...


hi there!! How have you been!! I'm Gab, nice to meet you.
if you wanna know i'm mexican and i want to make new friends, (and maybe something more jejeje) i like travel a lot and... i run out off ideas to put here,(jeje) you are welcome to ask me anything you want XD
Have a nice day!!!


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KaRoOLaiNA Report | 10/04/2012 6:49 pm
hola amigo ke tal y ese milagro???
ke kuentas komo va el bebito precioso...
hay ya bien grande vdd whee ....espero esten bien tu y tu familia saludos amigo kuidate
y kuida mucho al nene hermosho vale =D
TwilightDzine Report | 03/11/2012 7:49 pm
Im going to try msn messenger!
TwilightDzine Report | 03/11/2012 7:48 pm
My computer froze and Im having problems trying to get back on. Every time I open up a page it freezes. Sad :
TwilightDzine Report | 03/09/2012 9:21 am
Hola!!!!! Estoy bien! Y tu?! From the picture you uploaded on msn messenger he looks so adorable! Whats it like being a father?! I look forward to hearing more great updates! Hopefully I can catch you in messenger some time. Its long overdue for an update smile
KaRoOLaiNA Report | 01/08/2012 2:11 pm
hola komo haz estado ???
espero puedas kontestarme ke es de tu vida???
espero te vaya bien kuidate kluida al nene saludos y saludos a tu esposa mi respeto ok..
kuidate y kuidalos oki bye...
TwilightDzine Report | 08/23/2011 3:18 pm
Hola!! Como estas? How did your exam go? I hope you did awesome ^.^ I can't believe the baby is coming soon. It's almost October. That would be so cool if she was born on el dia de los muertos!! Did you find out if it is a girl? How is the name choosing going?! Ahhh...I feel bad...I haven't studied Spanish in awhile. Chemistry and math take up time now. However, I did make a decision that I want to go to grad school and do public health. I know I was going up and down and everywhere with what I want to do...but that's where I want to go. So that means I have to get going on my Spanish again. haha. I want to be able to help ^.^ I hope all is well and can't wait for another update! Adios mi amigo!
TwilightDzine Report | 06/10/2011 5:38 pm
Enhorabuena!!!!!!!!!! When does she give birth? Do you know if it is a boy or girl?! How exciting ^.^ I really want to see pictures of the wedding and baby!!! You are in the hospital? o.O are you okay?! Lo siento for not responding sooner...I just randomly checked my page and saw a new comment. I'm so excited for you ^.^ Things are alright for me...on summer break now. I'm thinking of trying to get into a teaching program next year for math or science. Did you pass the exam to be a tech?! I was just studying Spanish yesterday smile I'm trying to learn chemistry, calculus, and about that order. My brain hurts. haha. I told the Spanish teacher at the school I work at that I am going to study harder so i can attempt speaking to her next year...and her students. It's odd...the students say "Mi nombre" instead of "Me llamo." Which is actually better? Keep me updated on things ^.^
Furuba-Fan-Kyo Report | 01/29/2011 11:13 pm
Well hey! It really has been a long time :p I'm really starting to get horrible terrified about high school. I have until next Thursday to pick out what classes I'm taking next year.... I've started my first novel, and it's progressing slowly, but surely. But what's new wiff you???
TwilightDzine Report | 01/09/2011 4:41 pm
Buenos Dias Gabriel! Como esta? Just wanted to stop by and say Happy New Years smile I hope to hear how things are going for you with school and work. Been busy but loving my job. I think I want to be teacher! haha. Talk to you soon I hope smile
TwilightDzine Report | 09/19/2010 9:19 pm
Hola hombre!!! Como estas?!?! I have been so badly as of late I hardly come on...and it seems the same with you. haha. I hope all is well smile I found a job awhile back as a lab assistant and educational assistant at a high school. It has kept me quite busy! I am hoping to just do this for two years and move on to grad school...keep your fingers crossed that I will ^.^ How have things been with you and your job?! I haven't studied Spanish in awhile because I've been trying to understand and read chemistry...I miss Spanish sad I hope to run into you on here again mi amigo. Adios for now smile


Welcome! glad to see u here!!(^o^) plz check my stuff, i have good prices and if u cant afford it, well send me a PM so we can solve it ok?
have a nice day!!!! =^-^=


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