
Well ya know, I am Seth. I am currently 18, and a born and raised Kansan. I am very passive, and unless your a freind I really dont pay attention to what you say. Arcangel is the name I gave myself after losing my first girlfriend and it reminds me just how hellish the world is. Women can tear you heart apart, remember that. I love helping my friends and most of all like having a good time. Halo is just about the best shooter I have ever seen, and Mass Effect almost made me cry. There are some amazing programmers out there... Ohh for those who are wanting to know, no I will not be okay. I am dead.. A stone shield protects my heart, who knows if it will ever come out. <.> And I really don't care anymore...


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 09/19/2008 4:26 pm


happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear seth, happy birthday to you! (i wasnt able to get online yesterday) sorry

Report | 03/20/2008 2:29 am


Ohh, the sad s**t bit won't work anymore Megan, tuff up and get over yourself

Report | 03/20/2008 2:28 am


I don't want anything from you Megan, the play nice stuff was over long ago... I see you for what you really are now. I should have listened all those years ago, then mabey I wouldn't be here.

Report | 03/19/2008 11:52 pm


yeah by caring. i didnt wanna hurt your feelings. im sorry if you saw that as me possibly, in any way, giving you hope. i knew that we'd been through a lot of s**t and that the way i left you tore you up. i didnt want to hurt you anymore. i guess i need to stop caring, then id stop hurting people... make apologies and end this ok. i'll unblock you so we can talk, but lets keep it civil please. i dont need to go back to the loony bin.

Report | 03/19/2008 5:11 pm


Just remember, you started all of this Megan...

Report | 03/19/2008 5:10 pm


Megan I didnt, I added two comments and thats it. Ohh by the way, I may be tired of this life, But I am not like some punk to end it. I'm stronger than that, and kid you aint got s**t on me... Megan, actions are not as intended, the are as perceived, and you should have stopped this a long time ago.

Report | 03/18/2008 8:44 pm


guys just stop! seth quit stalking devins profile. and i did not give you false hope, im sorry if you thot of it that way. please stop trash talking me. i dont want this, i never wanted this. TT

Report | 03/18/2008 7:55 pm


ok first off, dont have the Guts? i swear if i ever meet you in a dark- no scratch that, ANYWHERE i will murder you. Second if your so fed up with this life, END it, oh thats right...YOU DONT HAVE THE GUTS, third What war? just stop trash talking and everything will be PEACHY

Report | 03/18/2008 4:27 pm


Forgot, this is my page, and I have not message nor posted on anyone else page. So you do NOT have to look at this.

Report | 03/18/2008 4:16 pm


Plus you should tell her to keep her mouth shut, and none of this would happen. I was fine with Megan until she lead me on Devin, just ask her your self, about how she didn't want to hurt either of us, leading me on like a lost pup. That was the last nail, and I am completely ruthless now. Megan you started this war, just remember that.


All is painful until Lims-Kragma takes us...