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Arctic Night Fox

Arctic Night Fox's avatar

Last Login: 04/11/2009 8:12 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 12/16


Hi!!! My name is Arctic Night Fox(as you can see).
Anyways, I like to go outside and watch the sky at night, write down poetry, write in Atrian -- the language I created -- and hang with my snakes. Right now, I'm writing a book that I hope to have published. I don't have a title for it yet, but I hope you buy it! So far, it's a very good book and I hope you'd enjoy it, too. I also like scary movies (which I think are funny), the darkness, and being alone. I don't really like to be bothered, unless it is important, I prefer to be alone. I don't show myself to people, but I do on here. I don't know why, it's not like you're going to know me anyway, might as well be yourself, you know?

I hate life and everything in it (not really).
Why do you live if you are going to die? All you do is sit there and live and live, for what? All you do is get hurt, grow, get hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt..... for what? We go through torture everyday and we keep going why? More people fear each other than death, so why don't you die and get it over with?

Off that subject (you can talk to me if you still want to know about that subject. I don't mind).
I want to be a herpetologist, or popularly known as a reptile and amphibian scientist. I loved snakes ever since I was young. My neighbor was one and a snake breeder. Ever since, I have been perusing that job. I don't really have many friends (on Gaia). I only take in people I trust, I need to know you first. I might be open on here, but that doesn't mean I'm going to have the advantage taken from me. It happened before, I won't let it happened again.

From a young age, I was abused. For seven years.
I thought it was normal, I thought it was alright and everyone had it. I started to lose touch of friends, speech, and even love. I didn't know then, but I do now. He left my life, but not my memories. I'm still running from my memories. I have scars mentally and physically. I took counseling for those memories. They said I was cured after a year, but I played as a normal person. I can see things that most others won't recognize. I can remember your every movement, every conversation, but you won't notice. I took counseling for flashbacks, too. I have flashbacks every now and then. Sometimes, I have premonitions. I get angry and see people die; those that I'm frustrated at. I wish it could all end. Maybe I should make it end. I want to kill 'him'. He deserves it. I need to satisfy myself. I won't feel better until 'he' is obliterated. He must die, along with this pathetic world, people, and I......

Agh! Well, more 'About Me.' My name is really Angela Noelle Fowler. I like to be called Fox since it is simplier. I am a bisexual, so if you want, you can hit on me. I don't mind. *wink* Anyways, my favorite color is blue (any shade), animal -- fox (of course), I'm a Satgitarrius, born on December 17th, 1992, and I go to high school in the medical feild. I hope we can talk more, visitor, but it seems I have to go and do something else (I don't live and breathe off of the computer you know!!). I'll be on at 7:00 PM (United States - Eastern Time). As I said, I hope I could talk to you more! See ya around in Gaia!!!

P.S. --
Thanks for reading my 'Profile' for once, not many people do, you know? But, since you've been kind, I'll let you PM (Private Message) me anytime you want to and I'll reply (as long as you aren't a nusince). Well, have a nice day (stereotyping)! Bye!!

(>^_^)>|) ----> -(X.X)->


View All Comments

PYRO EMO Report | 08/22/2008 5:13 pm
Hey I made a room in freeway if you want to join me
JakeyBites Report | 08/21/2008 9:58 pm
eh lol thnx?? XD okies
JakeyBites Report | 08/18/2008 9:55 pm
hi i read your comment on genies profile u still want to be alone??
iactuallydontusethissite Report | 08/17/2008 6:07 pm
Hey. I'm one of brwn4's friends and was just checking out different people's profiles.
xXSexyxXxGenieXx Report | 08/16/2008 7:46 pm
hey where r u? wanna hang out sometime?

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My Daily Story Saga

This is about all the s**t I have in my head that I want to get out. I don't care who reads it, but as long as you understand it then I'm okay with it.

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